import * as React from 'react'; import { InternalStandardProps as StandardProps } from '..'; export type TouchRippleProps = StandardProps> & { center?: boolean; /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes?: { /** Styles applied to the root element. */ root?: string; /** Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `ripple` class. */ ripple?: string; /** Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `rippleVisible` class. */ rippleVisible?: string; /** Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `ripplePulsate` class. */ ripplePulsate?: string; /** Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `child` class. */ child?: string; /** Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `childLeaving` class. */ childLeaving?: string; /** Styles applied to the internal `Ripple` components `childPulsate` class. */ childPulsate?: string; }; }; export type TouchRippleClassKey = keyof NonNullable; declare const TouchRipple: React.ComponentType; export default TouchRipple;