import { Connector } from './connector'; import { SocketIoChannel, SocketIoPrivateChannel, SocketIoPresenceChannel } from './../channel'; /** * This class creates a connnector to a server. */ export declare class SocketIoConnector extends Connector { /** * The connection instance. */ socket: any; /** * All of the subscribed channel names. */ channels: any; /** * Create a fresh connection. */ connect(): void; /** * Get module from global scope or options. */ getSocketIO(): any; /** * Listen for an event on a channel instance. */ listen(name: string, event: string, callback: Function): SocketIoChannel; /** * Get a channel instance by name. */ channel(name: string): SocketIoChannel; /** * Get a private channel instance by name. */ privateChannel(name: string): SocketIoPrivateChannel; /** * Get a presence channel instance by name. */ presenceChannel(name: string): SocketIoPresenceChannel; /** * Leave the given channel. */ leave(name: string): void; /** * Get the socket ID for the connection. */ socketId(): string; /** * Disconnect Socketio connection. */ disconnect(): void; }