import * as React from 'react'; import { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../OverridableComponent'; export interface ListTypeMap

{ props: P & { /** * The content of the component. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes?: { /** Styles applied to the root element. */ root?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element unless `disablePadding={true}`. */ padding?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element if dense. */ dense?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element if a `subheader` is provided. */ subheader?: string; }; /** * If `true`, compact vertical padding designed for keyboard and mouse input will be used for * the list and list items. * The prop is available to descendant components as the `dense` context. * @default false */ dense?: boolean; /** * If `true`, vertical padding will be removed from the list. * @default false */ disablePadding?: boolean; /** * The content of the subheader, normally `ListSubheader`. */ subheader?: React.ReactNode; }; defaultComponent: D; } /** * * Demos: * * - [Lists]( * - [Transfer List]( * * API: * * - [List API]( */ declare const List: OverridableComponent; export type ListClassKey = keyof NonNullable; export type ListProps< D extends React.ElementType = ListTypeMap['defaultComponent'], P = {} > = OverrideProps, D>; export default List;