import { IdleQueue } from 'custom-idle-queue'; import { BroadcastChannel } from 'broadcast-channel'; import type { LeaderElector } from './plugins/leader-election'; import type { CollectionsOfDatabase, PouchDBInstance, RxDatabase, RxCollectionCreator, RxJsonSchema, RxCollection, PouchSettings, ServerOptions, RxDatabaseCreator, RxDumpDatabase, RxDumpDatabaseAny, RxCollectionCreatorBase } from './types'; import { Subject, Subscription, Observable } from 'rxjs'; import { RxChangeEvent } from './rx-change-event'; import { RxStorage } from './rx-storate.interface'; export declare class RxDatabaseBase { name: string; adapter: any; password: any; multiInstance: boolean; eventReduce: boolean; options: any; pouchSettings: PouchSettings; storage: RxStorage; internalStore: RxStorageInstance; constructor(name: string, adapter: any, password: any, multiInstance: boolean, eventReduce: boolean, options: any, pouchSettings: PouchSettings); get $(): Observable>; idleQueue: IdleQueue; readonly token: string; _subs: Subscription[]; destroyed: boolean; collections: Collections; private subject; private observable$; broadcastChannel?: BroadcastChannel; storageToken?: string; broadcastChannel$?: Subject; /** * removes all internal collection-info * only use this if you have to upgrade from a major rxdb-version * do NEVER use this to change the schema of a collection */ dangerousRemoveCollectionInfo(): Promise; /** * spawns a new pouch-instance */ _spawnPouchDB(collectionName: string, schemaVersion: number, pouchSettings?: PouchSettings): PouchDBInstance; /** * This is the main handle-point for all change events * ChangeEvents created by this instance go: * RxDocument -> RxCollection -> RxDatabase.$emit -> MultiInstance * ChangeEvents created by other instances go: * MultiInstance -> RxDatabase.$emit -> RxCollection -> RxDatabase */ $emit(changeEvent: RxChangeEvent): void; /** * removes the collection-doc from this._collectionsPouch */ removeCollectionDoc(name: string, schema: any): Promise; /** * creates multiple RxCollections at once * to be much faster by saving db txs and doing stuff in bulk-operations * This function is not called often, but mostly in the critical path at the initial page load * So it must be as fast as possible */ addCollections(collectionCreators: { [name: string]: RxCollectionCreatorBase; }): Promise<{ [key: string]: RxCollection; }>; /** * create or fetch a collection * @deprecated use addCollections() instead, it is faster and better typed */ collection(args: RxCollectionCreator): Promise>; /** * delete all data of the collection and its previous versions */ removeCollection(collectionName: string): Promise; /** * runs the given function between idleQueue-locking */ lockedRun(fn: (...args: any[]) => T): T extends Promise ? T : Promise; requestIdlePromise(): Promise; /** * Export database to a JSON friendly format. * @param _decrypted * When true, all encrypted values will be decrypted. */ dump(_decrypted: boolean, _collections?: string[]): Promise>; dump(_decrypted?: false, _collections?: string[]): Promise>; /** * Import the parsed JSON export into the collection. * @param _exportedJSON The previously exported data from the `.dump()` method. * @note When an interface is loaded in this collection all base properties of the type are typed as `any` * since data could be encrypted. */ importDump(_exportedJSON: RxDumpDatabaseAny): Promise; /** * spawn server */ server(_options?: ServerOptions): { app: any; pouchApp: any; server: any; }; leaderElector(): LeaderElector; isLeader(): boolean; /** * returns a promise which resolves when the instance becomes leader */ waitForLeadership(): Promise; /** * destroys the database-instance and all collections */ destroy(): Promise; /** * deletes the database and its stored data */ remove(): Promise; } /** * to not confuse multiInstance-messages with other databases that have the same * name and adapter, but do not share state with this one (for example in-memory-instances), * we set a storage-token and use it in the broadcast-channel */ export declare function _ensureStorageTokenExists(rxDatabase: RxDatabase): Promise; /** * writes the changeEvent to the broadcastChannel */ export declare function writeToSocket(rxDatabase: RxDatabase, changeEvent: RxChangeEvent): Promise; /** * returns the primary for a given collection-data * used in the internal pouchdb-instances */ export declare function _collectionNamePrimary(name: string, schema: RxJsonSchema): string; /** * removes all internal docs of a given collection * @return resolves all known collection-versions */ export declare function _removeAllOfCollection(rxDatabase: RxDatabase, collectionName: string): Promise; export declare function createRxDatabase({ name, adapter, password, multiInstance, eventReduce, ignoreDuplicate, options, pouchSettings }: RxDatabaseCreator): Promise>; /** * removes the database and all its known data */ export declare function removeRxDatabase(databaseName: string, adapter: any): Promise; /** * check if the given adapter can be used */ export declare function checkAdapter(adapter: any): Promise; export declare function isInstanceOf(obj: any): boolean; export declare function dbCount(): number; declare const _default: { createRxDatabase: typeof createRxDatabase; removeRxDatabase: typeof removeRxDatabase; checkAdapter: typeof checkAdapter; isInstanceOf: typeof isInstanceOf; RxDatabaseBase: typeof RxDatabaseBase; dbCount: typeof dbCount; }; export default _default;