import * as React from 'react'; import { InternalStandardProps as StandardProps } from '..'; export interface SpeedDialIconProps extends StandardProps, 'children'> { /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes?: { /** Styles applied to the root element. */ root?: string; /** Styles applied to the icon component. */ icon?: string; /** Styles applied to the icon component if `open={true}`. */ iconOpen?: string; /** Styles applied to the icon when an `openIcon` is provided and if `open={true}`. */ iconWithOpenIconOpen?: string; /** Styles applied to the `openIcon` if provided. */ openIcon?: string; /** Styles applied to the `openIcon` if provided and if `open={true}`. */ openIconOpen?: string; }; /** * The icon to display in the SpeedDial Floating Action Button. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * The icon to display in the SpeedDial Floating Action Button when the SpeedDial is open. */ openIcon?: React.ReactNode; /** * @ignore * If `true`, the SpeedDial is open. */ open?: boolean; } export type SpeedDialIconClassKey = keyof NonNullable; /** * * Demos: * * - [Speed Dial]( * * API: * * - [SpeedDialIcon API]( */ export default function SpeedDialIcon(props: SpeedDialIconProps): JSX.Element;