import * as React from "react"; import ReactToolbox from "../index"; export interface MenuItemTheme { /** * Used for the caption inside the item. */ caption?: string; /** * Added to the root element if it's disabled. */ disabled?: string; /** * Used for the icon element if exists. */ icon?: string; /** * Used as the root class for the component. */ menuItem?: string; /** * Added to the root element in case it's selected. */ selected?: string; /** * Used for the shortcut element if exists. */ shortcut?: string; } export interface MenuItemProps extends ReactToolbox.Props { /** * The text to include in the menu item. Required. */ caption: string; /** * Children to pass through the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * If true, the item will be displayed as disabled and is not selectable. * @default false */ disabled?: boolean; /** * Icon font key string or Element to display in the right side of the option. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * Transferred from the Menu component for selectable menus. Indicates if it's the current active option. * @default false */ selected?: boolean; /** * Displays shortcut text on the right side of the caption attribute. */ shortcut?: string; /** * Classnames object defining the component style. */ theme?: MenuItemTheme; } export class MenuItem extends React.Component { } export default MenuItem;