import * as React from 'react'; import ReactToolbox from "../index"; export interface TableCellTheme { /** * Modifier for the icon in case the order is ascendent. */ asc?: string; /** * Added to each cell displayed in the head. */ headCell?: string; /** * Modifier for cells that are numeric. */ numeric?: string; /** * Added to each cell displayed in the table body. */ rowCell?: string; /** * Modifier for cells that are sorted asc or desc. */ sorted?: string; /** * Used for the sort icon included in sorted cells. */ sortIcon?: string; /** * Applied to the root element of the cell. */ tableCell?: string; } export interface TableCellProps extends ReactToolbox.Props { /** * The column number of this cell. */ column?: number; /** * If true the cell is considered as numeric and the content will be displayed aligned to right. * @default false */ numeric?: boolean; /** * Called when the cell is clicked with the click event, column number and row number. */ onClick?: Function; /** * The row number of the cell. */ row?: number; /** * If you provide a value the cell will show an arrow pointing down or up depending on the value to indicate it is a sorted element. Useful only for columns. */ sorted?: 'asc' | 'desc'; /** * The element tag, either `td` or `th`. * @default 'td' */ tagName?: 'td' | 'th'; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: TableCellTheme; } export class TableCell extends React.Component { } export default TableCell;