import * as React from 'react'; import { ButtonBaseTypeMap, ExtendButtonBase, ExtendButtonBaseTypeMap } from '../ButtonBase'; import { OverrideProps } from '../OverridableComponent'; export type BottomNavigationActionTypeMap< P, D extends React.ElementType > = ExtendButtonBaseTypeMap<{ props: P & { /** * This prop isn't supported. * Use the `component` prop if you need to change the children structure. */ children?: React.ReactNode; /** * Override or extend the styles applied to the component. */ classes?: { /** Styles applied to the root element. */ root?: string; /** Pseudo-class applied to the root element if selected. */ selected?: string; /** Pseudo-class applied to the root element if `showLabel={false}` and not selected. */ iconOnly?: string; /** Styles applied to the span element that wraps the icon and label. */ wrapper?: string; /** Styles applied to the label's span element. */ label?: string; }; /** * The icon element. */ icon?: React.ReactNode; /** * The label element. */ label?: React.ReactNode; /** * If `true`, the `BottomNavigationAction` will show its label. * By default, only the selected `BottomNavigationAction` * inside `BottomNavigation` will show its label. * * The prop defaults to the value (`false`) inherited from the parent BottomNavigation component. */ showLabel?: boolean; /** * You can provide your own value. Otherwise, we fallback to the child position index. */ value?: any; }; defaultComponent: D; }>; /** * * Demos: * * - [Bottom Navigation]( * * API: * * - [BottomNavigationAction API]( * - inherits [ButtonBase API]( */ declare const BottomNavigationAction: ExtendButtonBase>; export type BottomNavigationActionClassKey = keyof NonNullable< BottomNavigationActionProps['classes'] >; export type BottomNavigationActionProps< D extends React.ElementType = ButtonBaseTypeMap['defaultComponent'], P = {} > = OverrideProps, D>; export default BottomNavigationAction;