import { RxStorage, PreparedQuery } from './rx-storate.interface'; import type { MangoQuery, PouchDBInstance, PouchSettings, RxQuery } from './types'; import { SortComparator, QueryMatcher } from 'event-reduce-js'; export declare class RxStoragePouchDbClass implements RxStorage { adapter: any; pouchSettings: PouchSettings; name: string; constructor(adapter: any, pouchSettings?: PouchSettings); getSortComparator(primaryKey: string, query: MangoQuery): SortComparator; /** * @link */ getQueryMatcher(primaryKey: string, query: MangoQuery): QueryMatcher; createStorageInstance(databaseName: string, collectionName: string, schemaVersion: number, options?: any): PouchDBInstance; createInternalStorageInstance(databaseName: string, _options?: any): Promise; /** * pouchdb has many bugs and strange behaviors * this functions takes a normal mango query * and transforms it to one that fits for pouchdb */ prepareQuery(rxQuery: RxQuery, mutateableQuery: MangoQuery): PreparedQuery; } /** * Runs a primary swap with transform all custom primaryKey occurences * into '_id' * @recursive */ export declare function primarySwapPouchDbQuerySelector(selector: any, primaryKey: string): any; /** * returns the pouchdb-database-name */ export declare function getPouchLocation(dbName: string, collectionName: string, schemaVersion: number): string; export declare function getRxStoragePouchDb(adapter: any, pouchSettings?: PouchSettings): RxStorage;