import * as React from 'react'; import { InternalStandardProps as StandardProps } from '..'; import { BackdropProps } from '../Backdrop'; import { PortalProps } from '../Portal'; export interface ModalProps extends StandardProps, 'children'> { /** * A backdrop component. This prop enables custom backdrop rendering. * @default SimpleBackdrop */ BackdropComponent?: React.ElementType; /** * Props applied to the [`Backdrop`](/api/backdrop/) element. */ BackdropProps?: Partial; /** * A single child content element. */ children: React.ReactElement; /** * When set to true the Modal waits until a nested Transition is completed before closing. * @default false */ closeAfterTransition?: boolean; /** * A HTML element or function that returns one. * The `container` will have the portal children appended to it. * * By default, it uses the body of the top-level document object, * so it's simply `document.body` most of the time. */ container?: PortalProps['container']; /** * If `true`, the modal will not automatically shift focus to itself when it opens, and * replace it to the last focused element when it closes. * This also works correctly with any modal children that have the `disableAutoFocus` prop. * * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the modal less * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers. * @default false */ disableAutoFocus?: boolean; /** * If `true`, clicking the backdrop will not fire `onClose`. * @default false */ disableBackdropClick?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the modal will not prevent focus from leaving the modal while open. * * Generally this should never be set to `true` as it makes the modal less * accessible to assistive technologies, like screen readers. * @default false */ disableEnforceFocus?: boolean; /** * If `true`, hitting escape will not fire `onClose`. * @default false */ disableEscapeKeyDown?: boolean; /** * The `children` will be inside the DOM hierarchy of the parent component. * @default false */ disablePortal?: PortalProps['disablePortal']; /** * If `true`, the modal will not restore focus to previously focused element once * modal is hidden. * @default false */ disableRestoreFocus?: boolean; /** * Disable the scroll lock behavior. * @default false */ disableScrollLock?: boolean; /** * If `true`, the backdrop is not rendered. * @default false */ hideBackdrop?: boolean; /** * Always keep the children in the DOM. * This prop can be useful in SEO situation or * when you want to maximize the responsiveness of the Modal. * @default false */ keepMounted?: boolean; /** * Callback fired when the backdrop is clicked. */ onBackdropClick?: React.ReactEventHandler<{}>; /** * Callback fired when the component requests to be closed. * The `reason` parameter can optionally be used to control the response to `onClose`. * * @param {object} event The event source of the callback. * @param {string} reason Can be: `"escapeKeyDown"`, `"backdropClick"`. */ onClose?: { bivarianceHack(event: {}, reason: 'backdropClick' | 'escapeKeyDown'): void; }['bivarianceHack']; /** * Callback fired when the escape key is pressed, * `disableEscapeKeyDown` is false and the modal is in focus. */ onEscapeKeyDown?: React.ReactEventHandler<{}>; /** * If `true`, the modal is open. */ open: boolean; } /** * Modal is a lower-level construct that is leveraged by the following components: * * * [Dialog]( * * [Drawer]( * * [Menu]( * * [Popover]( * * If you are creating a modal dialog, you probably want to use the [Dialog]( component * rather than directly using Modal. * * This component shares many concepts with [react-overlays]( * Demos: * * - [Modal]( * * API: * * - [Modal API]( */ declare const Modal: React.ComponentType; export default Modal;