export as namespace cloudinary; /****************************** Constants *************************************/ type CropMode = string | "scale" | "fit" | "limit" | "mfit" | "fill" | "lfill" | "pad" | "lpad" | "mpad" | "crop" | "thumb" | "imagga_crop" | "imagga_scale"; type CustomFunctionType = "wasm" | "remote"; interface CustomFunction { function_type: CustomFunctionType; source: string; } type Gravity = string | "north_west" | "north" | "north_east" | "west" | "center" | "east" | "south_west" | "south" | "south_east" | "xy_center" | "face" | "face:center" | "face:auto" | "faces" | "faces:center" | "faces:auto" | "body" | "body:face" | "adv_face" | "adv_faces" | "adv_eyes" | "custom" | "custom:face" | "custom:faces" | "custom:adv_face" | "custom:adv_faces" | "auto" | "auto:adv_face" | "auto:adv_faces" | "auto:adv_eyes" | "auto:body" | "auto:face" | "auto:faces" | "auto:custom_no_override" | "auto:none"; type ImageFileExtension = string | "jpg" | "jpe" | "jpeg" | "jpc" | "jp2" | "j2k" | "wdp" | "jxr" | "hdp" | "png" | "gif" | "webp" | "bmp" | "tif" | "tiff" | "ico" | "pdf" | "ps" | "ept" | "eps" | "eps3" | "psd" | "svg" | "ai" | "djvu" | "flif"; type VideoFileExtension = string | "webm" | "mp4" | "ogv" | "flv" | "m3u8"; type Angle = number | string | Array | "auto_right" | "auto_left" | "ignore" | "vflip" | "hflip"; type ColorSpace = string | "srgb" | "no_cmyk"; type ImageFlags = string | Array | "any_format" | "attachment" | "awebp" | "clip" | "cutter" | "force_strip" | "ignore_aspect_ratio" | "keep_iptc" | "layer_apply" | "lossy" | "preserve_transparency" | "png8" | "progressive" | "rasterize" | "region_relative" | "relative" | "strip_profile" | "text_no_trim" | "no_overflow" | "tiled"; type VideoFlags = string | Array | "splice" | "layer_apply" | "no_stream" | "truncate_ts" | "waveform"; type AudioCodec = string | "none" | "aac" | "vorbis" | "mp3"; type AudioFrequency = number | 8000 | 11025 | 16000 | 22050 | 32000 | 37800 | 44056 | 44100 | 47250 | 48000 | 88200 | 96000 | 176400 | 192000; type StreamingProfiles = string | "4k" | "full_hd" | "hd" | "sd" | "full_hd_wifi" | "full_hd_lean" | "hd_lean"; export function crc32(str: string): any; export function utf8_encode(argString: string): any; export class Util { static allStrings(list: Array): boolean; static camelCase(text: string): string; static convertKeys(source: Object, converter?: (value: any) => any): Object; static defaults(target: Object, object1?: any, ...objectN: any[]): Object; static snakeCase(source: string): string; static without(array: Array, item: any): Array; static isNumberLike(value: any): boolean; static withCamelCaseKeys(source: Object): Object; static smartEscape(text: string, unsafe: string | RegExp): string; static withSnakeCaseKeys(source: Object): Object; static hasClass(element: Element, name: string): boolean; static addClass(element: Element, name: string): void; static getAttribute(element: Element, name: string): string; static setAttribute(element: Element, name: string, value: any): void; static removeAttribute(element: Element, name: string): void; static setAttributes(element: Element, attributes: Array): any; static getData(element: Element, name: string): any; static setData(element: Element, name: string, value: any): void; static width(element: Element): number; static isString(value: any): boolean; static isArray(obj: any): boolean; static isEmpty(value: any): boolean; static assign(target: Object, object1?: any, ...objectN: any[]): any; static merge(target: Object, object1?: any, ...objectN: any[]): any; static cloneDeep(value: any): any; static compact(array: Array): Array; static contains(collection: Array, item: any): boolean; static difference(array: Array, values: Array): Array; static isFunction(value: any): boolean; static functions(object: any): Array; static identity(value: any): any; static isPlainObject(value: any): boolean; static trim(text: string): string; } /** * Represents a single transformation. * @class Transformation * @example * t = new cloudinary.Transformation(); * t.angle(20).crop("scale").width("auto"); * * // or * * t = new cloudinary.Transformation( {angle: 20, crop: "scale", width: "auto"}); */ export class Transformation { constructor(options?: Transformation.Options); static "new"(options?: Transformation.Options): Transformation; /** * Return an options object that can be used to create an identical Transformation * @function Transformation#toOptions * @return {Object} Returns a plain object representing this transformation */ toOptions(): Object; /** * Get the value associated with the given name. * @function Transformation#getValue * @param {string} name - the name of the parameter * @return {*} the processed value associated with the given name * @description Use {@link get}.origValue for the value originally provided for the parameter */ getValue(name: string): any; /** * Get the parameter object for the given parameter name * @function Transformation#get * @param {string} name the name of the transformation parameter * @returns {Param} the param object for the given name, or undefined */ get(name: string): any; /** * Remove a transformation option from the transformation. * @function Transformation#remove * @param {string} name - the name of the option to remove * @return {*} Returns the option that was removed or null if no option by that name was found. The type of the * returned value depends on the value. */ remove(name: string): any; /** * Return an array of all the keys (option names) in the transformation. * @return {Array} the keys in snakeCase format */ keys(): Array; /** * Returns a plain object representation of the transformation. Values are processed. * @function Transformation#toPlainObject * @return {Object} the transformation options as plain object */ toPlainObject(): Object; /** * Returns the value of "overlay" if it exists, otherwise returns the value of "underlay" */ hasLayer(): any; /** * Generate a string representation of the transformation. * @return {string } Returns the transformation as a string */ serialize(): string; /** * Combines all propoerties from source transformation into this one * @param source transformation to copy * @return this transforamtion */ fromTransformation(source: Transformation): Transformation; /** * Returns attributes for an HTML tag. * @return PlainObject */ toHtmlAttributes(): Object; /** * Complete the current transformation and chain to a new one. * In the URL, transformations are chained together by slashes. * @function Transformation#chain * @return {Transformation} Returns this transformation for chaining * @example * var tr = cloudinary.Transformation.new(); * tr.width(10).crop('fit').chain().angle(15).serialize() * // produces "c_fit,w_10/a_15" */ chain(): Transformation; /** * Resets this transformation to an empty one */ resetTransformations(): Transformation; "if"(): Condition; // Create a condition "if"(condition?: string): Transformation; // Create a condition "else"(): Transformation; // Separator for setting the desired transformation for an "if" branch in case of falsy condition endIf(): Transformation; // End condition /** * Transformation methods */ angle(value: Angle): Transformation; // degrees or mode audioCodec(value: AudioCodec): Transformation; audioFrequency(value: AudioFrequency): Transformation; aspectRatio(value: string | number): Transformation; // ratio or percent, e.g. 1.5 or 16:9 background(value: string): Transformation; // color, e.g. "blue" or "rgb:9090ff" border(value: string): Transformation; // style, e.g. "6px_solid_rgb:00390b60" color(value: string): Transformation; // e.g. "red" or "rgb:20a020" colorSpace(value: ColorSpace): Transformation; crop(value: CropMode): Transformation; customFunction(value: CustomFunction): Transformation; customPreFunction(value: CustomFunction): Transformation; defaultImage(value: string): Transformation; // public id of an uploaded image delay(value: string): Transformation; density(value: number): Transformation; // Control the density to use while converting a PDF document to images. (range: 50-300, default: 150) dpr(value: "auto" | number): Transformation; // Deliver the image in the specified device pixel ratio. The parameter accepts any positive float value effect(value: string | Array): Transformation; // name and value, e.g. hue:40 fetchFormat(value: "auto" | ImageFileExtension): Transformation; format(value: ImageFileExtension): Transformation; flags(value: ImageFlags | string): Transformation; // Set one or more flags that alter the default transformation behavior. Separate multiple flags with a dot (`.`). gravity(value: Gravity): Transformation; // The last any covers auto:50 which is cropping algorithm aggresiveness and future proofing height(value: number): Transformation; // Number of pixels or height % htmlHeight(value: string): Transformation; htmlWidth(value: string): Transformation; opacity(value: number): Transformation; // percent, 0-100 overlay(value: string): Transformation; // Identifier, e.g. "text:Arial_50:Smile!", or public id of a different resource page(value: number): Transformation; // Given a multi-page file (PDF, animated GIF, TIFF), generate an image of a single page using the given index. prefix(value: string): Transformation; quality(value: string | number): Transformation; // percent or percent[:chroma_subsampling] or auto[:quality_level] radius(value: "max" | number): Transformation; // pixels or max rawTransformation(value: any): Transformation; size(value: string): Transformation; sourceTypes(value: VideoFileExtension | Array): Transformation; sources?: Array; sourceTransformation(value: Object): Transformation; // Set the transformation to apply on each source by an object with pairs of source type and source transformations to apply startOffset(value: number | string): Transformation; streamingProfile(value: string): Transformation; transformation(value: string | Array): Transformation; // Apply a pre-defined named transformation of the given name. When using Cloudinary's client integration libraries, the 'transformation' parameter accepts an array of transformation parameters to be chained together. underlay(value: string): Transformation; // public id of an uploaded image variable(name: string, value: any): Transformation; variables(value: Array<[string, any]>): Transformation; videoCodec(value: string | Object): Transformation; // Select the video codec and control the video content of the profile used. Can be provided in the form [::[]] to specify specific values to apply for video codec, profile and level, e.g. "h264:baseline:3.1". Also accepts a hash of values such as { codec: 'h264', profile: 'basic', level: '3.1' } videoSampling(value: number | string): Transformation; // Integer - The total number of frames to sample from the original video. String - The number of seconds between each frame to sample from the original video. e.g. 2.3s takes one frame every 2.3 seconds. width(value: string | number): Transformation; // Number of pixels, width % or "auto" with rounding step x(value: number): Transformation; // pixels or percent y(value: number): Transformation; // pixels or percent zoom(value: number): Transformation; // percent toHtml(): string; // Returns the string representation of this transformation // Video options bitRate(value: number | string): Transformation; // Advanced control of video bitrate in bits per second. By default the video uses a variable bitrate (VBR), with this value indicating the maximum bitrate. If constant is specified, the video plays with a constant bitrate (CBR). // Supported codecs: h264, h265(MPEG - 4); vp8, vp9(WebM). duration(value :number | string): Transformation; // Float or string endOffset(value: number | string): Transformation; // Float or string fallbackContent(value: string): Transformation; fps(value: string | Array): Transformation; keyframeInterval(value: number): Transformation; offset(value: string): Transformation; // [float, float] or [string, string] or a range. Shortcut to set video cutting using a combination of start_offset and end_offset values poster(value: string | Object): Transformation; sourceTypes(value: string): Transformation; } export class Condition { /** * Represents a transformation condition * @param {string} conditionStr - a condition in string format * @class Condition * @example * // normally this class is not instantiated directly */ constructor(conditionStr: string); static "new"(conditionStr: string): Condition; "and"(): Condition; // Add terms to the condition "or"(): Condition; // Add terms to the condition "then"(): Transformation; // Separator for setting the desired transformation for an "if" branch in case of truthy condition /** * @function Condition#height * @param {string} operator the comparison operator (e.g. "<", "lt") * @param {string|number} value the right hand side value * @return {Condition} this condition */ height(operator: string, value: string | number): Condition; /** * @function Condition#width * @param {string} operator the comparison operator (e.g. "<", "lt") * @param {string|number} value the right hand side value * @return {Condition} this condition */ width(operator: string, value: string | number): Condition; /** * @function Condition#aspectRatio * @param {string} operator the comparison operator (e.g. "<", "lt") * @param {string|number} value the right hand side value * @return {Condition} this condition */ aspectRatio(operator: string, value: string | number): Condition; /** * @function Condition#pageCount * @param {string} operator the comparison operator (e.g. "<", "lt") * @param {string|number} value the right hand side value * @return {Condition} this condition */ pageCount(operator: string, value: string | number): Condition; /** * @function Condition#faceCount * @param {string} operator the comparison operator (e.g. "<", "lt") * @param {string|number} value the right hand side value * @return {Condition} this condition */ faceCount(operator: string, value: string | number): Condition; } export namespace Transformation { export interface Options extends Configuration.Options { angle?: Angle; // degrees or mode aspectRatio?: string | number | string; // ratio or percent, e.g. 1.5 or 16:9 background?: string; // color, e.g. "blue" or "rgb:9090ff" border?: string; // style, e.g. "6px_solid_rgb:00390b60" color?: string; // e.g. "red" or "rgb:20a020" colorSpace?: ColorSpace; crop?: CropMode, customFunction?: CustomFunction, customPreFunction?: CustomFunction, defaultImage?: string; // public id of an uploaded image delay?: string; density?: number | string; // Control the density to use while converting a PDF document to images. (range: 50-300, default: 150) dpr?: number | string; // Deliver the image in the specified device pixel ratio. The parameter accepts any positive float value effect?: string | Array; // name and value, e.g. hue:40 fetchFormat?: ImageFileExtension; format?: ImageFileExtension; flags?: ImageFlags | string; // Set one or more flags that alter the default transformation behavior. Separate multiple flags with a dot (`.`). gravity?: Gravity; // The last any covers auto:50 which is cropping algorithm aggresiveness and future proofing height?: number | string; // Number of pixels or height % htmlHeight?: string; htmlWidth?: string; "if"?: string; // Apply a transformation only if a specified condition is met (see the conditional transformations documentation). "else"?: string; endIf?: string; opacity?: number | string; // percent, 0-100 overlay?: string | string; // Identifier, e.g. "text:Arial_50:Smile!", or public id of a different resource page?: number | string; // Given a multi-page file (PDF, animated GIF, TIFF), generate an image of a single page using the given index. prefix?: string; quality?: string | number; // percent or percent[:chroma_subsampling] or auto[:quality_level] radius?: number | string; // pixels or max rawTransformation?: any; size?: string; transformation?: string | Array; // Apply a pre-defined named transformation of the given name. When using Cloudinary's client integration libraries, the 'transformation' parameter accepts an array of transformation parameters to be chained together. underlay?: string; // public id of an uploaded image variable?: [string, any]; variables?: Array<[string, any]>; width?: string | number; // Number of pixels, width % or "auto" with rounding step x?: number | string; // pixels or percent y?: number | string; // pixels or percent zoom?: number | string; // percent [futureKey: string]: any; } interface VideoOptions extends Transformation.Options { audioCodec?: AudioCodec; audioFrequency?: AudioFrequency; bitRate?: number | string; // Advanced control of video bitrate in bits per second. By default the video uses a variable bitrate (VBR), with this value indicating the maximum bitrate. If constant is specified, the video plays with a constant bitrate (CBR). // Supported codecs: h264, h265(MPEG - 4); vp8, vp9(WebM). duration?: number | string; // Float or string endOffset?: number | string; // Float or string fallbackContent?: string; flags?: VideoFlags; fps?: string | Array; keyframeInterval?: number; offset?: string, // [float, float] or [string, string] or a range. Shortcut to set video cutting using a combination of start_offset and end_offset values poster?: string | Object, sourceTypes?: string; sourceTransformation?: string; startOffset?: number | string; // Float or string streamingProfile?: StreamingProfiles videoCodec?: string | Object; // Select the video codec and control the video content of the profile used. Can be provided in the form [::[]] to specify specific values to apply for video codec, profile and level, e.g. "h264:baseline:3.1". Also accepts a hash of values such as { codec: 'h264', profile: 'basic', level: '3.1' } videoSampling?: number | string; // Integer - The total number of frames to sample from the original video. The frames are spread out over the length of the video, e.g. 20 takes one frame every 5% -- OR -- String - The number of seconds between each frame to sample from the original video. e.g. 2.3s takes one frame every 2.3 seconds. } } /** * Cloudinary configuration class * @constructor Configuration * @param {Object} options - configuration parameters */ export class Configuration { constructor(options?: Configuration.Options); init(): Configuration; set(name: string, value?: any): Configuration; get(name: string): any; merge(config?: Object): Configuration; /** * Initialize Cloudinary from HTML meta tags. * @function Configuration#fromDocument * @return {Configuration} * @example * */ fromDocument(): Configuration; fromEnvironment(): Configuration; toOptions(): Object; } /** * Represents an HTML (DOM) tag * @constructor HtmlTag * @param {string} name - the name of the tag * @param {string} [publicId] * @param {Object} options * @example tag = new HtmlTag( 'div', { 'width': 10}) */ export class HtmlTag { constructor(name: string, publicId?: string, options?: Transformation.Options); constructor(name: string, options?: Transformation.Options); static "new"(name: string, publicId?: string, options?: Transformation.Options): HtmlTag; static "new"(name: string, options?: Transformation.Options): HtmlTag; getOptions(): Object; getOption(name: string): any; attributes(): Object; setAttr(name: string, value: string): void; getAttr(name: string): string; removeAttr(name: string): string; content(): string; openTag(): string; closeTag(): string; toHtml(): string; toDOM(): Element; isResponsive(): boolean; transformation(): Transformation; } /** * Creates an HTML (DOM) Image tag using Cloudinary as the source. * @constructor ImageTag * @extends HtmlTag * @param {string} [publicId] * @param {Object} [options] */ export class ImageTag extends HtmlTag { static "new"(publicId: string, options?: Transformation.Options): ImageTag; static "new"(name: string, publicId: string, options?: Transformation.Options): ImageTag; } /** * Creates an HTML (DOM) Picture tag using Cloudinary as the source. * @constructor PictureTag * @extends HtmlTag * @param {string} [publicId] * @param {Object} [options] */ export class PictureTag extends HtmlTag { static "new"(publicId: string, options?: Transformation.Options, widthList?: Array<[number, number, Transformation]>): PictureTag; static "new"(name: string, publicId: string, options?: Transformation.Options): PictureTag; } /** * Creates an HTML (DOM) Video tag using Cloudinary as the source. * @constructor VideoTag * @extends HtmlTag * @param {string} [publicId] * @param {Object} [options] */ export class VideoTag extends HtmlTag { static "new"(publicId: string, options?: Transformation.VideoOptions): VideoTag; static "new"(name: string, publicId: string, options?: Transformation.Options): VideoTag; /** * Set the transformation to apply on each source * @function VideoTag#setSourceTransformation * @param {Object} value an object with pairs of source type and source transformation * @returns {VideoTag} Returns this instance for chaining purposes. */ setSourceTransformation(value: Object): VideoTag; /** * Set the source types to include in the video tag * @function VideoTag#setSourceTypes * @param {Array} sourceTypes an array of source types * @returns {VideoTag} Returns this instance for chaining purposes. */ setSourceTypes(sourceTypes: VideoFileExtension | Array): VideoTag; /** * Set the poster to be used in the video tag * @function VideoTag#setPoster * @param {string|Object} poster * - string: a URL to use for the poster * - Object: transformation parameters to apply to the poster. May optionally include a public_id to use instead of the video public_id. * @returns {VideoTag} Returns this instance for chaining purposes. */ setPoster(poster: string | Object): VideoTag; /** * Set the content to use as fallback in the video tag * @function VideoTag#setFallbackContent * @param {string} fallbackContent - the content to use, in HTML format * @returns {VideoTag} Returns this instance for chaining purposes. */ setFallbackContent(fallbackContent: string): VideoTag; /** * Returns the HTML for the child elements of this video */ content(): string; } /** * Creates an HTML (DOM) Meta tag that enables client-hints. * @constructor ClientHintsMetaTag * @extends HtmlTag */ export class ClientHintsMetaTag extends HtmlTag { constructor (options?: Transformation.Options); } /**************************************** Layers section ************************************/ export class Layer { /** * Layer * @constructor Layer * @param {Object} options - layer parameters */ constructor(options?: Layer.Options); /** Setters */ resourceType(value: string): Layer; type(value: string): Layer; publicId(value: string): Layer; format(value: string): Layer; /** Getters */ getPublicId(): string; getFullPublicId(): string; toString(): string; } export namespace Layer { export interface Options { resourceType?: string; type?: string; publicId?: string; format?: string; } } export class FetchLayer extends Layer { constructor(options?: FetchLayer.Options); /** setters */ url(url: string): FetchLayer; toString(): string; } export namespace FetchLayer { export interface Options { url?: string } } /** * @constructor TextLayer * @param {Object} options - layer parameters */ export class TextLayer extends Layer { constructor (options?: TextLayer.Options); /** Setters */ fontFamily(value: string): TextLayer; fontSize(value: number): TextLayer; fontWeight(value: string): TextLayer; fontStyle(value: string): TextLayer; fontHinting(value: string): TextLayer; fontAntiAliasing(value: string): TextLayer; textDecoration(value: string): TextLayer; textAlign(value: string): TextLayer; stroke(value: string): TextLayer; letterSpacing(value: number): TextLayer; lineSpacing(value: number): TextLayer; text(value: string): TextLayer; /** Getters */ toString(): string; textStyleIdentifier(): Array; } export namespace TextLayer { export interface Options { resourceType?: string; fontFamily?: string; fontSize?: number; fontWeight?: string; fontStyle?: string; fontHinting?: string; fontAntialiasing?: string; textDecoration?: string; textAlign?: string; stroke?: string; letterSpacing?: number; lineSpacing?: number; text?: string; } } /** * Represent a subtitles layer * @constructor SubtitlesLayer * @param {Object} options - layer parameters */ export class SubtitlesLayer extends TextLayer { constructor (options: TextLayer.Options); } export class Param { constructor (name: string, shortName?: string, process?: (value: any) => any); /** * Set a (unprocessed) value for this parameter * @function Param#set * @param {*} origValue - the value of the parameter * @return {Param} self for chaining */ set(origValue: any): Param; /** * Generate the serialized form of the parameter * @function Param#serialize * @return {string} the serialized form of the parameter */ serialize(): string; /** * Return the processed value of the parameter * @function Param#value */ value(): any; /** * Replaces '#' symbols with 'rgb:' */ norm_color(): string; /** * Wraps this param in an array if it isn't already an array */ build_array(): Array } /** * Main Cloudinary class * @class Cloudinary * @param {Object} options - options to configure Cloudinary * @see Configuration for more details * @example * var cl = new cloudinary.Cloudinary( { cloud_name: "mycloud"}); * var imgTag = cl.image("myPicID"); */ export class Cloudinary { constructor(options: Configuration.Options); static "new"(options: Configuration.Options): Cloudinary; /** * Generate an resource URL. * @function Cloudinary#url * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the resource * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations, possible values include all {@link Transformation} parameters * and {@link Configuration} parameters * @param {string} [options.type='upload'] - the classification of the resource * @param {Object} [options.resource_type='image'] - the type of the resource * @return {string} The resource URL */ url(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): string; /** * Generate an video resource URL. * @function Cloudinary#video_url * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the resource * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations, possible values include all {@link Transformation} parameters * and {@link Configuration} parameters * @param {string} [options.type='upload'] - the classification of the resource * @return {string} The video URL */ video_url(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.VideoOptions): string; /** * Generate an image tag. * @function Cloudinary#image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * Generate an video thumbnail URL. * @function Cloudinary#video_thumbnail_url * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the resource * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations, possible values include all {@link Transformation} parameters * and {@link Configuration} parameters * @param {string} [options.type='upload'] - the classification of the resource * @return {string} The video thumbnail URL */ video_thumbnail_url(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.VideoOptions): string; /** * Generate a string representation of the provided transformation options. * @function Cloudinary#transformation_string * @param {Object} options - the transformation options * @returns {string} The transformation string */ transformation_string(options: Transformation | Transformation.Options): string; /** * Generate an image tag. * @function Cloudinary#image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * Creates a new ImageTag instance, configured using this own's configuration. * @function Cloudinary#imageTag * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the resource * @param {Object} options - additional options to pass to the new ImageTag instance * @return {ImageTag} An ImageTag that is attached (chained) to this Cloudinary instance */ imageTag(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): ImageTag; /** * Generate an image tag for the video thumbnail. * @function Cloudinary#video_thumbnail * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the video * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} An image tag element */ video_thumbnail(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * @function Cloudinary#facebook_profile_image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ facebook_profile_image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * @function Cloudinary#twitter_profile_image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ twitter_profile_image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * @function Cloudinary#twitter_name_profile_image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ twitter_name_profile_image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * @function Cloudinary#gravatar_image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ gravatar_image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * @function Cloudinary#fetch_image * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the image * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {HTMLImageElement} an image tag element */ fetch_image(publicId: string, options?: Transformation | Transformation.Options): HTMLImageElement; /** * @function Cloudinary#video * @param {string} publicId - the public ID of the video * @param {Object} [options] - options for the tag and transformations * @return {string} The generated