import * as React from "react"; export declare namespace ReactToolbox { interface Props extends React.Attributes { /** * Set a class for the root component. */ className?: string; /** * Callback called when the component is clicked. */ onClick?: Function; /** * Fires after the mouse is released from the Component. */ onMouseUp?: Function; /** * Callback called when the mouse enters the Component. */ onMouseEnter?: Function; /** * Callback called when the mouse leaves the Component. */ onMouseLeave?: Function; /** * Callback called when the mouse press the Component. */ onMouseDown?: Function; onContextMenu?: Function; onDoubleClick?: Function; onDrag?: Function; onDragEnd?: Function; onDragEnter?: Function; onDragExit?: Function; onDragLeave?: Function; onDragOver?: Function; onDragStart?: Function; onDrop?: Function; onMouseMove?: Function; onMouseOut?: Function; onMouseOver?: Function; onTouchCancel?: Function; onTouchEnd?: Function; onTouchMove?: Function; onTouchStart?: Function; /** * Set inline style for the root component. */ style?: React.CSSProperties; } } export default ReactToolbox;