import * as React from "react"; import ReactToolbox from "../index"; export interface TabTheme { /** * Added to the navigation tab element in case it's active. */ active?: string; /** * Added to the navigation tab element in case it's disabled. */ disabled?: string; /** * Added to the navigation tab element in case it's hidden. */ hidden?: string; /** * Added to the navigation tab element in case it's active. */ label?: string; /** * Class added when icon is set. */ withIcon?: string; /** * Class added when label is set. */ withText?: string; } export interface TabProps extends ReactToolbox.Props { /** * If true, the current component is visible. */ active?: boolean; /** * Additional class name to provide custom styling for the active tab. */ activeClassName?: string; /** * If true, the current component is not clickable. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * If true, the current component is not visible. * @default false */ hidden?: boolean; /** * Icon to be used in inner FontIcon. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * Label text for navigation header. Required. */ label: string; /** * Callback function that is fired when the tab is activated. */ onActive?: Function; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TabTheme; /** * Additional properties passed to Tab root container. */ [key: string]: any; } export class Tab extends React.Component { } export default Tab;