import * as React from 'react'; import { StandardProps } from '..'; export interface FormControlLabelProps extends StandardProps< React.LabelHTMLAttributes, FormControlLabelClassKey, 'onChange' > { checked?: boolean; control: React.ReactElement; disabled?: boolean; inputRef?: React.Ref; label: React.ReactNode; name?: string; onChange?: (event: React.ChangeEvent<{}>, checked: boolean) => void; labelPlacement?: 'end' | 'start' | 'top' | 'bottom'; value?: unknown; } export type FormControlLabelClassKey = | 'root' | 'labelPlacementStart' | 'labelPlacementTop' | 'labelPlacementBottom' | 'disabled' | 'label'; /** * Drop in replacement of the `Radio`, `Switch` and `Checkbox` component. * Use this component if you want to display an extra label. * Demos: * * - [Checkboxes]( * - [Radio Buttons]( * - [Switches]( * * API: * * - [FormControlLabel API]( */ declare const FormControlLabel: React.ComponentType; export default FormControlLabel;