import * as React from 'react'; import { OverridableComponent, OverrideProps } from '../OverridableComponent'; export interface InputAdornmentTypeMap

{ props: P & { /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes?: { /** Styles applied to the root element. */ root?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element if `variant="filled"`. */ filled?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element if `position="start"`. */ positionStart?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element if `position="end"`. */ positionEnd?: string; /** Styles applied to the root element if `disablePointerEvents=true`. */ disablePointerEvents?: string; /** Styles applied if the adornment is used inside . */ hiddenLabel?: string; /** Styles applied if the adornment is used inside . */ marginDense?: string; }; /** * The content of the component, normally an `IconButton` or string. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Disable pointer events on the root. * This allows for the content of the adornment to focus the input on click. * @default false */ disablePointerEvents?: boolean; /** * If children is a string then disable wrapping in a Typography component. * @default false */ disableTypography?: boolean; /** * The position this adornment should appear relative to the `Input`. */ position?: 'start' | 'end'; /** * The variant to use. * Note: If you are using the `TextField` component or the `FormControl` component * you do not have to set this manually. */ variant?: 'standard' | 'outlined' | 'filled'; }; defaultComponent: D; } /** * * Demos: * * - [Text Fields]( * * API: * * - [InputAdornment API]( */ declare const InputAdornment: OverridableComponent; export type InputAdornmentClassKey = keyof NonNullable; export type InputAdornmentProps< D extends React.ElementType = InputAdornmentTypeMap['defaultComponent'], P = {} > = OverrideProps, D>; export default InputAdornment;