/** * @license * Visual Blocks Editor * * Copyright 2019 Google Inc. * https://developers.google.com/blockly/ * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * @fileoverview Type definitions for Blockly. * @author samelh@google.com (Sam El-Husseini) */ export = Blockly; declare module Blockly { interface BlocklyOptions { toolbox?: HTMLElement | string; readOnly?: boolean; trashcan?: boolean; maxTrashcanContents?: number; collapse?: boolean; comments?: boolean; disable?: boolean; sounds?: boolean; rtl?: boolean; horizontalLayout?: boolean; toolboxPosition?: string; css?: boolean; oneBasedIndex?: boolean; media?: string; theme?: Blockly.BlocklyTheme; move?: { scrollbars?: boolean; drag?: boolean; wheel?: boolean; }; grid?: { spacing?: number; colour?: string; length?: number; snap?: boolean; }; zoom?: { controls?: boolean; wheel?: boolean; startScale?: number; maxScale?: number; minScale?: number; scaleSpeed?: number; }; } interface BlocklyTheme { defaultBlockStyles?: {[blocks: string]: Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle;}; categoryStyles?: {[category: string]: Blockly.Theme.CategoryStyle;}; } interface Metrics { absoluteLeft: number; absoluteTop: number; contentHeight: number; contentLeft: number; contentTop: number; contentWidth: number; viewHeight: number; viewLeft: number; viewTop: number; viewWidth: number; } } declare namespace goog { function require(name: string): void; function provide(name: string): void; function isFunction(f: any): boolean; function isString(s: any): boolean; class Disposable { dispose(): void; } namespace dom { function createDom(tagName: string, opt_attributes?: Object, ...var_args: Object[]): Element; function createDom(name: string, ns?: string, children?: any): HTMLElement; function removeChildren(el: Element): void; function removeNode(node: Node): void; function getViewportSize(): any; namespace classlist { function add(el: Element, className: string): void; } class DomHelper { } } namespace ui { class Control extends Component { getChildCount(): number; getContent(): string | Node | Array; getContentElement(): Element; setChecked(checked: boolean): void; setContent(content: string | Node | Array): void; setVisible(visible: boolean, opt_force?: boolean): boolean; } class Component { static EventType: { BEFORE_SHOW: string; SHOW: string; HIDE: string; DISABLE: string; ENABLE: string; HIGHLIGHT: string; UNHIGHLIGHT: string; ACTIVATE: string; DEACTIVATE: string; SELECT: string; UNSELECT: string; CHECK: string; UNCHECK: string; FOCUS: string; BLUR: string; OPEN: string; CLOSE: string; ENTER: string; LEAVE: string; ACTION: string; CHANGE: string; }; getHandler(): events.EventHandler; getElement(): Element; render(opt_parentElement?: Element): void; setId(id: string): void; setRightToLeft(rightToLeft: boolean): void; addChild(child: Component, opt_render?: boolean): void; getChildAt(index: number): Component; removeChildren(opt_unrender: boolean): void; } class Container extends Component { } class Menu extends Container implements events.Listenable { listen: () => events.ListenableKey; setAllowAutoFocus(allow: boolean): void; } class MenuItem extends Control { constructor(content: (string | Node)); setCheckable(checkable: boolean): void; setValue(value: any): void; getValue(): any; addClassName(className: string): void; } class DatePicker extends Component { } } namespace ui.tree { class BaseNode { } class TreeControl__Class { } class TreeNode__Class { } } namespace events { function listen(eventSource: Element | Listenable, eventType: EventType, listener: any, capturePhase?: boolean, handler?: Object): void; function unlistenByKey(key: any): void; interface ListenableKey { key: number; } interface Listenable { listen: () => ListenableKey; } type EventType = string; let EventType: { CLICK: EventType; RIGHTCLICK: EventType; DBLCLICK: EventType; MOUSEDOWN: EventType; MOUSEUP: EventType; MOUSEOVER: EventType; MOUSEOUT: EventType; MOUSEMOVE: EventType; MOUSEENTER: EventType; MOUSELEAVE: EventType; SELECTSTART: EventType; WHEEL: EventType; KEYPRESS: EventType; KEYDOWN: EventType; KEYUP: EventType; BLUR: EventType; FOCUS: EventType; DEACTIVATE: EventType; FOCUSIN: EventType; FOCUSOUT: EventType; CHANGE: EventType; SELECT: EventType; SUBMIT: EventType; INPUT: EventType; PROPERTYCHANGE: EventType; DRAGSTART: EventType; DRAG: EventType; DRAGENTER: EventType; DRAGOVER: EventType; DRAGLEAVE: EventType; DROP: EventType; DRAGEND: EventType; TOUCHSTART: EventType; TOUCHMOVE: EventType; TOUCHEND: EventType; TOUCHCANCEL: EventType; BEFOREUNLOAD: EventType; CONSOLEMESSAGE: EventType; CONTEXTMENU: EventType; DOMCONTENTLOADED: EventType; ERROR: EventType; HELP: EventType; LOAD: EventType; LOSECAPTURE: EventType; ORIENTATIONCHANGE: EventType; READYSTATECHANGE: EventType; RESIZE: EventType; SCROLL: EventType; UNLOAD: EventType; HASHCHANGE: EventType; PAGEHIDE: EventType; PAGESHOW: EventType; POPSTATE: EventType; COPY: EventType; PASTE: EventType; CUT: EventType; BEFORECOPY: EventType; BEFORECUT: EventType; BEFOREPASTE: EventType; ONLINE: EventType; OFFLINE: EventType; MESSAGE: EventType; CONNECT: EventType; ANIMATIONSTART: EventType; ANIMATIONEND: EventType; ANIMATIONITERATION: EventType; TRANSITIONEND: EventType; POINTERDOWN: EventType; POINTERUP: EventType; POINTERCANCEL: EventType; POINTERMOVE: EventType; POINTEROVER: EventType; POINTEROUT: EventType; POINTERENTER: EventType; POINTERLEAVE: EventType; GOTPOINTERCAPTURE: EventType; LOSTPOINTERCAPTURE: EventType; MSGESTURECHANGE: EventType; MSGESTUREEND: EventType; MSGESTUREHOLD: EventType; MSGESTURESTART: EventType; MSGESTURETAP: EventType; MSGOTPOINTERCAPTURE: EventType; MSINERTIASTART: EventType; MSLOSTPOINTERCAPTURE: EventType; MSPOINTERCANCEL: EventType; MSPOINTERDOWN: EventType; MSPOINTERENTER: EventType; MSPOINTERHOVER: EventType; MSPOINTERLEAVE: EventType; MSPOINTERMOVE: EventType; MSPOINTEROUT: EventType; MSPOINTEROVER: EventType; MSPOINTERUP: EventType; TEXT: EventType; TEXTINPUT: EventType; COMPOSITIONSTART: EventType; COMPOSITIONUPDATE: EventType; COMPOSITIONEND: EventType; EXIT: EventType; LOADABORT: EventType; LOADCOMMIT: EventType; LOADREDIRECT: EventType; LOADSTART: EventType; LOADSTOP: EventType; RESPONSIVE: EventType; SIZECHANGED: EventType; UNRESPONSIVE: EventType; VISIBILITYCHANGE: EventType; STORAGE: EventType; DOMSUBTREEMODIFIED: EventType; DOMNODEINSERTED: EventType; DOMNODEREMOVED: EventType; DOMNODEREMOVEDFROMDOCUMENT: EventType; DOMNODEINSERTEDINTODOCUMENT: EventType; DOMATTRMODIFIED: EventType; DOMCHARACTERDATAMODIFIED: EventType; }; let KeyCodes: { A: number, ALT: number, APOSTROPHE: number, AT_SIGN: number, B: number, BACKSLASH: number, BACKSPACE: number, C: number, CAPS_LOCK: number, CLOSE_SQUARE_BRACKET: number, COMMA: number, CONTEXT_MENU: number, CTRL: number, D: number, DASH: number, DELETE: number, DOWN: number, E: number, EIGHT: number, END: number, ENTER: number, EQUALS: number, ESC: number, F: number, F1: number, F10: number, F11: number, F12: number, F2: number, F3: number, F4: number, F5: number, F6: number, F7: number, F8: number, F9: number, FF_DASH: number, FF_EQUALS: number, FF_SEMICOLON: number, FIRST_MEDIA_KEY: number, FIVE: number, FOUR: number, G: number, H: number, HOME: number, I: number, INSERT: number, J: number, K: number, L: number, LAST_MEDIA_KEY: number, LEFT: number, M: number, MAC_ENTER: number, MAC_FF_META: number, MAC_WK_CMD_LEFT: number, MAC_WK_CMD_RIGHT: number, META: number, N: number, NINE: number, NUMLOCK: number, NUM_CENTER: number, NUM_DIVISION: number, NUM_EIGHT: number, NUM_FIVE: number, NUM_FOUR: number, NUM_MINUS: number, NUM_MULTIPLY: number, NUM_NINE: number, NUM_ONE: number, NUM_PERIOD: number, NUM_PLUS: number, NUM_SEVEN: number, NUM_SIX: number, NUM_THREE: number, NUM_TWO: number, NUM_ZERO: number, O: number, ONE: number, OPEN_SQUARE_BRACKET: number, P: number, PAGE_DOWN: number, PAGE_UP: number, PAUSE: number, PERIOD: number, PHANTOM: number, PLUS_SIGN: number, PRINT_SCREEN: number, Q: number, QUESTION_MARK: number, R: number, RIGHT: number, S: number, SCROLL_LOCK: number, SEMICOLON: number, SEVEN: number, SHIFT: number, SINGLE_QUOTE: number, SIX: number, SLASH: number, SPACE: number, T: number, TAB: number, THREE: number, TILDE: number, TWO: number, U: number, UP: number, V: number, VK_NONAME: number, W: number, WIN_IME: number, WIN_KEY: number, WIN_KEY_FF_LINUX: number, WIN_KEY_RIGHT: number, X: number, Y: number, Z: number, ZERO: number } class EventTarget extends Disposable { } class EventHandler { handleEvent(e: any): void; listen(src: Element | Listenable, type: string, opt_fn?: any): EventHandler; } /** * Accepts a browser event object and creates a patched, cross browser event * object. * The content of this object will not be initialized if no event object is * provided. If this is the case, init() needs to be invoked separately. * @param {Event=} opt_e Browser event object. * @param {EventTarget=} opt_currentTarget Current target for event. */ class BrowserEvent { constructor(opt_e?: Event, opt_currentTarget?: EventTarget); } } namespace userAgent { /** * Whether the user agent is running on a mobile device. * * TODO(nnaze): Consider deprecating MOBILE when labs.userAgent * is promoted as the gecko/webkit logic is likely inaccurate. * * @type {boolean} */ var MOBILE: boolean; /** * Whether the user agent is running on Android. * @type {boolean} */ var ANDROID: boolean; /** * Whether the user agent is running on an iPhone. * @type {boolean} */ var IPHONE: boolean; /** * Whether the user agent is running on an iPad. * @type {boolean} */ var IPAD: boolean; } namespace html { class SafeHtml { } } namespace positioning { class ClientPosition { constructor(x: number, y: number); } } } declare module Blockly { class Block extends Block__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Block__Class { /** * Class for one block. * Not normally called directly, workspace.newBlock() is preferred. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The block's workspace. * @param {?string} prototypeName Name of the language object containing * type-specific functions for this block. * @param {string=} opt_id Optional ID. Use this ID if provided, otherwise * create a new ID. * @constructor * @throw When block is not valid or block name is not allowed. */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, prototypeName: string, opt_id?: string); /** @type {string} */ id: string; /** @type {Blockly.Connection} */ outputConnection: Blockly.Connection; /** @type {Blockly.Connection} */ nextConnection: Blockly.Connection; /** @type {Blockly.Connection} */ previousConnection: Blockly.Connection; /** @type {!Array.} */ inputList: Blockly.Input[]; /** @type {boolean|undefined} */ inputsInline: boolean|any /*undefined*/; /** @type {string|!Function} */ tooltip: string|Function; /** @type {boolean} */ contextMenu: boolean; /** * @type {Blockly.Block} * @protected */ parentBlock_: Blockly.Block; /** * @type {!Array.} * @protected */ childBlocks_: Blockly.Block[]; /** * @type {boolean} * @protected */ collapsed_: boolean; /** @type {string|Blockly.Comment} */ comment: string|Blockly.Comment; /** @type {!Blockly.Workspace} */ workspace: Blockly.Workspace; /** @type {boolean} */ isInFlyout: boolean; /** @type {boolean} */ isInMutator: boolean; /** @type {boolean} */ RTL: boolean; /** * True if this block is an insertion marker. * @type {boolean} * @protected */ isInsertionMarker_: boolean; /** * Name of the type of hat. * @type {string|undefined} */ hat: string|any /*undefined*/; /** @type {string} */ type: string; /** @type {boolean|undefined} */ inputsInlineDefault: boolean|any /*undefined*/; /** * Optional text data that round-trips beween blocks and XML. * Has no effect. May be used by 3rd parties for meta information. * @type {?string} */ data: string; /** * Dispose of this block. * @param {boolean} healStack If true, then try to heal any gap by connecting * the next statement with the previous statement. Otherwise, dispose of * all children of this block. */ dispose(healStack: boolean): void; /** * Call initModel on all fields on the block. * May be called more than once. * Either initModel or initSvg must be called after creating a block and before * the first interaction with it. Interactions include UI actions * (e.g. clicking and dragging) and firing events (e.g. create, delete, and * change). * @public */ initModel(): void; /** * Unplug this block from its superior block. If this block is a statement, * optionally reconnect the block underneath with the block on top. * @param {boolean=} opt_healStack Disconnect child statement and reconnect * stack. Defaults to false. */ unplug(opt_healStack?: boolean): void; /** * Walks down a stack of blocks and finds the last next connection on the stack. * @return {Blockly.Connection} The last next connection on the stack, or null. * @package */ lastConnectionInStack(): Blockly.Connection; /** * Bump unconnected blocks out of alignment. Two blocks which aren't actually * connected should not coincidentally line up on screen. * @protected */ bumpNeighbours_(): void; /** * Return the parent block or null if this block is at the top level. * @return {Blockly.Block} The block that holds the current block. */ getParent(): Blockly.Block; /** * Return the input that connects to the specified block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block A block connected to an input on this block. * @return {Blockly.Input} The input that connects to the specified block. */ getInputWithBlock(block: Blockly.Block): Blockly.Input; /** * Return the parent block that surrounds the current block, or null if this * block has no surrounding block. A parent block might just be the previous * statement, whereas the surrounding block is an if statement, while loop, etc. * @return {Blockly.Block} The block that surrounds the current block. */ getSurroundParent(): Blockly.Block; /** * Return the next statement block directly connected to this block. * @return {Blockly.Block} The next statement block or null. */ getNextBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Return the previous statement block directly connected to this block. * @return {Blockly.Block} The previous statement block or null. */ getPreviousBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Return the connection on the first statement input on this block, or null if * there are none. * @return {Blockly.Connection} The first statement connection or null. * @package */ getFirstStatementConnection(): Blockly.Connection; /** * Return the top-most block in this block's tree. * This will return itself if this block is at the top level. * @return {!Blockly.Block} The root block. */ getRootBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Find all the blocks that are directly nested inside this one. * Includes value and statement inputs, as well as any following statement. * Excludes any connection on an output tab or any preceding statement. * Blocks are optionally sorted by position; top to bottom. * @param {boolean} ordered Sort the list if true. * @return {!Array.} Array of blocks. */ getChildren(ordered: boolean): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Set parent of this block to be a new block or null. * @param {Blockly.Block} newParent New parent block. */ setParent(newParent: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Find all the blocks that are directly or indirectly nested inside this one. * Includes this block in the list. * Includes value and statement inputs, as well as any following statements. * Excludes any connection on an output tab or any preceding statements. * Blocks are optionally sorted by position; top to bottom. * @param {boolean} ordered Sort the list if true. * @return {!Array.} Flattened array of blocks. */ getDescendants(ordered: boolean): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Get whether this block is deletable or not. * @return {boolean} True if deletable. */ isDeletable(): boolean; /** * Set whether this block is deletable or not. * @param {boolean} deletable True if deletable. */ setDeletable(deletable: boolean): void; /** * Get whether this block is movable or not. * @return {boolean} True if movable. */ isMovable(): boolean; /** * Set whether this block is movable or not. * @param {boolean} movable True if movable. */ setMovable(movable: boolean): void; /** * Get whether is block is duplicatable or not. If duplicating this block and * descendants will put this block over the workspace's capacity this block is * not duplicatable. If duplicating this block and descendants will put any * type over their maxInstances this block is not duplicatable. * @return {boolean} True if duplicatable. */ isDuplicatable(): boolean; /** * Get whether this block is a shadow block or not. * @return {boolean} True if a shadow. */ isShadow(): boolean; /** * Set whether this block is a shadow block or not. * @param {boolean} shadow True if a shadow. */ setShadow(shadow: boolean): void; /** * Get whether this block is an insertion marker block or not. * @return {boolean} True if an insertion marker. * @package */ isInsertionMarker(): boolean; /** * Set whether this block is an insertion marker block or not. * Once set this cannot be unset. * @param {boolean} insertionMarker True if an insertion marker. * @package */ setInsertionMarker(insertionMarker: boolean): void; /** * Get whether this block is editable or not. * @return {boolean} True if editable. */ isEditable(): boolean; /** * Set whether this block is editable or not. * @param {boolean} editable True if editable. */ setEditable(editable: boolean): void; /** * Set whether the connections are hidden (not tracked in a database) or not. * Recursively walk down all child blocks (except collapsed blocks). * @param {boolean} hidden True if connections are hidden. */ setConnectionsHidden(hidden: boolean): void; /** * Find the connection on this block that corresponds to the given connection * on the other block. * Used to match connections between a block and its insertion marker. * @param {!Blockly.Block} otherBlock The other block to match against. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} conn The other connection to match. * @return {Blockly.Connection} The matching connection on this block, or null. * @package */ getMatchingConnection(otherBlock: Blockly.Block, conn: Blockly.Connection): Blockly.Connection; /** * Set the URL of this block's help page. * @param {string|Function} url URL string for block help, or function that * returns a URL. Null for no help. */ setHelpUrl(url: string|Function): void; /** * Change the tooltip text for a block. * @param {string|!Function} newTip Text for tooltip or a parent element to * link to for its tooltip. May be a function that returns a string. */ setTooltip(newTip: string|Function): void; /** * Get the colour of a block. * @return {string} #RRGGBB string. */ getColour(): string; /** * Get the secondary colour of a block. * @return {?string} #RRGGBB string. */ getColourSecondary(): string; /** * Get the tertiary colour of a block. * @return {?string} #RRGGBB string. */ getColourTertiary(): string; /** * Get the shadow colour of a block. * @return {?string} #RRGGBB string. */ getColourShadow(): string; /** * Get the border colour(s) of a block. * @return {{colourDark, colourLight, colourBorder}} An object containing * colour values for the border(s) of the block. If the block is using a * style the colourBorder will be defined and equal to the tertiary colour * of the style (#RRGGBB string). Otherwise the colourDark and colourLight * attributes will be defined (#RRGGBB strings). * @package */ getColourBorder(): { colourDark: any /*missing*/; colourLight: any /*missing*/; colourBorder: any /*missing*/ }; /** * Get the name of the block style. * @return {?string} Name of the block style. */ getStyleName(): string; /** * Get the HSV hue value of a block. Null if hue not set. * @return {?number} Hue value (0-360). */ getHue(): number; /** * Change the colour of a block. * @param {number|string} colour HSV hue value (0 to 360), #RRGGBB string, * or a message reference string pointing to one of those two values. */ setColour(colour: number|string): void; /** * Set the style and colour values of a block. * @param {string} blockStyleName Name of the block style * @throws {Error} if the block style does not exist. */ setStyle(blockStyleName: string): void; /** * Sets a callback function to use whenever the block's parent workspace * changes, replacing any prior onchange handler. This is usually only called * from the constructor, the block type initializer function, or an extension * initializer function. * @param {function(Blockly.Events.Abstract)} onchangeFn The callback to call * when the block's workspace changes. * @throws {Error} if onchangeFn is not falsey or a function. */ setOnChange(onchangeFn: { (_0: Blockly.Events.Abstract): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Returns the named field from a block. * @param {string} name The name of the field. * @return {Blockly.Field} Named field, or null if field does not exist. */ getField(name: string): Blockly.Field; /** * Return all variables referenced by this block. * @return {!Array.} List of variable names. * @package */ getVars(): string[]; /** * Return all variables referenced by this block. * @return {!Array.} List of variable models. * @package */ getVarModels(): Blockly.VariableModel[]; /** * Notification that a variable is renaming but keeping the same ID. If the * variable is in use on this block, rerender to show the new name. * @param {!Blockly.VariableModel} variable The variable being renamed. * @package */ updateVarName(variable: Blockly.VariableModel): void; /** * Notification that a variable is renaming. * If the ID matches one of this block's variables, rename it. * @param {string} oldId ID of variable to rename. * @param {string} newId ID of new variable. May be the same as oldId, but with * an updated name. */ renameVarById(oldId: string, newId: string): void; /** * Returns the language-neutral value from the field of a block. * @param {string} name The name of the field. * @return {?string} Value from the field or null if field does not exist. */ getFieldValue(name: string): string; /** * Change the field value for a block (e.g. 'CHOOSE' or 'REMOVE'). * @param {string} newValue Value to be the new field. * @param {string} name The name of the field. */ setFieldValue(newValue: string, name: string): void; /** * Set whether this block can chain onto the bottom of another block. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there can be a previous statement. * @param {(string|Array.|null)=} opt_check Statement type or * list of statement types. Null/undefined if any type could be connected. */ setPreviousStatement(newBoolean: boolean, opt_check?: string|string[]|any /*null*/): void; /** * Set whether another block can chain onto the bottom of this block. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there can be a next statement. * @param {(string|Array.|null)=} opt_check Statement type or * list of statement types. Null/undefined if any type could be connected. */ setNextStatement(newBoolean: boolean, opt_check?: string|string[]|any /*null*/): void; /** * Set whether this block returns a value. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there is an output. * @param {(string|Array.|null)=} opt_check Returned type or list * of returned types. Null or undefined if any type could be returned * (e.g. variable get). */ setOutput(newBoolean: boolean, opt_check?: string|string[]|any /*null*/): void; /** * Set whether value inputs are arranged horizontally or vertically. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if inputs are horizontal. */ setInputsInline(newBoolean: boolean): void; /** * Get whether value inputs are arranged horizontally or vertically. * @return {boolean} True if inputs are horizontal. */ getInputsInline(): boolean; /** * Set whether the block is disabled or not. * @param {boolean} disabled True if disabled. * @deprecated May 2019 */ setDisabled(disabled: boolean): void; /** * Get whether this block is enabled or not. * @return {boolean} True if enabled. */ isEnabled(): boolean; /** * Set whether the block is enabled or not. * @param {boolean} enabled True if enabled. */ setEnabled(enabled: boolean): void; /** * Get whether the block is disabled or not due to parents. * The block's own disabled property is not considered. * @return {boolean} True if disabled. */ getInheritedDisabled(): boolean; /** * Get whether the block is collapsed or not. * @return {boolean} True if collapsed. */ isCollapsed(): boolean; /** * Set whether the block is collapsed or not. * @param {boolean} collapsed True if collapsed. */ setCollapsed(collapsed: boolean): void; /** * Create a human-readable text representation of this block and any children. * @param {number=} opt_maxLength Truncate the string to this length. * @param {string=} opt_emptyToken The placeholder string used to denote an * empty field. If not specified, '?' is used. * @return {string} Text of block. */ toString(opt_maxLength?: number, opt_emptyToken?: string): string; /** * Shortcut for appending a value input row. * @param {string} name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find this * input again. Should be unique to this block. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input object created. */ appendValueInput(name: string): Blockly.Input; /** * Shortcut for appending a statement input row. * @param {string} name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find this * input again. Should be unique to this block. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input object created. */ appendStatementInput(name: string): Blockly.Input; /** * Shortcut for appending a dummy input row. * @param {string=} opt_name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find * this input again. Should be unique to this block. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input object created. */ appendDummyInput(opt_name?: string): Blockly.Input; /** * Initialize this block using a cross-platform, internationalization-friendly * JSON description. * @param {!Object} json Structured data describing the block. */ jsonInit(json: Object): void; /** * Add key/values from mixinObj to this block object. By default, this method * will check that the keys in mixinObj will not overwrite existing values in * the block, including prototype values. This provides some insurance against * mixin / extension incompatibilities with future block features. This check * can be disabled by passing true as the second argument. * @param {!Object} mixinObj The key/values pairs to add to this block object. * @param {boolean=} opt_disableCheck Option flag to disable overwrite checks. */ mixin(mixinObj: Object, opt_disableCheck?: boolean): void; /** * Add a value input, statement input or local variable to this block. * @param {number} type Either Blockly.INPUT_VALUE or Blockly.NEXT_STATEMENT or * Blockly.DUMMY_INPUT. * @param {string} name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find this * input again. Should be unique to this block. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input object created. * @protected */ appendInput_(type: number, name: string): Blockly.Input; /** * Move a named input to a different location on this block. * @param {string} name The name of the input to move. * @param {?string} refName Name of input that should be after the moved input, * or null to be the input at the end. */ moveInputBefore(name: string, refName: string): void; /** * Move a numbered input to a different location on this block. * @param {number} inputIndex Index of the input to move. * @param {number} refIndex Index of input that should be after the moved input. */ moveNumberedInputBefore(inputIndex: number, refIndex: number): void; /** * Remove an input from this block. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @param {boolean=} opt_quiet True to prevent error if input is not present. * @throws {Error} if the input is not present and * opt_quiet is not true. */ removeInput(name: string, opt_quiet?: boolean): void; /** * Fetches the named input object. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @return {Blockly.Input} The input object, or null if input does not exist. */ getInput(name: string): Blockly.Input; /** * Fetches the block attached to the named input. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @return {Blockly.Block} The attached value block, or null if the input is * either disconnected or if the input does not exist. */ getInputTargetBlock(name: string): Blockly.Block; /** * Returns the comment on this block (or '' if none). * @return {string} Block's comment. */ getCommentText(): string; /** * Set this block's comment text. * @param {?string} text The text, or null to delete. */ setCommentText(text: string): void; /** * Set this block's warning text. * @param {?string} _text The text, or null to delete. * @param {string=} _opt_id An optional ID for the warning text to be able to * maintain multiple warnings. */ setWarningText(_text: string, _opt_id?: string): void; /** * Give this block a mutator dialog. * @param {Blockly.Mutator} _mutator A mutator dialog instance or null to * remove. */ setMutator(_mutator: Blockly.Mutator): void; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this block relative to the * drawing surface's origin (0,0), in workspace units. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties. */ getRelativeToSurfaceXY(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Move a block by a relative offset. * @param {number} dx Horizontal offset, in workspace units. * @param {number} dy Vertical offset, in workspace units. */ moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): void; /** * Recursively checks whether all statement and value inputs are filled with * blocks. Also checks all following statement blocks in this stack. * @param {boolean=} opt_shadowBlocksAreFilled An optional argument controlling * whether shadow blocks are counted as filled. Defaults to true. * @return {boolean} True if all inputs are filled, false otherwise. */ allInputsFilled(opt_shadowBlocksAreFilled?: boolean): boolean; /** * This method returns a string describing this Block in developer terms (type * name and ID; English only). * * Intended to on be used in console logs and errors. If you need a string that * uses the user's native language (including block text, field values, and * child blocks), use [toString()]{@link Blockly.Block#toString}. * @return {string} The description. */ toDevString(): string; } } declare module Blockly.Block { /** * Obtain a newly created block. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The block's workspace. * @param {?string} prototypeName Name of the language object containing * type-specific functions for this block. * @return {!Blockly.Block} The created block. * @deprecated December 2015 */ function obtain(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, prototypeName: string): Blockly.Block; } declare module Blockly.blockAnimations { /** * Play some UI effects (sound, animation) when disposing of a block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block being disposed of. * @package */ function disposeUiEffect(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): void; /** * Play some UI effects (sound, ripple) after a connection has been established. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block being connected. * @package */ function connectionUiEffect(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): void; /** * Play some UI effects (sound, animation) when disconnecting a block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block being disconnected. * @package */ function disconnectUiEffect(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): void; /** * Stop the disconnect UI animation immediately. * @package */ function disconnectUiStop(): void; } declare module Blockly { class BlockDragSurfaceSvg extends BlockDragSurfaceSvg__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockDragSurfaceSvg__Class { /** * Class for a drag surface for the currently dragged block. This is a separate * SVG that contains only the currently moving block, or nothing. * @param {!Element} container Containing element. * @constructor */ constructor(container: Element); /** * Create the drag surface and inject it into the container. */ createDom(): void; /** * Set the SVG blocks on the drag surface's group and show the surface. * Only one block group should be on the drag surface at a time. * @param {!Element} blocks Block or group of blocks to place on the drag * surface. */ setBlocksAndShow(blocks: Element): void; /** * Translate and scale the entire drag surface group to the given position, to * keep in sync with the workspace. * @param {number} x X translation in workspace coordinates. * @param {number} y Y translation in workspace coordinates. * @param {number} scale Scale of the group. */ translateAndScaleGroup(x: number, y: number, scale: number): void; /** * Translate the entire drag surface during a drag. * We translate the drag surface instead of the blocks inside the surface * so that the browser avoids repainting the SVG. * Because of this, the drag coordinates must be adjusted by scale. * @param {number} x X translation for the entire surface. * @param {number} y Y translation for the entire surface. */ translateSurface(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Reports the surface translation in scaled workspace coordinates. * Use this when finishing a drag to return blocks to the correct position. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Current translation of the surface. */ getSurfaceTranslation(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Provide a reference to the drag group (primarily for * BlockSvg.getRelativeToSurfaceXY). * @return {Element} Drag surface group element. */ getGroup(): Element; /** * Get the current blocks on the drag surface, if any (primarily * for BlockSvg.getRelativeToSurfaceXY). * @return {!Element|undefined} Drag surface block DOM element, or undefined * if no blocks exist. */ getCurrentBlock(): Element|any /*undefined*/; /** * Clear the group and hide the surface; move the blocks off onto the provided * element. * If the block is being deleted it doesn't need to go back to the original * surface, since it would be removed immediately during dispose. * @param {Element=} opt_newSurface Surface the dragging blocks should be moved * to, or null if the blocks should be removed from this surface without * being moved to a different surface. */ clearAndHide(opt_newSurface?: Element): void; } } declare module Blockly { class BlockDragger extends BlockDragger__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockDragger__Class { /** * Class for a block dragger. It moves blocks around the workspace when they * are being dragged by a mouse or touch. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block to drag. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace to drag on. * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.BlockSvg, workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg); /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Start dragging a block. This includes moving it to the drag surface. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at mouse down, in pixel units. * @param {boolean} healStack Whether or not to heal the stack after * disconnecting. * @package */ startBlockDrag(currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate, healStack: boolean): void; /** * Execute a step of block dragging, based on the given event. Update the * display accordingly. * @param {!Event} e The most recent move event. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel units. * @package */ dragBlock(e: Event, currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Finish a block drag and put the block back on the workspace. * @param {!Event} e The mouseup/touchend event. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel units. * @package */ endBlockDrag(e: Event, currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Get a list of the insertion markers that currently exist. Drags have 0, 1, * or 2 insertion markers. * @return {!Array.} A possibly empty list of insertion * marker blocks. * @package */ getInsertionMarkers(): Blockly.BlockSvg[]; } } declare module Blockly.Events { class BlockBase extends BlockBase__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockBase__Class extends Blockly.Events.Abstract__Class { /** * Abstract class for a block event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block this event corresponds to. * @extends {Blockly.Events.Abstract} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * The block id for the block this event pertains to * @type {string} */ blockId: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; } class Change extends Change__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Change__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block change event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The changed block. Null for a blank event. * @param {string} element One of 'field', 'comment', 'disabled', etc. * @param {?string} name Name of input or field affected, or null. * @param {*} oldValue Previous value of element. * @param {*} newValue New value of element. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block, element: string, name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Does this event record any change of state? * @return {boolean} False if something changed. */ isNull(): boolean; /** * Run a change event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class BlockChange extends BlockChange__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockChange__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block change event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The changed block. Null for a blank event. * @param {string} element One of 'field', 'comment', 'disabled', etc. * @param {?string} name Name of input or field affected, or null. * @param {*} oldValue Previous value of element. * @param {*} newValue New value of element. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block, element: string, name: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any); } class Create extends Create__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Create__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block creation event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The created block. Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a creation event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class BlockCreate extends BlockCreate__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockCreate__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block creation event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The created block. Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); } class Delete extends Delete__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Delete__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block deletion event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The deleted block. Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a deletion event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class BlockDelete extends BlockDelete__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockDelete__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block deletion event. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The deleted block. Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); } class Move extends Move__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Move__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block move event. Created before the move. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The moved block. Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Record the block's new location. Called after the move. */ recordNew(): void; /** * Does this event record any change of state? * @return {boolean} False if something changed. */ isNull(): boolean; /** * Run a move event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class BlockMove extends BlockMove__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockMove__Class extends Blockly.Events.BlockBase__Class { /** * Class for a block move event. Created before the move. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The moved block. Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.BlockBase} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); } } declare module Blockly.BlockSvg { class PathObject extends PathObject__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class PathObject__Class { /** * An object that holds information about the paths that are used to render the * block. Each path is built up as an array of steps during the render process. * The arrays are then turned into strings, which are set in the block's SVG. * @constructor * @struct * @private */ constructor(); /** * The primary outline of the block. * @type {!Array.} */ steps: string|number[]; /** * The highlight on the primary outline of the block. * @type {!Array.} */ highlightSteps: string|number[]; /** * The holes in the block for inline inputs. * @type {!Array.} */ inlineSteps: string|number[]; /** * The highlights on holes in the block for inline inputs. * @type {!Array.} */ highlightInlineSteps: string|number[]; } /** * Horizontal space between elements. * @const */ var SEP_SPACE_X: any /*missing*/; /** * Vertical space between elements. * @const */ var SEP_SPACE_Y: any /*missing*/; /** * Vertical padding around inline elements. * @const */ var INLINE_PADDING_Y: any /*missing*/; /** * Minimum height of a block. * @const */ var MIN_BLOCK_Y: any /*missing*/; /** * Height of horizontal puzzle tab. * @const */ var TAB_HEIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * Width of horizontal puzzle tab. * @const */ var TAB_WIDTH: any /*missing*/; /** * Width of vertical tab (inc left margin). * @const */ var NOTCH_WIDTH: any /*missing*/; /** * Rounded corner radius. * @const */ var CORNER_RADIUS: any /*missing*/; /** * Do blocks with no previous or output connections have a 'hat' on top? * @const */ var START_HAT: any /*missing*/; /** * Height of the top hat. * @const */ var START_HAT_HEIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * Path of the top hat's curve. * @const */ var START_HAT_PATH: any /*missing*/; /** * Path of the top hat's curve's highlight in LTR. * @const */ var START_HAT_HIGHLIGHT_LTR: any /*missing*/; /** * Path of the top hat's curve's highlight in RTL. * @const */ var START_HAT_HIGHLIGHT_RTL: any /*missing*/; /** * Distance from shape edge to intersect with a curved corner at 45 degrees. * Applies to highlighting on around the inside of a curve. * @const */ var DISTANCE_45_INSIDE: any /*missing*/; /** * Distance from shape edge to intersect with a curved corner at 45 degrees. * Applies to highlighting on around the outside of a curve. * @const */ var DISTANCE_45_OUTSIDE: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from left to right. * @const */ var NOTCH_PATH_LEFT: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from left to right with * highlighting. * @const */ var NOTCH_PATH_LEFT_HIGHLIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing next/previous notch from right to left. * @const */ var NOTCH_PATH_RIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing jagged teeth at the end of collapsed blocks. * @const */ var JAGGED_TEETH: any /*missing*/; /** * Height of SVG path for jagged teeth at the end of collapsed blocks. * @const */ var JAGGED_TEETH_HEIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * Width of SVG path for jagged teeth at the end of collapsed blocks. * @const */ var JAGGED_TEETH_WIDTH: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing a horizontal puzzle tab from top to bottom. * @const */ var TAB_PATH_DOWN: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing a horizontal puzzle tab from top to bottom with * highlighting from the upper-right. * @const */ var TAB_PATH_DOWN_HIGHLIGHT_RTL: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG start point for drawing the top-left corner. * @const */ var TOP_LEFT_CORNER_START: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG start point for drawing the top-left corner's highlight in RTL. * @const */ var TOP_LEFT_CORNER_START_HIGHLIGHT_RTL: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG start point for drawing the top-left corner's highlight in LTR. * @const */ var TOP_LEFT_CORNER_START_HIGHLIGHT_LTR: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing the rounded top-left corner. * @const */ var TOP_LEFT_CORNER: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing the highlight on the rounded top-left corner. * @const */ var TOP_LEFT_CORNER_HIGHLIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing the top-left corner of a statement input. * Includes the top notch, a horizontal space, and the rounded inside corner. * @const */ var INNER_TOP_LEFT_CORNER: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing the bottom-left corner of a statement input. * Includes the rounded inside corner. * @const */ var INNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing highlight on the top-left corner of a statement * input in RTL. * @const */ var INNER_TOP_LEFT_CORNER_HIGHLIGHT_RTL: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing highlight on the bottom-left corner of a statement * input in RTL. * @const */ var INNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER_HIGHLIGHT_RTL: any /*missing*/; /** * SVG path for drawing highlight on the bottom-left corner of a statement * input in LTR. * @const */ var INNER_BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER_HIGHLIGHT_LTR: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class BlockSvg extends BlockSvg__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BlockSvg__Class extends Blockly.Block__Class { /** * Class for a block's SVG representation. * Not normally called directly, workspace.newBlock() is preferred. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The block's workspace. * @param {?string} prototypeName Name of the language object containing * type-specific functions for this block. * @param {string=} opt_id Optional ID. Use this ID if provided, otherwise * create a new ID. * @extends {Blockly.Block} * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, prototypeName: string, opt_id?: string); /** @type {boolean} */ rendered: boolean; /** * Height of this block, not including any statement blocks above or below. * Height is in workspace units. */ height: any /*missing*/; /** * Width of this block, including any connected value blocks. * Width is in workspace units. */ width: any /*missing*/; /** * Create and initialize the SVG representation of the block. * May be called more than once. */ initSvg(): void; /** * Select this block. Highlight it visually. */ select(): void; /** * Unselect this block. Remove its highlighting. */ unselect(): void; /** * Block's mutator icon (if any). * @type {Blockly.Mutator} */ mutator: Blockly.Mutator; /** * Block's comment icon (if any). * @type {Blockly.Comment} */ comment: Blockly.Comment; /** * Block's warning icon (if any). * @type {Blockly.Warning} */ warning: Blockly.Warning; /** * Returns a list of mutator, comment, and warning icons. * @return {!Array} List of icons. */ getIcons(): any[]; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this block relative to the * drawing surface's origin (0,0), in workspace units. * If the block is on the workspace, (0, 0) is the origin of the workspace * coordinate system. * This does not change with workspace scale. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties in * workspace coordinates. */ getRelativeToSurfaceXY(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Move a block by a relative offset. * @param {number} dx Horizontal offset in workspace units. * @param {number} dy Vertical offset in workspace units. */ moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): void; /** * Transforms a block by setting the translation on the transform attribute * of the block's SVG. * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the translation in workspace units. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the translation in workspace units. */ translate(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Move a block to a position. * @param {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} xy The position to move to in workspace units. */ moveTo(xy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Move this block during a drag, taking into account whether we are using a * drag surface to translate blocks. * This block must be a top-level block. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} newLoc The location to translate to, in * workspace coordinates. * @package */ moveDuringDrag(newLoc: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Snap this block to the nearest grid point. */ snapToGrid(): void; /** * Returns the coordinates of a bounding box describing the dimensions of this * block and any blocks stacked below it. * Coordinate system: workspace coordinates. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Rect} Object with coordinates of the bounding box. */ getBoundingRectangle(): Blockly.utils.Rect; /** * Set whether the block is collapsed or not. * @param {boolean} collapsed True if collapsed. */ setCollapsed(collapsed: boolean): void; /** * Open the next (or previous) FieldTextInput. * @param {Blockly.Field|Blockly.Block} start Current location. * @param {boolean} forward If true go forward, otherwise backward. */ tab(start: Blockly.Field|Blockly.Block, forward: boolean): void; /** * Generate the context menu for this block. * @protected * @returns {Array.} Context menu options */ generateContextMenu(): Object[]; /** * Recursively adds or removes the dragging class to this node and its children. * @param {boolean} adding True if adding, false if removing. * @package */ setDragging(adding: boolean): void; /** * Add or remove the UI indicating if this block is movable or not. */ updateMovable(): void; /** * Set whether this block is movable or not. * @param {boolean} movable True if movable. */ setMovable(movable: boolean): void; /** * Set whether this block is editable or not. * @param {boolean} editable True if editable. */ setEditable(editable: boolean): void; /** * Set whether this block is a shadow block or not. * @param {boolean} shadow True if a shadow. */ setShadow(shadow: boolean): void; /** * Set whether this block is an insertion marker block or not. * Once set this cannot be unset. * @param {boolean} insertionMarker True if an insertion marker. * @package */ setInsertionMarker(insertionMarker: boolean): void; /** * Return the root node of the SVG or null if none exists. * @return {Element} The root SVG node (probably a group). */ getSvgRoot(): Element; /** * Dispose of this block. * @param {boolean=} healStack If true, then try to heal any gap by connecting * the next statement with the previous statement. Otherwise, dispose of * all children of this block. * @param {boolean=} animate If true, show a disposal animation and sound. */ dispose(healStack?: boolean, animate?: boolean): void; /** * Change the colour of a block. */ updateColour(): void; /** * Sets the colour of the border. * Removes the light and dark paths if a border colour is defined. */ setBorderColour_(): void; /** * Sets the colour of shadow blocks. * @return {?string} The background colour of the block. */ setShadowColour_(): string; /** * Enable or disable a block. */ updateDisabled(): void; /** * Returns the comment on this block (or '' if none). * @return {string} Block's comment. */ getCommentText(): string; /** * Set this block's comment text. * @param {?string} text The text, or null to delete. */ setCommentText(text: string): void; /** * Set this block's warning text. * @param {?string} text The text, or null to delete. * @param {string=} opt_id An optional ID for the warning text to be able to * maintain multiple warnings. */ setWarningText(text: string, opt_id?: string): void; /** * Give this block a mutator dialog. * @param {Blockly.Mutator} mutator A mutator dialog instance or null to remove. */ setMutator(mutator: Blockly.Mutator): void; /** * Set whether the block is disabled or not. * @param {boolean} disabled True if disabled. * @deprecated May 2019 */ setDisabled(disabled: boolean): void; /** * Set whether the block is enabled or not. * @param {boolean} enabled True if enabled. */ setEnabled(enabled: boolean): void; /** * Set whether the block is highlighted or not. Block highlighting is * often used to visually mark blocks currently being executed. * @param {boolean} highlighted True if highlighted. */ setHighlighted(highlighted: boolean): void; /** * Select this block. Highlight it visually. */ addSelect(): void; /** * Unselect this block. Remove its highlighting. */ removeSelect(): void; /** * Update the cursor over this block by adding or removing a class. * @param {boolean} enable True if the delete cursor should be shown, false * otherwise. * @package */ setDeleteStyle(enable: boolean): void; /** * Change the colour of a block. * @param {number|string} colour HSV hue value, or #RRGGBB string. */ setColour(colour: number|string): void; /** * Move this block to the front of the visible workspace. * tags do not respect z-index so SVG renders them in the * order that they are in the DOM. By placing this block first within the * block group's , it will render on top of any other blocks. * @package */ bringToFront(): void; /** * Set whether this block can chain onto the bottom of another block. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there can be a previous statement. * @param {(string|Array.|null)=} opt_check Statement type or * list of statement types. Null/undefined if any type could be connected. */ setPreviousStatement(newBoolean: boolean, opt_check?: string|string[]|any /*null*/): void; /** * Set whether another block can chain onto the bottom of this block. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there can be a next statement. * @param {(string|Array.|null)=} opt_check Statement type or * list of statement types. Null/undefined if any type could be connected. */ setNextStatement(newBoolean: boolean, opt_check?: string|string[]|any /*null*/): void; /** * Set whether this block returns a value. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if there is an output. * @param {(string|Array.|null)=} opt_check Returned type or list * of returned types. Null or undefined if any type could be returned * (e.g. variable get). */ setOutput(newBoolean: boolean, opt_check?: string|string[]|any /*null*/): void; /** * Set whether value inputs are arranged horizontally or vertically. * @param {boolean} newBoolean True if inputs are horizontal. */ setInputsInline(newBoolean: boolean): void; /** * Remove an input from this block. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @param {boolean=} opt_quiet True to prevent error if input is not present. * @throws {Error} if the input is not present and * opt_quiet is not true. */ removeInput(name: string, opt_quiet?: boolean): void; /** * Move a numbered input to a different location on this block. * @param {number} inputIndex Index of the input to move. * @param {number} refIndex Index of input that should be after the moved input. */ moveNumberedInputBefore(inputIndex: number, refIndex: number): void; /** * Returns connections originating from this block. * @param {boolean} all If true, return all connections even hidden ones. * Otherwise, for a non-rendered block return an empty list, and for a * collapsed block don't return inputs connections. * @return {!Array.} Array of connections. * @package */ getConnections_(all: boolean): Blockly.Connection[]; /** * Schedule snapping to grid and bumping neighbours to occur after a brief * delay. * @package */ scheduleSnapAndBump(): void; /** * Position a block so that it doesn't move the target block when connected. * The block to position is usually either the first block in a dragged stack or * an insertion marker. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} sourceConnection The connection on the moving * block's stack. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} targetConnection The connection that should stay * stationary as this block is positioned. */ positionNearConnection(sourceConnection: Blockly.Connection, targetConnection: Blockly.Connection): void; } } declare module Blockly.BlockSvg { /** * Constant for identifying rows that are to be rendered inline. * Don't collide with Blockly.INPUT_VALUE and friends. * @const */ var INLINE: any /*missing*/; /** * ID to give the "collapsed warnings" warning. Allows us to remove the * "collapsed warnings" warning without removing any warnings that belong to * the block. * @type {string} * @const */ var COLLAPSED_WARNING_ID: string; } declare module Blockly { /** * The main workspace most recently used. * Set by Blockly.WorkspaceSvg.prototype.markFocused * @type {Blockly.Workspace} */ var mainWorkspace: Blockly.Workspace; /** * Currently selected block. * @type {Blockly.Block} */ var selected: Blockly.Block; /** * Current cursor. * @type {Blockly.Cursor} */ var cursor: Blockly.Cursor; /** * Whether or not we're currently in keyboard accessibility mode. * @type {boolean} */ var keyboardAccessibilityMode: boolean; /** * Returns the dimensions of the specified SVG image. * @param {!Element} svg SVG image. * @return {!Object} Contains width and height properties. */ function svgSize(svg: Element): Object; /** * Size the workspace when the contents change. This also updates * scrollbars accordingly. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace to resize. */ function resizeSvgContents(workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg): void; /** * Size the SVG image to completely fill its container. Call this when the view * actually changes sizes (e.g. on a window resize/device orientation change). * See Blockly.resizeSvgContents to resize the workspace when the contents * change (e.g. when a block is added or removed). * Record the height/width of the SVG image. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace Any workspace in the SVG. */ function svgResize(workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg): void; /** * Close tooltips, context menus, dropdown selections, etc. * @param {boolean=} opt_allowToolbox If true, don't close the toolbox. */ function hideChaff(opt_allowToolbox?: boolean): void; /** * When something in Blockly's workspace changes, call a function. * @param {!Function} func Function to call. * @return {!Array.} Opaque data that can be passed to * removeChangeListener. * @deprecated April 2015 */ function addChangeListener(func: Function): any[][]; /** * Returns the main workspace. Returns the last used main workspace (based on * focus). Try not to use this function, particularly if there are multiple * Blockly instances on a page. * @return {!Blockly.Workspace} The main workspace. */ function getMainWorkspace(): Blockly.Workspace; /** * Wrapper to window.alert() that app developers may override to * provide alternatives to the modal browser window. * @param {string} message The message to display to the user. * @param {function()=} opt_callback The callback when the alert is dismissed. */ function alert(message: string, opt_callback?: { (): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Wrapper to window.confirm() that app developers may override to * provide alternatives to the modal browser window. * @param {string} message The message to display to the user. * @param {!function(boolean)} callback The callback for handling user response. */ function confirm(message: string, callback: { (_0: boolean): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Wrapper to window.prompt() that app developers may override to provide * alternatives to the modal browser window. Built-in browser prompts are * often used for better text input experience on mobile device. We strongly * recommend testing mobile when overriding this. * @param {string} message The message to display to the user. * @param {string} defaultValue The value to initialize the prompt with. * @param {!function(string)} callback The callback for handling user response. */ function prompt(message: string, defaultValue: string, callback: { (_0: string): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Define blocks from an array of JSON block definitions, as might be generated * by the Blockly Developer Tools. * @param {!Array.} jsonArray An array of JSON block definitions. */ function defineBlocksWithJsonArray(jsonArray: Object[]): void; /** * Bind an event to a function call. When calling the function, verifies that * it belongs to the touch stream that is currently being processed, and splits * multitouch events into multiple events as needed. * @param {!EventTarget} node Node upon which to listen. * @param {string} name Event name to listen to (e.g. 'mousedown'). * @param {Object} thisObject The value of 'this' in the function. * @param {!Function} func Function to call when event is triggered. * @param {boolean=} opt_noCaptureIdentifier True if triggering on this event * should not block execution of other event handlers on this touch or * other simultaneous touches. False by default. * @param {boolean=} opt_noPreventDefault True if triggering on this event * should prevent the default handler. False by default. If * opt_noPreventDefault is provided, opt_noCaptureIdentifier must also be * provided. * @return {!Array.} Opaque data that can be passed to unbindEvent_. */ function bindEventWithChecks_(node: EventTarget, name: string, thisObject: Object, func: Function, opt_noCaptureIdentifier?: boolean, opt_noPreventDefault?: boolean): any[][]; /** * Bind an event to a function call. Handles multitouch events by using the * coordinates of the first changed touch, and doesn't do any safety checks for * simultaneous event processing. * @deprecated in favor of bindEventWithChecks_, but preserved for external * users. * @param {!EventTarget} node Node upon which to listen. * @param {string} name Event name to listen to (e.g. 'mousedown'). * @param {Object} thisObject The value of 'this' in the function. * @param {!Function} func Function to call when event is triggered. * @return {!Array.} Opaque data that can be passed to unbindEvent_. */ function bindEvent_(node: EventTarget, name: string, thisObject: Object, func: Function): any[][]; /** * Unbind one or more events event from a function call. * @param {!Array.} bindData Opaque data from bindEvent_. * This list is emptied during the course of calling this function. * @return {!Function} The function call. */ function unbindEvent_(bindData: any[][]): Function; /** * Is the given string a number (includes negative and decimals). * @param {string} str Input string. * @return {boolean} True if number, false otherwise. */ function isNumber(str: string): boolean; /** * Convert a hue (HSV model) into an RGB hex triplet. * @param {number} hue Hue on a colour wheel (0-360). * @return {string} RGB code, e.g. '#5ba65b'. */ function hueToHex(hue: number): string; /** * Checks old colour constants are not overwritten by the host application. * If a constant is overwritten, it prints a console warning directing the * developer to use the equivalent Msg constant. * @package */ function checkBlockColourConstants(): void; /** * Sets the theme for Blockly and refreshes all blocks in the toolbox and * workspace. * @param {!Blockly.Theme} theme Theme for Blockly. */ function setTheme(theme: Blockly.Theme): void; /** * Gets the theme. * @return {Blockly.Theme} Theme for Blockly. */ function getTheme(): Blockly.Theme; } declare module Blockly { class Bubble extends Bubble__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Bubble__Class { /** * Class for UI bubble. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace on which to draw the * bubble. * @param {!Element} content SVG content for the bubble. * @param {Element} shape SVG element to avoid eclipsing. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} anchorXY Absolute position of bubble's * anchor point. * @param {?number} bubbleWidth Width of bubble, or null if not resizable. * @param {?number} bubbleHeight Height of bubble, or null if not resizable. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg, content: Element, shape: Element, anchorXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate, bubbleWidth: number, bubbleHeight: number); /** * Function to call on resize of bubble. * @type {Function} */ resizeCallback_: Function; /** * Return the root node of the bubble's SVG group. * @return {Element} The root SVG node of the bubble's group. */ getSvgRoot(): Element; /** * Expose the block's ID on the bubble's top-level SVG group. * @param {string} id ID of block. */ setSvgId(id: string): void; /** * Get whether this bubble is deletable or not. * @return {boolean} True if deletable. * @package */ isDeletable(): boolean; /** * Register a function as a callback event for when the bubble is resized. * @param {!Function} callback The function to call on resize. */ registerResizeEvent(callback: Function): void; /** * Notification that the anchor has moved. * Update the arrow and bubble accordingly. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} xy Absolute location. */ setAnchorLocation(xy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Move the bubble group to the specified location in workspace coordinates. * @param {number} x The x position to move to. * @param {number} y The y position to move to. * @package */ moveTo(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Get the dimensions of this bubble. * @return {!Object} Object with width and height properties. */ getBubbleSize(): Object; /** * Size this bubble. * @param {number} width Width of the bubble. * @param {number} height Height of the bubble. */ setBubbleSize(width: number, height: number): void; /** * Change the colour of a bubble. * @param {string} hexColour Hex code of colour. */ setColour(hexColour: string): void; /** * Dispose of this bubble. */ dispose(): void; /** * Move this bubble during a drag, taking into account whether or not there is * a drag surface. * @param {Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg} dragSurface The surface that carries * rendered items during a drag, or null if no drag surface is in use. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} newLoc The location to translate to, in * workspace coordinates. * @package */ moveDuringDrag(dragSurface: Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg, newLoc: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this bubble's body relative * to the drawing surface's origin (0,0), in workspace units. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties. */ getRelativeToSurfaceXY(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Set whether auto-layout of this bubble is enabled. The first time a bubble * is shown it positions itself to not cover any blocks. Once a user has * dragged it to reposition, it renders where the user put it. * @param {boolean} enable True if auto-layout should be enabled, false * otherwise. * @package */ setAutoLayout(enable: boolean): void; } } declare module Blockly.Bubble { /** * Width of the border around the bubble. */ var BORDER_WIDTH: any /*missing*/; /** * Determines the thickness of the base of the arrow in relation to the size * of the bubble. Higher numbers result in thinner arrows. */ var ARROW_THICKNESS: any /*missing*/; /** * The number of degrees that the arrow bends counter-clockwise. */ var ARROW_ANGLE: any /*missing*/; /** * The sharpness of the arrow's bend. Higher numbers result in smoother arrows. */ var ARROW_BEND: any /*missing*/; /** * Distance between arrow point and anchor point. */ var ANCHOR_RADIUS: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class BubbleDragger extends BubbleDragger__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class BubbleDragger__Class { /** * Class for a bubble dragger. It moves things on the bubble canvas around the * workspace when they are being dragged by a mouse or touch. These can be * block comments, mutators, warnings, or workspace comments. * @param {!Blockly.Bubble|!Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg} bubble The item on the * bubble canvas to drag. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace to drag on. * @constructor */ constructor(bubble: Blockly.Bubble|Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg, workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg); /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Start dragging a bubble. This includes moving it to the drag surface. * @package */ startBubbleDrag(): void; /** * Execute a step of bubble dragging, based on the given event. Update the * display accordingly. * @param {!Event} e The most recent move event. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel units. * @package */ dragBubble(e: Event, currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Finish a bubble drag and put the bubble back on the workspace. * @param {!Event} e The mouseup/touchend event. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel units. * @package */ endBubbleDrag(e: Event, currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; } } declare module Blockly { class Comment extends Comment__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Comment__Class extends Blockly.Icon__Class { /** * Class for a comment. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block associated with this comment. * @extends {Blockly.Icon} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * Show or hide the comment bubble. * @param {boolean} visible True if the bubble should be visible. */ setVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Get the dimensions of this comment's bubble. * @return {!Object} Object with width and height properties. */ getBubbleSize(): Object; /** * Size this comment's bubble. * @param {number} width Width of the bubble. * @param {number} height Height of the bubble. */ setBubbleSize(width: number, height: number): void; /** * Returns this comment's text. * @return {string} Comment text. */ getText(): string; /** * Set this comment's text. * @param {string} text Comment text. */ setText(text: string): void; /** * Dispose of this comment. */ dispose(): void; } } declare module Blockly { class Connection extends Connection__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Connection__Class { /** * Class for a connection between blocks. * @param {!Blockly.Block} source The block establishing this connection. * @param {number} type The type of the connection. * @constructor */ constructor(source: Blockly.Block, type: number); /** * @type {!Blockly.Block} * @protected */ sourceBlock_: Blockly.Block; /** @type {number} */ type: number; /** * Connection this connection connects to. Null if not connected. * @type {Blockly.Connection} */ targetConnection: Blockly.Connection; /** * Horizontal location of this connection. * @type {number} * @protected */ x_: number; /** * Vertical location of this connection. * @type {number} * @protected */ y_: number; /** * Has this connection been added to the connection database? * @type {boolean} * @protected */ inDB_: boolean; /** * Connection database for connections of this type on the current workspace. * @type {Blockly.ConnectionDB} * @protected */ db_: Blockly.ConnectionDB; /** * Connection database for connections compatible with this type on the * current workspace. * @type {Blockly.ConnectionDB} * @protected */ dbOpposite_: Blockly.ConnectionDB; /** * Whether this connections is hidden (not tracked in a database) or not. * @type {boolean} * @protected */ hidden_: boolean; /** * Connect two connections together. This is the connection on the superior * block. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} childConnection Connection on inferior block. * @protected */ connect_(childConnection: Blockly.Connection): void; /** * Sever all links to this connection (not including from the source object). */ dispose(): void; /** * Get the source block for this connection. * @return {Blockly.Block} The source block, or null if there is none. */ getSourceBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Does the connection belong to a superior block (higher in the source stack)? * @return {boolean} True if connection faces down or right. */ isSuperior(): boolean; /** * Is the connection connected? * @return {boolean} True if connection is connected to another connection. */ isConnected(): boolean; /** * Check if the two connections can be dragged to connect to each other. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} candidate A nearby connection to check. * @return {boolean} True if the connection is allowed, false otherwise. */ isConnectionAllowed(candidate: Blockly.Connection): boolean; /** * Connect this connection to another connection. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} otherConnection Connection to connect to. */ connect(otherConnection: Blockly.Connection): void; /** * Disconnect this connection. */ disconnect(): void; /** * Disconnect two blocks that are connected by this connection. * @param {!Blockly.Block} parentBlock The superior block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} childBlock The inferior block. * @protected */ disconnectInternal_(parentBlock: Blockly.Block, childBlock: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Respawn the shadow block if there was one connected to the this connection. * @protected */ respawnShadow_(): void; /** * Returns the block that this connection connects to. * @return {Blockly.Block} The connected block or null if none is connected. */ targetBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Is this connection compatible with another connection with respect to the * value type system. E.g. square_root("Hello") is not compatible. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} otherConnection Connection to compare against. * @return {boolean} True if the connections share a type. * @protected */ checkType_(otherConnection: Blockly.Connection): boolean; /** * Change a connection's compatibility. * @param {*} check Compatible value type or list of value types. * Null if all types are compatible. * @return {!Blockly.Connection} The connection being modified * (to allow chaining). */ setCheck(check: any): Blockly.Connection; /** * Get a connection's compatibility. * @return {Array} List of compatible value types. * Null if all types are compatible. * @public */ getCheck(): any[]; /** * Change a connection's shadow block. * @param {Element} shadow DOM representation of a block or null. */ setShadowDom(shadow: Element): void; /** * Return a connection's shadow block. * @return {Element} Shadow DOM representation of a block or null. */ getShadowDom(): Element; /** * Get the parent input of a connection. * @return {Blockly.Input} The input that the connection belongs to or null if * no parent exists. * @package */ getParentInput(): Blockly.Input; /** * This method returns a string describing this Connection in developer terms * (English only). Intended to on be used in console logs and errors. * @return {string} The description. */ toString(): string; } } declare module Blockly.Connection { /** * Constants for checking whether two connections are compatible. */ var CAN_CONNECT: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class ConnectionDB extends ConnectionDB__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class ConnectionDB__Class { /** * Database of connections. * Connections are stored in order of their vertical component. This way * connections in an area may be looked up quickly using a binary search. * @constructor */ constructor(); /** * Add a connection to the database. Must not already exist in DB. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} connection The connection to be added. */ addConnection(connection: Blockly.Connection): void; /** * Find the given connection. * Starts by doing a binary search to find the approximate location, then * linearly searches nearby for the exact connection. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} conn The connection to find. * @return {number} The index of the connection, or -1 if the connection was * not found. */ findConnection(conn: Blockly.Connection): number; /** * Find all nearby connections to the given connection. * Type checking does not apply, since this function is used for bumping. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} connection The connection whose neighbours * should be returned. * @param {number} maxRadius The maximum radius to another connection. * @return {!Array.} List of connections. */ getNeighbours(connection: Blockly.Connection, maxRadius: number): Blockly.Connection[]; /** * Find the closest compatible connection to this connection. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} conn The connection searching for a compatible * mate. * @param {number} maxRadius The maximum radius to another connection. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} dxy Offset between this connection's * location in the database and the current location (as a result of * dragging). * @return {!{connection: ?Blockly.Connection, radius: number}} Contains two * properties:' connection' which is either another connection or null, * and 'radius' which is the distance. */ searchForClosest(conn: Blockly.Connection, maxRadius: number, dxy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): { connection: Blockly.Connection; radius: number }; } } declare module Blockly.ConnectionDB { /** * Initialize a set of connection DBs for a workspace. * @return {!Array.} Array of databases. */ function init(): Blockly.ConnectionDB[]; } declare module Blockly { /** * The multiplier for scroll wheel deltas using the line delta mode. * @type {number} */ var LINE_MODE_MULTIPLIER: number; /** * The multiplier for scroll wheel deltas using the page delta mode. * @type {number} */ var PAGE_MODE_MULTIPLIER: number; /** * Number of pixels the mouse must move before a drag starts. */ var DRAG_RADIUS: any /*missing*/; /** * Number of pixels the mouse must move before a drag/scroll starts from the * flyout. Because the drag-intention is determined when this is reached, it is * larger than Blockly.DRAG_RADIUS so that the drag-direction is clearer. */ var FLYOUT_DRAG_RADIUS: any /*missing*/; /** * Maximum misalignment between connections for them to snap together. */ var SNAP_RADIUS: any /*missing*/; /** * Maximum misalignment between connections for them to snap together, * when a connection is already highlighted. */ var CONNECTING_SNAP_RADIUS: any /*missing*/; /** * How much to prefer staying connected to the current connection over moving to * a new connection. The current previewed connection is considered to be this * much closer to the matching connection on the block than it actually is. */ var CURRENT_CONNECTION_PREFERENCE: any /*missing*/; /** * The main colour of insertion markers, in hex. The block is rendered a * transparent grey by changing the fill opacity in CSS. */ var INSERTION_MARKER_COLOUR: any /*missing*/; /** * Delay in ms between trigger and bumping unconnected block out of alignment. */ var BUMP_DELAY: any /*missing*/; /** * Maximum randomness in workspace units for bumping a block. */ var BUMP_RANDOMNESS: any /*missing*/; /** * Number of characters to truncate a collapsed block to. */ var COLLAPSE_CHARS: any /*missing*/; /** * Length in ms for a touch to become a long press. */ var LONGPRESS: any /*missing*/; /** * Prevent a sound from playing if another sound preceded it within this many * milliseconds. */ var SOUND_LIMIT: any /*missing*/; /** * When dragging a block out of a stack, split the stack in two (true), or drag * out the block healing the stack (false). */ var DRAG_STACK: any /*missing*/; /** * The richness of block colours, regardless of the hue. * Must be in the range of 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive). */ var HSV_SATURATION: any /*missing*/; /** * The intensity of block colours, regardless of the hue. * Must be in the range of 0 (inclusive) to 1 (exclusive). */ var HSV_VALUE: any /*missing*/; /** * Sprited icons and images. */ var SPRITE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for a right-facing value input. E.g. 'set item to' or 'return'. * @const */ var INPUT_VALUE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for a left-facing value output. E.g. 'random fraction'. * @const */ var OUTPUT_VALUE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for a down-facing block stack. E.g. 'if-do' or 'else'. * @const */ var NEXT_STATEMENT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for an up-facing block stack. E.g. 'break out of loop'. * @const */ var PREVIOUS_STATEMENT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for an dummy input. Used to add field(s) with no input. * @const */ var DUMMY_INPUT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for left alignment. * @const */ var ALIGN_LEFT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for centre alignment. * @const */ var ALIGN_CENTRE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for right alignment. * @const */ var ALIGN_RIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for no drag operation. * @const */ var DRAG_NONE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for inside the sticky DRAG_RADIUS. * @const */ var DRAG_STICKY: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for inside the non-sticky DRAG_RADIUS, for differentiating between * clicks and drags. * @const */ var DRAG_BEGIN: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for freely draggable (outside the DRAG_RADIUS, if one applies). * @const */ var DRAG_FREE: any /*missing*/; /** * Lookup table for determining the opposite type of a connection. * @const */ var OPPOSITE_TYPE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for toolbox and flyout at top of screen. * @const */ var TOOLBOX_AT_TOP: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for toolbox and flyout at bottom of screen. * @const */ var TOOLBOX_AT_BOTTOM: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for toolbox and flyout at left of screen. * @const */ var TOOLBOX_AT_LEFT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM for toolbox and flyout at right of screen. * @const */ var TOOLBOX_AT_RIGHT: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM representing that an event is not in any delete areas. * Null for backwards compatibility reasons. * @const */ var DELETE_AREA_NONE: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM representing that an event is in the delete area of the trash can. * @const */ var DELETE_AREA_TRASH: any /*missing*/; /** * ENUM representing that an event is in the delete area of the toolbox or * flyout. * @const */ var DELETE_AREA_TOOLBOX: any /*missing*/; /** * String for use in the "custom" attribute of a category in toolbox XML. * This string indicates that the category should be dynamically populated with * variable blocks. * @const {string} */ var VARIABLE_CATEGORY_NAME: any /*missing*/; /** * String for use in the "custom" attribute of a category in toolbox XML. * This string indicates that the category should be dynamically populated with * variable blocks. * @const {string} */ var VARIABLE_DYNAMIC_CATEGORY_NAME: any /*missing*/; /** * String for use in the "custom" attribute of a category in toolbox XML. * This string indicates that the category should be dynamically populated with * procedure blocks. * @const {string} */ var PROCEDURE_CATEGORY_NAME: any /*missing*/; /** * String for use in the dropdown created in field_variable. * This string indicates that this option in the dropdown is 'Rename * variable...' and if selected, should trigger the prompt to rename a variable. * @const {string} */ var RENAME_VARIABLE_ID: any /*missing*/; /** * String for use in the dropdown created in field_variable. * This string indicates that this option in the dropdown is 'Delete the "%1" * variable' and if selected, should trigger the prompt to delete a variable. * @const {string} */ var DELETE_VARIABLE_ID: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly.ContextMenu { /** * Which block is the context menu attached to? * @type {Blockly.Block} */ var currentBlock: Blockly.Block; /** * Construct the menu based on the list of options and show the menu. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event. * @param {!Array.} options Array of menu options. * @param {boolean} rtl True if RTL, false if LTR. */ function show(e: Event, options: Object[], rtl: boolean): void; /** * Hide the context menu. */ function hide(): void; /** * Create a callback function that creates and configures a block, * then places the new block next to the original. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Original block. * @param {!Element} xml XML representation of new block. * @return {!Function} Function that creates a block. */ function callbackFactory(block: Blockly.Block, xml: Element): Function; /** * Make a context menu option for deleting the current block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block where the right-click originated. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function blockDeleteOption(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): Object; /** * Make a context menu option for showing help for the current block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block where the right-click originated. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function blockHelpOption(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): Object; /** * Make a context menu option for duplicating the current block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block where the right-click originated. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function blockDuplicateOption(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): Object; /** * Make a context menu option for adding or removing comments on the current * block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block where the right-click originated. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function blockCommentOption(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): Object; /** * Make a context menu option for deleting the current workspace comment. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg} comment The workspace comment where the * right-click originated. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function commentDeleteOption(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg): Object; /** * Make a context menu option for duplicating the current workspace comment. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg} comment The workspace comment where the * right-click originated. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function commentDuplicateOption(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg): Object; /** * Make a context menu option for adding a comment on the workspace. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} ws The workspace where the right-click * originated. * @param {!Event} e The right-click mouse event. * @return {!Object} A menu option, containing text, enabled, and a callback. * @package */ function workspaceCommentOption(ws: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg, e: Event): Object; } declare module Blockly.Css { /** * List of cursors. * @enum {string} */ enum Cursor { OPEN, CLOSED, DELETE } /** * Inject the CSS into the DOM. This is preferable over using a regular CSS * file since: * a) It loads synchronously and doesn't force a redraw later. * b) It speeds up loading by not blocking on a separate HTTP transfer. * c) The CSS content may be made dynamic depending on init options. * @param {boolean} hasCss If false, don't inject CSS * (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility). * @param {string} pathToMedia Path from page to the Blockly media directory. */ function inject(hasCss: boolean, pathToMedia: string): void; /** * Set the cursor to be displayed when over something draggable. * See See https://github.com/google/blockly/issues/981 for context. * @param {Blockly.Css.Cursor} cursor Enum. * @deprecated April 2017. */ function setCursor(cursor: Blockly.Css.Cursor): void; /** * Array making up the CSS content for Blockly. */ var CONTENT: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class DraggedConnectionManager extends DraggedConnectionManager__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class DraggedConnectionManager__Class { /** * Class that controls updates to connections during drags. It is primarily * responsible for finding the closest eligible connection and highlighting or * unhiglighting it as needed during a drag. * @deprecated July 2018. Use InsertionMarkerManager. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The top block in the stack being dragged. * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.BlockSvg); /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Return whether the block would be deleted if dropped immediately, based on * information from the most recent move event. * @return {boolean} True if the block would be deleted if dropped immediately. * @package */ wouldDeleteBlock(): boolean; /** * Return whether the block would be connected if dropped immediately, based on * information from the most recent move event. * @return {boolean} True if the block would be connected if dropped * immediately. * @package */ wouldConnectBlock(): boolean; /** * Connect to the closest connection and render the results. * This should be called at the end of a drag. * @package */ applyConnections(): void; /** * Update highlighted connections based on the most recent move location. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} dxy Position relative to drag start, * in workspace units. * @param {?number} deleteArea One of {@link Blockly.DELETE_AREA_TRASH}, * {@link Blockly.DELETE_AREA_TOOLBOX}, or {@link Blockly.DELETE_AREA_NONE}. * @package */ update(dxy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate, deleteArea: number): void; } } declare module Blockly { class DropDownDiv extends DropDownDiv__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class DropDownDiv__Class { /** * Class for drop-down div. * @constructor */ constructor(); } } declare module Blockly.DropDownDiv { /** * Arrow size in px. Should match the value in CSS (need to position pre-render). * @type {number} * @const */ var ARROW_SIZE: number; /** * Drop-down border size in px. Should match the value in CSS (need to position the arrow). * @type {number} * @const */ var BORDER_SIZE: number; /** * Amount the arrow must be kept away from the edges of the main drop-down div, in px. * @type {number} * @const */ var ARROW_HORIZONTAL_PADDING: number; /** * Amount drop-downs should be padded away from the source, in px. * @type {number} * @const */ var PADDING_Y: number; /** * Length of animations in seconds. * @type {number} * @const */ var ANIMATION_TIME: number; /** * Timer for animation out, to be cleared if we need to immediately hide * without disrupting new shows. * @type {number} */ var animateOutTimer_: number; /** * Callback for when the drop-down is hidden. * @type {Function} */ var onHide_: Function; /** * Create and insert the DOM element for this div. */ function createDom(): void; /** * Set an element to maintain bounds within. Drop-downs will appear * within the box of this element if possible. * @param {Element} boundsElement Element to bind drop-down to. */ function setBoundsElement(boundsElement: Element): void; /** * Provide the div for inserting content into the drop-down. * @return {Element} Div to populate with content */ function getContentDiv(): Element; /** * Clear the content of the drop-down. */ function clearContent(): void; /** * Set the colour for the drop-down. * @param {string} backgroundColour Any CSS colour for the background. * @param {string} borderColour Any CSS colour for the border. */ function setColour(backgroundColour: string, borderColour: string): void; /** * Set the category for the drop-down. * @param {string} category The new category for the drop-down. */ function setCategory(category: string): void; /** * Shortcut to show and place the drop-down with positioning determined * by a particular block. The primary position will be below the block, * and the secondary position above the block. Drop-down will be * constrained to the block's workspace. * @param {!Blockly.Field} field The field showing the drop-down. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to position the drop-down around. * @param {Function=} opt_onHide Optional callback for when the drop-down is * hidden. * @param {number=} opt_secondaryYOffset Optional Y offset for above-block * positioning. * @return {boolean} True if the menu rendered below block; false if above. */ function showPositionedByBlock(field: Blockly.Field, block: Blockly.Block, opt_onHide?: Function, opt_secondaryYOffset?: number): boolean; /** * Shortcut to show and place the drop-down with positioning determined * by a particular field. The primary position will be below the field, * and the secondary position above the field. Drop-down will be * constrained to the block's workspace. * @param {!Object} owner The object showing the drop-down. * @param {Function=} opt_onHide Optional callback for when the drop-down is * hidden. * @param {number=} opt_secondaryYOffset Optional Y offset for above-block * positioning. * @return {boolean} True if the menu rendered below block; false if above. */ function showPositionedByField(owner: Object, opt_onHide?: Function, opt_secondaryYOffset?: number): boolean; /** * Show and place the drop-down. * The drop-down is placed with an absolute "origin point" (x, y) - i.e., * the arrow will point at this origin and box will positioned below or above it. * If we can maintain the container bounds at the primary point, the arrow will * point there, and the container will be positioned below it. * If we can't maintain the container bounds at the primary point, fall-back to the * secondary point and position above. * @param {Object} owner The object showing the drop-down * @param {number} primaryX Desired origin point x, in absolute px * @param {number} primaryY Desired origin point y, in absolute px * @param {number} secondaryX Secondary/alternative origin point x, in absolute px * @param {number} secondaryY Secondary/alternative origin point y, in absolute px * @param {Function=} opt_onHide Optional callback for when the drop-down is hidden * @return {boolean} True if the menu rendered at the primary origin point. */ function show(owner: Object, primaryX: number, primaryY: number, secondaryX: number, secondaryY: number, opt_onHide?: Function): boolean; /** * Helper to position the drop-down and the arrow, maintaining bounds. * See explanation of origin points in Blockly.DropDownDiv.show. * @param {number} primaryX Desired origin point x, in absolute px * @param {number} primaryY Desired origin point y, in absolute px * @param {number} secondaryX Secondary/alternative origin point x, in absolute px * @param {number} secondaryY Secondary/alternative origin point y, in absolute px * @return {Object} Various final metrics, including rendered positions for drop-down and arrow. */ function getPositionMetrics(primaryX: number, primaryY: number, secondaryX: number, secondaryY: number): Object; /** * Is the container visible? * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ function isVisible(): boolean; /** * Hide the menu only if it is owned by the provided object. * @param {Object} owner Object which must be owning the drop-down to hide. * @return {boolean} True if hidden. */ function hideIfOwner(owner: Object): boolean; /** * Hide the menu, triggering animation. */ function hide(): void; /** * Hide the menu, without animation. */ function hideWithoutAnimation(): void; /** * Repositions the dropdownDiv on window resize. If it doesn't know how to * calculate the new position, it wll just hide it instead. */ function repositionForWindowResize(): void; } declare module Blockly.Events { /** * Sets whether the next event should be added to the undo stack. * @type {boolean} */ var recordUndo: boolean; /** * Name of event that creates a block. Will be deprecated for BLOCK_CREATE. * @const */ var CREATE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that creates a block. * @const */ var BLOCK_CREATE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that deletes a block. Will be deprecated for BLOCK_DELETE. * @const */ var DELETE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that deletes a block. * @const */ var BLOCK_DELETE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that changes a block. Will be deprecated for BLOCK_CHANGE. * @const */ var CHANGE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that changes a block. * @const */ var BLOCK_CHANGE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that moves a block. Will be deprecated for BLOCK_MOVE. * @const */ var MOVE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that moves a block. * @const */ var BLOCK_MOVE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that creates a variable. * @const */ var VAR_CREATE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that deletes a variable. * @const */ var VAR_DELETE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that renames a variable. * @const */ var VAR_RENAME: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that records a UI change. * @const */ var UI: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that creates a comment. * @const */ var COMMENT_CREATE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that deletes a comment. * @const */ var COMMENT_DELETE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that changes a comment. * @const */ var COMMENT_CHANGE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that moves a comment. * @const */ var COMMENT_MOVE: any /*missing*/; /** * Name of event that records a workspace load. */ var FINISHED_LOADING: any /*missing*/; /** * List of events that cause objects to be bumped back into the visible * portion of the workspace (only used for non-movable workspaces). * * Not to be confused with bumping so that disconnected connections to do * not appear connected. * @const */ var BUMP_EVENTS: any /*missing*/; /** * Create a custom event and fire it. * @param {!Blockly.Events.Abstract} event Custom data for event. */ function fire(event: Blockly.Events.Abstract): void; /** * Filter the queued events and merge duplicates. * @param {!Array.} queueIn Array of events. * @param {boolean} forward True if forward (redo), false if backward (undo). * @return {!Array.} Array of filtered events. */ function filter(queueIn: Blockly.Events.Abstract[], forward: boolean): Blockly.Events.Abstract[]; /** * Modify pending undo events so that when they are fired they don't land * in the undo stack. Called by Blockly.Workspace.clearUndo. */ function clearPendingUndo(): void; /** * Stop sending events. Every call to this function MUST also call enable. */ function disable(): void; /** * Start sending events. Unless events were already disabled when the * corresponding call to disable was made. */ function enable(): void; /** * Returns whether events may be fired or not. * @return {boolean} True if enabled. */ function isEnabled(): boolean; /** * Current group. * @return {string} ID string. */ function getGroup(): string; /** * Start or stop a group. * @param {boolean|string} state True to start new group, false to end group. * String to set group explicitly. */ function setGroup(state: boolean|string): void; /** * Decode the JSON into an event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Target workspace for event. * @return {!Blockly.Events.Abstract} The event represented by the JSON. */ function fromJson(json: Object, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.Events.Abstract; /** * Enable/disable a block depending on whether it is properly connected. * Use this on applications where all blocks should be connected to a top block. * Recommend setting the 'disable' option to 'false' in the config so that * users don't try to re-enable disabled orphan blocks. * @param {!Blockly.Events.Abstract} event Custom data for event. */ function disableOrphans(event: Blockly.Events.Abstract): void; } declare module Blockly.Events { class Abstract extends Abstract__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Abstract__Class { /** * Abstract class for an event. * @constructor */ constructor(); /** * The workspace identifier for this event. * @type {string|undefined} */ workspaceId: string|any /*undefined*/; /** * The event group id for the group this event belongs to. Groups define * events that should be treated as an single action from the user's * perspective, and should be undone together. * @type {string} */ group: string; /** * Sets whether the event should be added to the undo stack. * @type {boolean} */ recordUndo: boolean; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Does this event record any change of state? * @return {boolean} True if null, false if something changed. */ isNull(): boolean; /** * Run an event. * @param {boolean} _forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(_forward: boolean): void; /** * Get workspace the event belongs to. * @return {Blockly.Workspace} The workspace the event belongs to. * @throws {Error} if workspace is null. * @protected */ getEventWorkspace_(): Blockly.Workspace; } } declare module Blockly.Extensions { /** * Registers a new extension function. Extensions are functions that help * initialize blocks, usually adding dynamic behavior such as onchange * handlers and mutators. These are applied using Block.applyExtension(), or * the JSON "extensions" array attribute. * @param {string} name The name of this extension. * @param {Function} initFn The function to initialize an extended block. * @throws {Error} if the extension name is empty, the extension is already * registered, or extensionFn is not a function. */ function register(name: string, initFn: Function): void; /** * Registers a new extension function that adds all key/value of mixinObj. * @param {string} name The name of this extension. * @param {!Object} mixinObj The values to mix in. * @throws {Error} if the extension name is empty or the extension is already * registered. */ function registerMixin(name: string, mixinObj: Object): void; /** * Registers a new extension function that adds a mutator to the block. * At register time this performs some basic sanity checks on the mutator. * The wrapper may also add a mutator dialog to the block, if both compose and * decompose are defined on the mixin. * @param {string} name The name of this mutator extension. * @param {!Object} mixinObj The values to mix in. * @param {(function())=} opt_helperFn An optional function to apply after * mixing in the object. * @param {Array.=} opt_blockList A list of blocks to appear in the * flyout of the mutator dialog. * @throws {Error} if the mutation is invalid or can't be applied to the block. */ function registerMutator(name: string, mixinObj: Object, opt_helperFn?: { (): any /*missing*/ }, opt_blockList?: string[]): void; /** * Applies an extension method to a block. This should only be called during * block construction. * @param {string} name The name of the extension. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block to apply the named extension to. * @param {boolean} isMutator True if this extension defines a mutator. * @throws {Error} if the extension is not found. */ function apply(name: string, block: Blockly.Block, isMutator: boolean): void; /** * Builds an extension function that will map a dropdown value to a tooltip * string. * * This method includes multiple checks to ensure tooltips, dropdown options, * and message references are aligned. This aims to catch errors as early as * possible, without requiring developers to manually test tooltips under each * option. After the page is loaded, each tooltip text string will be checked * for matching message keys in the internationalized string table. Deferring * this until the page is loaded decouples loading dependencies. Later, upon * loading the first block of any given type, the extension will validate every * dropdown option has a matching tooltip in the lookupTable. Errors are * reported as warnings in the console, and are never fatal. * @param {string} dropdownName The name of the field whose value is the key * to the lookup table. * @param {!Object.} lookupTable The table of field values to * tooltip text. * @return {Function} The extension function. */ function buildTooltipForDropdown(dropdownName: string, lookupTable: { [key: string]: string }): Function; /** * Builds an extension function that will install a dynamic tooltip. The * tooltip message should include the string '%1' and that string will be * replaced with the text of the named field. * @param {string} msgTemplate The template form to of the message text, with * %1 placeholder. * @param {string} fieldName The field with the replacement text. * @return {Function} The extension function. */ function buildTooltipWithFieldText(msgTemplate: string, fieldName: string): Function; } declare module Blockly { class Field extends Field__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Field__Class { /** * Abstract class for an editable field. * @param {*} value The initial value of the field. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a value & returns a validated * value, or null to abort the change. * @constructor */ constructor(value: any, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Name of field. Unique within each block. * Static labels are usually unnamed. * @type {string|undefined} */ name: string|any /*undefined*/; /** * Maximum characters of text to display before adding an ellipsis. * @type {number} */ maxDisplayLength: number; /** * A generic value possessed by the field. * Should generally be non-null, only null when the field is created. * @type {*} * @protected */ value_: any; /** * Text representation of the field's value. Maintained for backwards * compatibility reasons. * @type {string} * @protected * @deprecated Use or override getText instead. */ text_: string; /** * Block this field is attached to. Starts as null, then set in init. * @type {Blockly.Block} * @protected */ sourceBlock_: Blockly.Block; /** * Is the field visible, or hidden due to the block being collapsed? * @type {boolean} * @protected */ visible_: boolean; /** * Validation function called when user edits an editable field. * @type {Function} * @protected */ validator_: Function; /** * Editable fields usually show some sort of UI indicating they are editable. * They will also be saved by the XML renderer. * @type {boolean} * @const * @default */ EDITABLE: boolean; /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. This is not the * case by default so that SERIALIZABLE is backwards compatible. * @type {boolean} * @const * @default */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Attach this field to a block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing this field. */ setSourceBlock(block: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Get the block this field is attached to. * @return {Blockly.Block} The block containing this field. */ getSourceBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Initialize everything to render this field. Override * methods initModel and initView rather than this method. * @package */ init(): void; /** * Create the block UI for this field. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Create a field border rect element. Not to be overridden by subclasses. * Instead modify the result of the function inside initView, or create a * separate function to call. * @protected */ createBorderRect_(): void; /** * Create a field text element. Not to be overridden by subclasses. Instead * modify the result of the function inside initView, or create a separate * function to call. * @protected */ createTextElement_(): void; /** * Bind events to the field. Can be overridden by subclasses if they need to do * custom input handling. * @protected */ bindEvents_(): void; /** * Initializes the model of the field after it has been installed on a block. * No-op by default. * @package */ initModel(): void; /** * Sets the field's value based on the given XML element. Should only be * called by Blockly.Xml. * @param {!Element} fieldElement The element containing info about the * field's state. * @package */ fromXml(fieldElement: Element): void; /** * Serializes this field's value to XML. Should only be called by Blockly.Xml. * @param {!Element} fieldElement The element to populate with info about the * field's state. * @return {!Element} The element containing info about the field's state. * @package */ toXml(fieldElement: Element): Element; /** * Dispose of all DOM objects and events belonging to this editable field. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Add or remove the UI indicating if this field is editable or not. */ updateEditable(): void; /** * Check whether this field defines the showEditor_ function. * @return {boolean} Whether this field is clickable. */ isClickable(): boolean; /** * Check whether this field is currently editable. Some fields are never * EDITABLE (e.g. text labels). Other fields may be EDITABLE but may exist on * non-editable blocks. * @return {boolean} Whether this field is editable and on an editable block */ isCurrentlyEditable(): boolean; /** * Check whether this field should be serialized by the XML renderer. * Handles the logic for backwards compatibility and incongruous states. * @return {boolean} Whether this field should be serialized or not. */ isSerializable(): boolean; /** * Gets whether this editable field is visible or not. * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ isVisible(): boolean; /** * Sets whether this editable field is visible or not. Should only be called * by input.setVisible. * @param {boolean} visible True if visible. * @package */ setVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Sets a new validation function for editable fields, or clears a previously * set validator. * * The validator function takes in the new field value, and returns * validated value. The validated value could be the input value, a modified * version of the input value, or null to abort the change. * * If the function does not return anything (or returns undefined) the new * value is accepted as valid. This is to allow for fields using the * validated founction as a field-level change event notification. * * @param {Function=} handler The validator * function or null to clear a previous validator. */ setValidator(handler?: Function): void; /** * Gets the validation function for editable fields, or null if not set. * @return {Function} Validation function, or null. */ getValidator(): Function; /** * Validates a change. Does nothing. Subclasses may override this. * @param {string} text The user's text. * @return {string} No change needed. * @deprecated May 2019. Override doClassValidation and other relevant 'do' * functions instead. */ classValidator(text: string): string; /** * Calls the validation function for this field, as well as all the validation * function for the field's class and its parents. * @param {string} text Proposed text. * @return {?string} Revised text, or null if invalid. * @deprecated May 2019. setValue now contains all relevant logic. */ callValidator(text: string): string; /** * Gets the group element for this editable field. * Used for measuring the size and for positioning. * @return {!Element} The group element. */ getSvgRoot(): Element; /** * Updates the field to match the colour/style of the block. Should only be * called by BlockSvg.updateColour(). * @package */ updateColour(): void; /** * Used by getSize() to move/resize any dom elements, and get the new size. * * All rendering that has an effect on the size/shape of the block should be * done here, and should be triggered by getSize(). * @protected */ render_(): void; /** * Updates the width of the field. Redirects to updateSize_(). * @deprecated May 2019 Use Blockly.Field.updateSize_() to force an update * to the size of the field, or Blockly.Field.getCachedWidth() to check the * size of the field.. */ updateWidth(): void; /** * Updates the size of the field based on the text. * @protected */ updateSize_(): void; /** * Returns the height and width of the field. * * This should *in general* be the only place render_ gets called from. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} Height and width. */ getSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; /** * Get the size of the visible field, as used in new rendering. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The size of the visible field. * @package */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; /** * Returns the bounding box of the rendered field, accounting for workspace * scaling. * @return {!Object} An object with top, bottom, left, and right in pixels * relative to the top left corner of the page (window coordinates). * @protected */ getScaledBBox_(): Object; /** * Get the text from this field as displayed on screen. May differ from getText * due to ellipsis, and other formatting. * @return {string} Currently displayed text. * @protected */ getDisplayText_(): string; /** * Get the text from this field. * @return {string} Current text. */ getText(): string; /** * Set the text in this field. Trigger a rerender of the source block. * @param {*} newText New text. * @deprecated 2019 setText should not be used directly. Use setValue instead. */ setText(newText: any): void; /** * Force a rerender of the block that this field is installed on, which will * rerender this field and adjust for any sizing changes. * Other fields on the same block will not rerender, because their sizes have * already been recorded. * @package */ forceRerender(): void; /** * Used to change the value of the field. Handles validation and events. * Subclasses should override doClassValidation_ and doValueUpdate_ rather * than this method. * @param {*} newValue New value. */ setValue(newValue: any): void; /** * Get the current value of the field. * @return {*} Current value. */ getValue(): any; /** * Used to validate a value. Returns input by default. Can be overridden by * subclasses, see FieldDropdown. * @param {*} newValue The value to be validated. * @return {*} The validated value, same as input by default. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue: any): any; /** * Used to update the value of a field. Can be overridden by subclasses to do * custom storage of values/updating of external things. * @param {*} newValue The value to be saved. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newValue: any): void; /** * Used to notify the field an invalid value was input. Can be overidden by * subclasses, see FieldTextInput. * No-op by default. * @param {*} _invalidValue The input value that was determined to be invalid. * @protected */ doValueInvalid_(_invalidValue: any): void; /** * Handle a mouse down event on a field. * @param {!Event} e Mouse down event. * @protected */ onMouseDown_(e: Event): void; /** * Change the tooltip text for this field. * @param {string|Function|!Element} newTip Text for tooltip or a parent * element to link to for its tooltip. */ setTooltip(newTip: string|Function|Element): void; /** * Whether this field references any Blockly variables. If true it may need to * be handled differently during serialization and deserialization. Subclasses * may override this. * @return {boolean} True if this field has any variable references. * @package */ referencesVariables(): boolean; /** * Search through the list of inputs and their fields in order to find the * parent input of a field. * @return {Blockly.Input} The input that the field belongs to. * @package */ getParentInput(): Blockly.Input; } } declare module Blockly.Field { /** * Registers a field type. May also override an existing field type. * Blockly.Field.fromJson uses this registry to find the appropriate field. * @param {string} type The field type name as used in the JSON definition. * @param {!{fromJson: Function}} fieldClass The field class containing a * fromJson function that can construct an instance of the field. * @throws {Error} if the type name is empty, or the fieldClass is not an * object containing a fromJson function. */ function register(type: string, fieldClass: { fromJson: Function }): void; /** * Construct a Field from a JSON arg object. * Finds the appropriate registered field by the type name as registered using * Blockly.Field.register. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with a type and options specific * to the field type. * @return {Blockly.Field} The new field instance or null if a field wasn't * found with the given type name * @package */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.Field; /** * The default height of the border rect on any field. * @type {number} * @package */ var BORDER_RECT_DEFAULT_HEIGHT: number; /** * Non-breaking space. * @const */ var NBSP: any /*missing*/; /** * Gets the width of a text element, caching it in the process. * @param {!Element} textElement An SVG 'text' element. * @return {number} Width of element. */ function getCachedWidth(textElement: Element): number; /** * Start caching field widths. Every call to this function MUST also call * stopCache. Caches must not survive between execution threads. */ function startCache(): void; /** * Stop caching field widths. Unless caching was already on when the * corresponding call to startCache was made. */ function stopCache(): void; } declare module Blockly { class FieldAngle extends FieldAngle__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldAngle__Class extends Blockly.FieldTextInput__Class { /** * Class for an editable angle field. * @param {string|number=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should cast * to a number. Defaults to 0. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a number & returns a * validated number, or null to abort the change. * @extends {Blockly.FieldTextInput} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string|number, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Create the block UI for this field. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Set the angle to match the mouse's position. * @param {!Event} e Mouse move event. */ onMouseMove(e: Event): void; } } declare module Blockly.FieldAngle { /** * Construct a FieldAngle from a JSON arg object. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (angle). * @return {!Blockly.FieldAngle} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldAngle; /** * Round angles to the nearest 15 degrees when using mouse. * Set to 0 to disable rounding. */ var ROUND: any /*missing*/; /** * Half the width of protractor image. */ var HALF: any /*missing*/; /** * Angle increases clockwise (true) or counterclockwise (false). */ var CLOCKWISE: any /*missing*/; /** * Offset the location of 0 degrees (and all angles) by a constant. * Usually either 0 (0 = right) or 90 (0 = up). */ var OFFSET: any /*missing*/; /** * Maximum allowed angle before wrapping. * Usually either 360 (for 0 to 359.9) or 180 (for -179.9 to 180). */ var WRAP: any /*missing*/; /** * Radius of protractor circle. Slightly smaller than protractor size since * otherwise SVG crops off half the border at the edges. */ var RADIUS: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class FieldCheckbox extends FieldCheckbox__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldCheckbox__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for a checkbox field. * @param {string|boolean=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should * either be 'TRUE', 'FALSE' or a boolean. Defaults to 'FALSE'. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a value ('TRUE' or 'FALSE') & * returns a validated value ('TRUE' or 'FALSE'), or null to abort the * change. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string|boolean, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Mouse cursor style when over the hotspot that initiates editability. */ CURSOR: any /*missing*/; /** * Create the block UI for this checkbox. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Toggle the state of the checkbox on click. * @protected */ showEditor_(): void; /** * Ensure that the input value is valid ('TRUE' or 'FALSE'). * @param {string|boolean=} newValue The input value. * @return {?string} A valid value ('TRUE' or 'FALSE), or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string|boolean): string; /** * Update the value of the field, and update the checkElement. * @param {string} newValue The new value ('TRUE' or 'FALSE') of the field. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newValue: string): void; /** * Get the value of this field, either 'TRUE' or 'FALSE'. * @return {string} The value of this field. */ getValue(): string; /** * Get the boolean value of this field. * @return {string} The boolean value of this field. */ getValueBoolean(): string; /** * Get the text of this field. Used when the block is collapsed. * @return {string} Text representing the value of this field * ('true' or 'false'). */ getText(): string; /** * Get the size of the visible field, as used in new rendering. * The checkbox field fills the entire border rect, rather than just using the * text element. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The size of the visible field. * @package */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; } } declare module Blockly.FieldCheckbox { /** * Construct a FieldCheckbox from a JSON arg object. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (checked). * @return {!Blockly.FieldCheckbox} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldCheckbox; /** * The width of a checkbox field. * @type {number} * @const */ var WIDTH: number; /** * Character for the checkmark. * @type {string} * @const */ var CHECK_CHAR: string; /** * Used to correctly position the check mark. * @type {number} * @const */ var CHECK_X_OFFSET: number; /** * Used to correctly position the check mark. * @type {number} * @const */ var CHECK_Y_OFFSET: number; } declare module Blockly { class FieldColour extends FieldColour__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldColour__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for a colour input field. * @param {string=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should be in * '#rrggbb' format. Defaults to the first value in the default colour array. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a colour string & returns a * validated colour string ('#rrggbb' format), or null to abort the change. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Mouse cursor style when over the hotspot that initiates the editor. */ CURSOR: any /*missing*/; /** * Create the block UI for this colour field. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Ensure that the input value is a valid colour. * @param {string=} newValue The input value. * @return {?string} A valid colour, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string): string; /** * Update the value of this colour field, and update the displayed colour. * @param {string} newValue The new colour in '#rrggbb' format. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newValue: string): void; /** * Get the text for this field. Used when the block is collapsed. * @return {string} Text representing the value of this field. */ getText(): string; /** * Set a custom colour grid for this field. * @param {Array.} colours Array of colours for this block, * or null to use default (Blockly.FieldColour.COLOURS). * @param {Array.} opt_titles Optional array of colour tooltips, * or null to use default (Blockly.FieldColour.TITLES). * @return {!Blockly.FieldColour} Returns itself (for method chaining). */ setColours(colours: string[], opt_titles: string[]): Blockly.FieldColour; /** * Set a custom grid size for this field. * @param {number} columns Number of columns for this block, * or 0 to use default (Blockly.FieldColour.COLUMNS). * @return {!Blockly.FieldColour} Returns itself (for method chaining). */ setColumns(columns: number): Blockly.FieldColour; /** * Get the size of the visible field, as used in new rendering. * The colour field fills the bounding box with colour and takes up the full * space of the bounding box. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The size of the visible field. * @package */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; } } declare module Blockly.FieldColour { /** * Construct a FieldColour from a JSON arg object. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (colour). * @return {!Blockly.FieldColour} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldColour; /** * An array of colour strings for the palette. * Copied from goog.ui.ColorPicker.SIMPLE_GRID_COLORS * All colour pickers use this unless overridden with setColours. * @type {!Array.} */ var COLOURS: string[]; /** * An array of tooltip strings for the palette. If not the same length as * COLOURS, the colour's hex code will be used for any missing titles. * All colour pickers use this unless overridden with setColours. * @type {!Array.} */ var TITLES: string[]; /** * Number of columns in the palette. * All colour pickers use this unless overridden with setColumns. */ var COLUMNS: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class FieldDate extends FieldDate__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldDate__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for a date input field. * @param {string=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should be in * 'YYYY-MM-DD' format. Defaults to the current date. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a date string & returns a * validated date string ('YYYY-MM-DD' format), or null to abort the change. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Mouse cursor style when over the hotspot that initiates the editor. */ CURSOR: any /*missing*/; /** * Ensure that the input value is a valid date. * @param {string=} newValue The input value. * @return {?string} A valid date, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string): string; /** * Render the field. If the picker is shown make sure it has the current * date selected. * @protected */ render_(): void; /** * Updates the field's colours to match those of the block. * @package */ updateColour(): void; } } declare module Blockly.FieldDate { /** * Construct a FieldDate from a JSON arg object. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (date). * @return {!Blockly.FieldDate} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldDate; /** * CSS for date picker. See css.js for use. */ var CSS: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class FieldDropdown extends FieldDropdown__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldDropdown__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for an editable dropdown field. * @param {(!Array.|!Function)} menuGenerator An array of options * for a dropdown list, or a function which generates these options. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a language-neutral dropdown * option & returns a validated language-neutral dropdown option, or null to * abort the change. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(menuGenerator: any[][]|Function, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Mouse cursor style when over the hotspot that initiates the editor. */ CURSOR: any /*missing*/; /** * Create the block UI for this dropdown. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Handle the selection of an item in the dropdown menu. * @param {!goog.ui.Menu} menu The Menu component clicked. * @param {!goog.ui.MenuItem} menuItem The MenuItem selected within menu. */ onItemSelected(menu: goog.ui.Menu, menuItem: goog.ui.MenuItem): void; /** * @return {boolean} True if the option list is generated by a function. * Otherwise false. */ isOptionListDynamic(): boolean; /** * Return a list of the options for this dropdown. * @return {!Array.} Array of option tuples: * (human-readable text or image, language-neutral name). * @throws If generated options are incorrectly structured. */ getOptions(): any[][]; /** * Ensure that the input value is a valid language-neutral option. * @param {string=} newValue The input value. * @return {?string} A valid language-neutral option, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string): string; /** * Update the value of this dropdown field. * @param {string} newValue The new language-neutral value. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newValue: string): void; /** * Updates the dropdown arrow to match the colour/style of the block. * @package */ updateColour(): void; /** * Get the size of the visible field, as used in new rendering. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The size of the visible field. * @package */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; } } declare module Blockly.FieldDropdown { /** * Construct a FieldDropdown from a JSON arg object. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (options). * @return {!Blockly.FieldDropdown} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldDropdown; /** * Horizontal distance that a checkmark overhangs the dropdown. */ var CHECKMARK_OVERHANG: any /*missing*/; /** * Maximum height of the dropdown menu, as a percentage of the viewport height. */ var MAX_MENU_HEIGHT_VH: any /*missing*/; /** * Used to position the imageElement_ correctly. * @type {number} * @const */ var IMAGE_Y_OFFSET: number; /** * Android can't (in 2014) display "â–¾", so use "â–¼" instead. */ var ARROW_CHAR: any /*missing*/; /** * Use the calculated prefix and suffix lengths to trim all of the options in * the given array. * @param {!Array.} options Array of option tuples: * (human-readable text or image, language-neutral name). * @param {number} prefixLength The length of the common prefix. * @param {number} suffixLength The length of the common suffix * @return {!Array.} A new array with all of the option text trimmed. */ function applyTrim_(options: any[][], prefixLength: number, suffixLength: number): any[][]; } declare module Blockly { class FieldImage extends FieldImage__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldImage__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for an image on a block. * @param {string} src The URL of the image. Defaults to an empty string. * @param {!(string|number)} width Width of the image. * @param {!(string|number)} height Height of the image. * @param {string=} opt_alt Optional alt text for when block is collapsed. * @param {Function=} opt_onClick Optional function to be called when the image * is clicked. If opt_onClick is defined, opt_alt must also be defined. * @param {boolean=} opt_flipRtl Whether to flip the icon in RTL. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(src: string, width: string|number, height: string|number, opt_alt?: string, opt_onClick?: Function, opt_flipRtl?: boolean); /** * Editable fields usually show some sort of UI indicating they are * editable. This field should not. * @type {boolean} * @const */ EDITABLE: boolean; /** * Create the block UI for this image. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Ensure that the input value (the source URL) is a string. * @param {string=} newValue The input value * @return {?string} A string, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string): string; /** * Update the value of this image field, and update the displayed image. * @param {string} newValue The new image src. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newValue: string): void; /** * Get whether to flip this image in RTL * @return {boolean} True if we should flip in RTL. */ getFlipRtl(): boolean; /** * Set the alt text of this image. * @param {?string} alt New alt text. * @public */ setAlt(alt: string): void; /** * If field click is called, and click handler defined, * call the handler. */ showEditor_(): void; /** * Set the function that is called when this image is clicked. * @param {Function} func The function that is called when the image * is clicked. It will receive the image field as a parameter. * @public */ setOnClickHandler(func: Function): void; } } declare module Blockly.FieldImage { /** * Construct a FieldImage from a JSON arg object, * dereferencing any string table references. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (src, width, height, * alt, and flipRtl). * @return {!Blockly.FieldImage} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldImage; } declare module Blockly { class FieldLabel extends FieldLabel__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldLabel__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for a non-editable, non-serializable text field. * @param {string=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should cast to a * string. Defaults to an empty string if null or undefined. * @param {string=} opt_class Optional CSS class for the field's text. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string, opt_class?: string); /** * Editable fields usually show some sort of UI indicating they are * editable. This field should not. * @type {boolean} * @const */ EDITABLE: boolean; /** * Create block UI for this label. * @package */ initView(): void; /** * Ensure that the input value casts to a valid string. * @param {string=} newValue The input value. * @return {?string} A valid string, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string): string; /** * Get the size of the visible field, as used in new rendering. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The size of the visible field. * @package */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; } } declare module Blockly.FieldLabel { /** * Construct a FieldLabel from a JSON arg object, * dereferencing any string table references. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (text, and class). * @return {!Blockly.FieldLabel} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldLabel; } declare module Blockly { class FieldLabelSerializable extends FieldLabelSerializable__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldLabelSerializable__Class extends Blockly.FieldLabel__Class { /** * Class for a non-editable, serializable text field. * @param {*} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should cast to a * string. Defaults to an empty string if null or undefined. * @param {string=} opt_class Optional CSS class for the field's text. * @extends {Blockly.FieldLabel} * @constructor * */ constructor(opt_value: any, opt_class?: string); /** * Editable fields usually show some sort of UI indicating they are * editable. This field should not. * @type {boolean} * @public */ EDITABLE: boolean; /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. This field should be serialized, but only edited programmatically. * @type {boolean} * @public */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; } } declare module Blockly.FieldLabelSerializable { /** * Construct a FieldLabelSerializable from a JSON arg object, * dereferencing any string table references. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (text, and class). * @returns {!Blockly.FieldLabelSerializable} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldLabelSerializable; } declare module Blockly { class FieldNumber extends FieldNumber__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldNumber__Class extends Blockly.FieldTextInput__Class { /** * Class for an editable number field. * @param {string|number=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should cast * to a number. Defaults to 0. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_min Minimum value. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_max Maximum value. * @param {(string|number)=} opt_precision Precision for value. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a number & returns a validated * number, or null to abort the change. * @extends {Blockly.FieldTextInput} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string|number, opt_min?: string|number, opt_max?: string|number, opt_precision?: string|number, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Set the maximum, minimum and precision constraints on this field. * Any of these properties may be undefiend or NaN to be disabled. * Setting precision (usually a power of 10) enforces a minimum step between * values. That is, the user's value will rounded to the closest multiple of * precision. The least significant digit place is inferred from the precision. * Integers values can be enforces by choosing an integer precision. * @param {number|string|undefined} min Minimum value. * @param {number|string|undefined} max Maximum value. * @param {number|string|undefined} precision Precision for value. */ setConstraints(min: number|string|any /*undefined*/, max: number|string|any /*undefined*/, precision: number|string|any /*undefined*/): void; } } declare module Blockly.FieldNumber { /** * Construct a FieldNumber from a JSON arg object. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (value, min, max, and * precision). * @return {!Blockly.FieldNumber} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldNumber; } declare module Blockly { class FieldTextInput extends FieldTextInput__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldTextInput__Class extends Blockly.Field__Class { /** * Class for an editable text field. * @param {string=} opt_value The initial value of the field. Should cast to a * string. Defaults to an empty string if null or undefined. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a string & returns a validated * string, or null to abort the change. * @extends {Blockly.Field} * @constructor */ constructor(opt_value?: string, opt_validator?: Function); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Mouse cursor style when over the hotspot that initiates the editor. */ CURSOR: any /*missing*/; /** * Ensure that the input value casts to a valid string. * @param {string=} newValue The input value. * @return {?string} A valid string, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newValue?: string): string; /** * Called by setValue if the text input is not valid. If the field is * currently being edited it reverts value of the field to the previous * value while allowing the display text to be handled by the htmlInput_. * @param {*} _invalidValue The input value that was determined to be invalid. * This is not used by the text input because its display value is stored on * the htmlInput_. * @protected */ doValueInvalid_(_invalidValue: any): void; /** * Called by setValue if the text input is valid. Updates the value of the * field, and updates the text of the field if it is not currently being * edited (i.e. handled by the htmlInput_). * @param {string} newValue The new validated value of the field. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newValue: string): void; /** * Updates the colour of the htmlInput given the current validity of the * field's value. * @protected */ render_(): void; /** * Set whether this field is spellchecked by the browser. * @param {boolean} check True if checked. */ setSpellcheck(check: boolean): void; /** * Show the inline free-text editor on top of the text. * @param {boolean=} opt_quietInput True if editor should be created without * focus. Defaults to false. * @protected */ showEditor_(opt_quietInput?: boolean): void; /** * Resize the editor to fit the text. * @protected */ resizeEditor_(): void; /** * Get the size of the visible field, as used in new rendering. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} The size of the visible field. * @package */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; } } declare module Blockly.FieldTextInput { /** * Construct a FieldTextInput from a JSON arg object, * dereferencing any string table references. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (text, class, and * spellcheck). * @return {!Blockly.FieldTextInput} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldTextInput; /** * Point size of text. Should match blocklyText's font-size in CSS. */ var FONTSIZE: any /*missing*/; /** * Ensure that only a number may be entered. * @param {string} text The user's text. * @return {?string} A string representing a valid number, or null if invalid. * @deprecated */ function numberValidator(text: string): string; /** * Ensure that only a nonnegative integer may be entered. * @param {string} text The user's text. * @return {?string} A string representing a valid int, or null if invalid. * @deprecated */ function nonnegativeIntegerValidator(text: string): string; } declare module Blockly { class FieldVariable extends FieldVariable__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FieldVariable__Class extends Blockly.FieldDropdown__Class { /** * Class for a variable's dropdown field. * @param {?string} varname The default name for the variable. If null, * a unique variable name will be generated. * @param {Function=} opt_validator A function that is called to validate * changes to the field's value. Takes in a variable ID & returns a * validated variable ID, or null to abort the change. * @param {Array.=} opt_variableTypes A list of the types of variables * to include in the dropdown. * @param {string=} opt_defaultType The type of variable to create if this * field's value is not explicitly set. Defaults to ''. * @extends {Blockly.FieldDropdown} * @constructor */ constructor(varname: string, opt_validator?: Function, opt_variableTypes?: string[], opt_defaultType?: string); /** * Serializable fields are saved by the XML renderer, non-serializable fields * are not. Editable fields should also be serializable. * @type {boolean} * @const */ SERIALIZABLE: boolean; /** * Initialize the model for this field if it has not already been initialized. * If the value has not been set to a variable by the first render, we make up a * variable rather than let the value be invalid. * @package */ initModel(): void; /** * Initialize this field based on the given XML. * @param {!Element} fieldElement The element containing information about the * variable field's state. */ fromXml(fieldElement: Element): void; /** * Serialize this field to XML. * @param {!Element} fieldElement The element to populate with info about the * field's state. * @return {!Element} The element containing info about the field's state. */ toXml(fieldElement: Element): Element; /** * Attach this field to a block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing this field. */ setSourceBlock(block: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Get the variable's ID. * @return {string} Current variable's ID. */ getValue(): string; /** * Get the text from this field, which is the selected variable's name. * @return {string} The selected variable's name, or the empty string if no * variable is selected. */ getText(): string; /** * Get the variable model for the selected variable. * Not guaranteed to be in the variable map on the workspace (e.g. if accessed * after the variable has been deleted). * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The selected variable, or null if none was * selected. * @package */ getVariable(): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Gets the validation function for this field, or null if not set. * Returns null if the variable is not set, because validators should not * run on the initial setValue call, because the field won't be attached to * a block and workspace at that point. * @return {Function} Validation function, or null. */ getValidator(): Function; /** * Ensure that the id belongs to a valid variable of an allowed type. * @param {string} newId The id of the new variable to set. * @return {?string} The validated id, or null if invalid. * @protected */ doClassValidation_(newId: string): string; /** * Update the value of this variable field, as well as its variable and text. * * The variable ID should be valid at this point, but if a variable field * validator returns a bad ID, this could break. * @param {string} newId The id of the new variable. * @protected */ doValueUpdate_(newId: string): void; /** * Refreshes the name of the variable by grabbing the name of the model. * Used when a variable gets renamed, but the ID stays the same. Should only * be called by the block. * @package */ refreshVariableName(): void; /** * Handle the selection of an item in the variable dropdown menu. * Special case the 'Rename variable...' and 'Delete variable...' options. * In the rename case, prompt the user for a new name. * @param {!goog.ui.Menu} menu The Menu component clicked. * @param {!goog.ui.MenuItem} menuItem The MenuItem selected within menu. */ onItemSelected(menu: goog.ui.Menu, menuItem: goog.ui.MenuItem): void; } } declare module Blockly.FieldVariable { /** * Construct a FieldVariable from a JSON arg object, * dereferencing any string table references. * @param {!Object} options A JSON object with options (variable, * variableTypes, and defaultType). * @return {!Blockly.FieldVariable} The new field instance. * @package * @nocollapse */ function fromJson(options: Object): Blockly.FieldVariable; /** * Return a sorted list of variable names for variable dropdown menus. * Include a special option at the end for creating a new variable name. * @return {!Array.} Array of variable names. * @this {Blockly.FieldVariable} */ function dropdownCreate(): string[]; } declare module Blockly { class Flyout extends Flyout__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Flyout__Class { /** * Class for a flyout. * @param {!Object} workspaceOptions Dictionary of options for the workspace. * @constructor */ constructor(workspaceOptions: Object); /** * @type {!Blockly.Workspace} * @protected */ workspace_: Blockly.Workspace; /** * Is RTL vs LTR. * @type {boolean} */ RTL: boolean; /** * Position of the toolbox and flyout relative to the workspace. * @type {number} * @protected */ toolboxPosition_: number; /** * List of visible buttons. * @type {!Array.} * @protected */ buttons_: Blockly.FlyoutButton[]; /** * Does the flyout automatically close when a block is created? * @type {boolean} */ autoClose: boolean; /** * Corner radius of the flyout background. * @type {number} * @const */ CORNER_RADIUS: number; /** * Margin around the edges of the blocks in the flyout. * @type {number} * @const */ MARGIN: number; /** * Gap between items in horizontal flyouts. Can be overridden with the "sep" * element. * @const {number} */ GAP_X: any /*missing*/; /** * Gap between items in vertical flyouts. Can be overridden with the "sep" * element. * @const {number} */ GAP_Y: any /*missing*/; /** * Top/bottom padding between scrollbar and edge of flyout background. * @type {number} * @const */ SCROLLBAR_PADDING: number; /** * Width of flyout. * @type {number} * @protected */ width_: number; /** * Height of flyout. * @type {number} * @protected */ height_: number; /** * Range of a drag angle from a flyout considered "dragging toward workspace". * Drags that are within the bounds of this many degrees from the orthogonal * line to the flyout edge are considered to be "drags toward the workspace". * Example: * Flyout Edge Workspace * [block] / <-within this angle, drags "toward workspace" | * [block] ---- orthogonal to flyout boundary ---- | * [block] \ | * The angle is given in degrees from the orthogonal. * * This is used to know when to create a new block and when to scroll the * flyout. Setting it to 360 means that all drags create a new block. * @type {number} * @protected */ dragAngleRange_: number; /** * Creates the flyout's DOM. Only needs to be called once. The flyout can * either exist as its own svg element or be a g element nested inside a * separate svg element. * @param {string} tagName The type of tag to put the flyout in. This * should be or . * @return {!Element} The flyout's SVG group. */ createDom(tagName: string): Element; /** * Initializes the flyout. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} targetWorkspace The workspace in which to create * new blocks. */ init(targetWorkspace: Blockly.Workspace): void; /** * Dispose of this flyout. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Get the width of the flyout. * @return {number} The width of the flyout. */ getWidth(): number; /** * Get the height of the flyout. * @return {number} The width of the flyout. */ getHeight(): number; /** * Get the workspace inside the flyout. * @return {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} The workspace inside the flyout. * @package */ getWorkspace(): Blockly.WorkspaceSvg; /** * Is the flyout visible? * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ isVisible(): boolean; /** * Set whether the flyout is visible. A value of true does not necessarily mean * that the flyout is shown. It could be hidden because its container is hidden. * @param {boolean} visible True if visible. */ setVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Set whether this flyout's container is visible. * @param {boolean} visible Whether the container is visible. */ setContainerVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Update the view based on coordinates calculated in position(). * @param {number} width The computed width of the flyout's SVG group * @param {number} height The computed height of the flyout's SVG group. * @param {number} x The computed x origin of the flyout's SVG group. * @param {number} y The computed y origin of the flyout's SVG group. * @protected */ positionAt_(width: number, height: number, x: number, y: number): void; /** * Hide and empty the flyout. */ hide(): void; /** * Show and populate the flyout. * @param {!Array|string} xmlList List of blocks to show. * Variables and procedures have a custom set of blocks. */ show(xmlList: any[]|string): void; /** * Add listeners to a block that has been added to the flyout. * @param {!Element} root The root node of the SVG group the block is in. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block to add listeners for. * @param {!Element} rect The invisible rectangle under the block that acts as * a mat for that block. * @protected */ addBlockListeners_(root: Element, block: Blockly.Block, rect: Element): void; /** * Does this flyout allow you to create a new instance of the given block? * Used for deciding if a block can be "dragged out of" the flyout. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block to copy from the flyout. * @return {boolean} True if you can create a new instance of the block, false * otherwise. * @package */ isBlockCreatable_(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): boolean; /** * Create a copy of this block on the workspace. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} originalBlock The block to copy from the flyout. * @return {Blockly.BlockSvg} The newly created block, or null if something * went wrong with deserialization. * @package */ createBlock(originalBlock: Blockly.BlockSvg): Blockly.BlockSvg; /** * Initialize the given button: move it to the correct location, * add listeners, etc. * @param {!Blockly.FlyoutButton} button The button to initialize and place. * @param {number} x The x position of the cursor during this layout pass. * @param {number} y The y position of the cursor during this layout pass. * @protected */ initFlyoutButton_(button: Blockly.FlyoutButton, x: number, y: number): void; /** * Create and place a rectangle corresponding to the given block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block to associate the rect to. * @param {number} x The x position of the cursor during this layout pass. * @param {number} y The y position of the cursor during this layout pass. * @param {!{height: number, width: number}} blockHW The height and width of the * block. * @param {number} index The index into the mats list where this rect should be * placed. * @return {!SVGElement} Newly created SVG element for the rectangle behind the * block. * @protected */ createRect_(block: Blockly.Block, x: number, y: number, blockHW: { height: number; width: number }, index: number): SVGElement; /** * Move a rectangle to sit exactly behind a block, taking into account tabs, * hats, and any other protrusions we invent. * @param {!SVGElement} rect The rectangle to move directly behind the block. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block the rectangle should be behind. * @protected */ moveRectToBlock_(rect: SVGElement, block: Blockly.BlockSvg): void; /** * Reflow blocks and their mats. */ reflow(): void; /** * @return {boolean} True if this flyout may be scrolled with a scrollbar or by * dragging. * @package */ isScrollable(): boolean; } } declare module Blockly { class FlyoutButton extends FlyoutButton__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FlyoutButton__Class { /** * Class for a button in the flyout. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace in which to place this * button. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} targetWorkspace The flyout's target workspace. * @param {!Element} xml The XML specifying the label/button. * @param {boolean} isLabel Whether this button should be styled as a label. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg, targetWorkspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg, xml: Element, isLabel: boolean); /** * The width of the button's rect. * @type {number} */ width: number; /** * The height of the button's rect. * @type {number} */ height: number; /** * Create the button elements. * @return {!Element} The button's SVG group. */ createDom(): Element; /** * Correctly position the flyout button and make it visible. */ show(): void; /** * Move the button to the given x, y coordinates. * @param {number} x The new x coordinate. * @param {number} y The new y coordinate. */ moveTo(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Location of the button. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} x, y coordinates. * @package */ getPosition(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Get the button's target workspace. * @return {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} The target workspace of the flyout where this * button resides. */ getTargetWorkspace(): Blockly.WorkspaceSvg; /** * Dispose of this button. */ dispose(): void; } } declare module Blockly.FlyoutButton { /** * The margin around the text in the button. */ var MARGIN: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class FlyoutDragger extends FlyoutDragger__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FlyoutDragger__Class { /** * Class for a flyout dragger. It moves a flyout workspace around when it is * being dragged by a mouse or touch. * Note that the workspace itself manages whether or not it has a drag surface * and how to do translations based on that. This simply passes the right * commands based on events. * @param {!Blockly.Flyout} flyout The flyout to drag. * @constructor */ constructor(flyout: Blockly.Flyout); /** * Move the flyout based on the most recent mouse movements. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel coordinates. * @package */ drag(currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; } } declare module Blockly { class HorizontalFlyout extends HorizontalFlyout__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class HorizontalFlyout__Class extends Blockly.Flyout__Class { /** * Class for a flyout. * @param {!Object} workspaceOptions Dictionary of options for the workspace. * @extends {Blockly.Flyout} * @constructor */ constructor(workspaceOptions: Object); /** * Move the flyout to the edge of the workspace. */ position(): void; /** * Scroll the flyout to the top. */ scrollToStart(): void; /** * Determine if a drag delta is toward the workspace, based on the position * and orientation of the flyout. This is used in determineDragIntention_ to * determine if a new block should be created or if the flyout should scroll. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at mouse down, in pixel units. * @return {boolean} True if the drag is toward the workspace. * @package */ isDragTowardWorkspace(currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): boolean; /** * Return the deletion rectangle for this flyout in viewport coordinates. * @return {Blockly.utils.Rect} Rectangle in which to delete. */ getClientRect(): Blockly.utils.Rect; } } declare module Blockly { class VerticalFlyout extends VerticalFlyout__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VerticalFlyout__Class extends Blockly.Flyout__Class { /** * Class for a flyout. * @param {!Object} workspaceOptions Dictionary of options for the workspace. * @extends {Blockly.Flyout} * @constructor */ constructor(workspaceOptions: Object); /** * Move the flyout to the edge of the workspace. */ position(): void; /** * Scroll the flyout to the top. */ scrollToStart(): void; /** * Determine if a drag delta is toward the workspace, based on the position * and orientation of the flyout. This is used in determineDragIntention_ to * determine if a new block should be created or if the flyout should scroll. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at mouse down, in pixel units. * @return {boolean} True if the drag is toward the workspace. * @package */ isDragTowardWorkspace(currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): boolean; /** * Return the deletion rectangle for this flyout in viewport coordinates. * @return {Blockly.utils.Rect} Rectangle in which to delete. */ getClientRect(): Blockly.utils.Rect; } } declare module Blockly { class Generator extends Generator__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Generator__Class { /** * Class for a code generator that translates the blocks into a language. * @param {string} name Language name of this generator. * @constructor */ constructor(name: string); /** * Arbitrary code to inject into locations that risk causing infinite loops. * Any instances of '%1' will be replaced by the block ID that failed. * E.g. ' checkTimeout(%1);\n' * @type {?string} */ INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP: string; /** * Arbitrary code to inject before every statement. * Any instances of '%1' will be replaced by the block ID of the statement. * E.g. 'highlight(%1);\n' * @type {?string} */ STATEMENT_PREFIX: string; /** * Arbitrary code to inject after every statement. * Any instances of '%1' will be replaced by the block ID of the statement. * E.g. 'highlight(%1);\n' * @type {?string} */ STATEMENT_SUFFIX: string; /** * The method of indenting. Defaults to two spaces, but language generators * may override this to increase indent or change to tabs. * @type {string} */ INDENT: string; /** * Maximum length for a comment before wrapping. Does not account for * indenting level. * @type {number} */ COMMENT_WRAP: number; /** * List of outer-inner pairings that do NOT require parentheses. * @type {!Array.>} */ ORDER_OVERRIDES: number[][]; /** * Generate code for all blocks in the workspace to the specified language. * @param {Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace to generate code from. * @return {string} Generated code. */ workspaceToCode(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): string; /** * Prepend a common prefix onto each line of code. * Intended for indenting code or adding comment markers. * @param {string} text The lines of code. * @param {string} prefix The common prefix. * @return {string} The prefixed lines of code. */ prefixLines(text: string, prefix: string): string; /** * Recursively spider a tree of blocks, returning all their comments. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block from which to start spidering. * @return {string} Concatenated list of comments. */ allNestedComments(block: Blockly.Block): string; /** * Generate code for the specified block (and attached blocks). * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block to generate code for. * @param {boolean=} opt_thisOnly True to generate code for only this statement. * @return {string|!Array} For statement blocks, the generated code. * For value blocks, an array containing the generated code and an * operator order value. Returns '' if block is null. */ blockToCode(block: Blockly.Block, opt_thisOnly?: boolean): string|any[]; /** * Generate code representing the specified value input. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing the input. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @param {number} outerOrder The maximum binding strength (minimum order value) * of any operators adjacent to "block". * @return {string} Generated code or '' if no blocks are connected or the * specified input does not exist. */ valueToCode(block: Blockly.Block, name: string, outerOrder: number): string; /** * Generate a code string representing the blocks attached to the named * statement input. Indent the code. * This is mainly used in generators. When trying to generate code to evaluate * look at using workspaceToCode or blockToCode. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing the input. * @param {string} name The name of the input. * @return {string} Generated code or '' if no blocks are connected. */ statementToCode(block: Blockly.Block, name: string): string; /** * Add an infinite loop trap to the contents of a loop. * Add statement suffix at the start of the loop block (right after the loop * statement executes), and a statement prefix to the end of the loop block * (right before the loop statement executes). * @param {string} branch Code for loop contents. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Enclosing block. * @return {string} Loop contents, with infinite loop trap added. */ addLoopTrap(branch: string, block: Blockly.Block): string; /** * Inject a block ID into a message to replace '%1'. * Used for STATEMENT_PREFIX, STATEMENT_SUFFIX, and INFINITE_LOOP_TRAP. * @param {string} msg Code snippet with '%1'. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block which has an ID. * @return {string} Code snippet with ID. */ injectId(msg: string, block: Blockly.Block): string; /** * Add one or more words to the list of reserved words for this language. * @param {string} words Comma-separated list of words to add to the list. * No spaces. Duplicates are ok. */ addReservedWords(words: string): void; /** * Hook for code to run before code generation starts. * Subclasses may override this, e.g. to initialise the database of variable * names. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} _workspace Workspace to generate code from. */ init(_workspace: Blockly.Workspace): void; /** * Hook for code to run at end of code generation. * Subclasses may override this, e.g. to prepend the generated code with the * variable definitions. * @param {string} code Generated code. * @return {string} Completed code. */ finish(code: string): string; /** * Naked values are top-level blocks with outputs that aren't plugged into * anything. * Subclasses may override this, e.g. if their language does not allow * naked values. * @param {string} line Line of generated code. * @return {string} Legal line of code. */ scrubNakedValue(line: string): string; } } declare module Blockly.Generator { /** * Category to separate generated function names from variables and procedures. */ var NAME_TYPE: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class Gesture extends Gesture__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Gesture__Class { /** * Class for one gesture. * @param {!Event} e The event that kicked off this gesture. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} creatorWorkspace The workspace that created * this gesture and has a reference to it. * @constructor */ constructor(e: Event, creatorWorkspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg); /** * The position of the mouse when the gesture started. Units are CSS pixels, * with (0, 0) at the top left of the browser window (mouseEvent clientX/Y). * @type {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} */ mouseDownXY_: Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * The workspace that the gesture started on. There may be multiple * workspaces on a page; this is more accurate than using * Blockly.getMainWorkspace(). * @type {Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} * @protected */ startWorkspace_: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg; /** * A handle to use to unbind a mouse move listener at the end of a drag. * Opaque data returned from Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_. * @type {Array.} * @protected */ onMoveWrapper_: any[][]; /** * A handle to use to unbind a mouse up listener at the end of a drag. * Opaque data returned from Blockly.bindEventWithChecks_. * @type {Array.} * @protected */ onUpWrapper_: any[][]; /** * Boolean used internally to break a cycle in disposal. * @type {boolean} * @protected */ isEnding_: boolean; /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Start a gesture: update the workspace to indicate that a gesture is in * progress and bind mousemove and mouseup handlers. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @package */ doStart(e: Event): void; /** * Bind gesture events. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @package */ bindMouseEvents(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a mouse move or touch move event. * @param {!Event} e A mouse move or touch move event. * @package */ handleMove(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a mouse up or touch end event. * @param {!Event} e A mouse up or touch end event. * @package */ handleUp(e: Event): void; /** * Cancel an in-progress gesture. If a workspace or block drag is in progress, * end the drag at the most recent location. * @package */ cancel(): void; /** * Handle a real or faked right-click event by showing a context menu. * @param {!Event} e A mouse move or touch move event. * @package */ handleRightClick(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a mousedown/touchstart event on a workspace. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} ws The workspace the event hit. * @package */ handleWsStart(e: Event, ws: Blockly.Workspace): void; /** * Handle a mousedown/touchstart event on a flyout. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @param {!Blockly.Flyout} flyout The flyout the event hit. * @package */ handleFlyoutStart(e: Event, flyout: Blockly.Flyout): void; /** * Handle a mousedown/touchstart event on a block. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block the event hit. * @package */ handleBlockStart(e: Event, block: Blockly.BlockSvg): void; /** * Handle a mousedown/touchstart event on a bubble. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @param {!Blockly.Bubble} bubble The bubble the event hit. * @package */ handleBubbleStart(e: Event, bubble: Blockly.Bubble): void; /** * Record the field that a gesture started on. * @param {Blockly.Field} field The field the gesture started on. * @package */ setStartField(field: Blockly.Field): void; /** * Record the bubble that a gesture started on * @param {Blockly.Bubble} bubble The bubble the gesture started on. * @package */ setStartBubble(bubble: Blockly.Bubble): void; /** * Record the block that a gesture started on, and set the target block * appropriately. * @param {Blockly.BlockSvg} block The block the gesture started on. * @package */ setStartBlock(block: Blockly.BlockSvg): void; /** * Whether this gesture is a drag of either a workspace or block. * This function is called externally to block actions that cannot be taken * mid-drag (e.g. using the keyboard to delete the selected blocks). * @return {boolean} True if this gesture is a drag of a workspace or block. * @package */ isDragging(): boolean; /** * Whether this gesture has already been started. In theory every mouse down * has a corresponding mouse up, but in reality it is possible to lose a * mouse up, leaving an in-process gesture hanging. * @return {boolean} Whether this gesture was a click on a workspace. * @package */ hasStarted(): boolean; /** * Get a list of the insertion markers that currently exist. Block drags have * 0, 1, or 2 insertion markers. * @return {!Array.} A possibly empty list of insertion * marker blocks. * @package */ getInsertionMarkers(): Blockly.BlockSvg[]; } } declare module Blockly.Gesture { /** * Is a drag or other gesture currently in progress on any workspace? * @return {boolean} True if gesture is occurring. */ function inProgress(): boolean; } declare module Blockly { class Grid extends Grid__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Grid__Class { /** * Class for a workspace's grid. * @param {!SVGElement} pattern The grid's SVG pattern, created during * injection. * @param {!Object} options A dictionary of normalized options for the grid. * See grid documentation: * https://developers.google.com/blockly/guides/configure/web/grid * @constructor */ constructor(pattern: SVGElement, options: Object); /** * Dispose of this grid and unlink from the DOM. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Whether blocks should snap to the grid, based on the initial configuration. * @return {boolean} True if blocks should snap, false otherwise. * @package */ shouldSnap(): boolean; /** * Get the spacing of the grid points (in px). * @return {number} The spacing of the grid points. * @package */ getSpacing(): number; /** * Get the id of the pattern element, which should be randomized to avoid * conflicts with other Blockly instances on the page. * @return {string} The pattern ID. * @package */ getPatternId(): string; /** * Update the grid with a new scale. * @param {number} scale The new workspace scale. * @package */ update(scale: number): void; /** * Move the grid to a new x and y position, and make sure that change is * visible. * @param {number} x The new x position of the grid (in px). * @param {number} y The new y position ofthe grid (in px). * @package */ moveTo(x: number, y: number): void; } } declare module Blockly.Grid { /** * Create the DOM for the grid described by options. * @param {string} rnd A random ID to append to the pattern's ID. * @param {!Object} gridOptions The object containing grid configuration. * @param {!SVGElement} defs The root SVG element for this workspace's defs. * @return {!SVGElement} The SVG element for the grid pattern. * @package */ function createDom(rnd: string, gridOptions: Object, defs: SVGElement): SVGElement; } declare module Blockly { class Icon extends Icon__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Icon__Class { /** * Class for an icon. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block associated with this icon. * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * Does this icon get hidden when the block is collapsed. */ collapseHidden: any /*missing*/; /** * Height and width of icons. */ SIZE: any /*missing*/; /** * Bubble UI (if visible). * @type {Blockly.Bubble} * @protected */ bubble_: Blockly.Bubble; /** * Absolute coordinate of icon's center. * @type {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} * @protected */ iconXY_: Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Create the icon on the block. */ createIcon(): void; /** * Dispose of this icon. */ dispose(): void; /** * Add or remove the UI indicating if this icon may be clicked or not. */ updateEditable(): void; /** * Is the associated bubble visible? * @return {boolean} True if the bubble is visible. */ isVisible(): boolean; /** * Clicking on the icon toggles if the bubble is visible. * @param {!Event} e Mouse click event. * @protected */ iconClick_(e: Event): void; /** * Change the colour of the associated bubble to match its block. */ updateColour(): void; /** * Render the icon. * @param {number} cursorX Horizontal offset at which to position the icon. * @return {number} Horizontal offset for next item to draw. */ renderIcon(cursorX: number): number; /** * Notification that the icon has moved. Update the arrow accordingly. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} xy Absolute location in workspace coordinates. */ setIconLocation(xy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Notification that the icon has moved, but we don't really know where. * Recompute the icon's location from scratch. */ computeIconLocation(): void; /** * Returns the center of the block's icon relative to the surface. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with x and y properties in workspace * coordinates. */ getIconLocation(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Get the size of the icon as used for rendering. * This differs from the actual size of the icon, because it bulges slightly * out of its row rather than increasing the height of its row. * TODO (#2562): Remove getCorrectedSize. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} Height and width. */ getCorrectedSize(): Blockly.utils.Size; } } declare module Blockly { /** * Inject a Blockly editor into the specified container element (usually a div). * @param {!Element|string} container Containing element, or its ID, * or a CSS selector. * @param {Object=} opt_options Optional dictionary of options. * @return {!Blockly.Workspace} Newly created main workspace. */ function inject(container: Element|string, opt_options?: Object): Blockly.Workspace; /** * Modify the block tree on the existing toolbox. * @param {Node|string} tree DOM tree of blocks, or text representation of same. * @deprecated April 2015 */ function updateToolbox(tree: Node|string): void; } declare module Blockly { class Input extends Input__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Input__Class { /** * Class for an input with an optional field. * @param {number} type The type of the input. * @param {string} name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find this * input again. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block containing this input. * @param {Blockly.Connection} connection Optional connection for this input. * @constructor */ constructor(type: number, name: string, block: Blockly.Block, connection: Blockly.Connection); /** @type {number} */ type: number; /** @type {string} */ name: string; /** @type {Blockly.Connection} */ connection: Blockly.Connection; /** @type {!Array.} */ fieldRow: Blockly.Field[]; /** * Alignment of input's fields (left, right or centre). * @type {number} */ align: number; /** * Get the source block for this input. * @return {Blockly.Block} The source block, or null if there is none. */ getSourceBlock(): Blockly.Block; /** * Add a field (or label from string), and all prefix and suffix fields, to the * end of the input's field row. * @param {string|!Blockly.Field} field Something to add as a field. * @param {string=} opt_name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find * this field again. Should be unique to the host block. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input being append to (to allow chaining). */ appendField(field: string|Blockly.Field, opt_name?: string): Blockly.Input; /** * Inserts a field (or label from string), and all prefix and suffix fields, at * the location of the input's field row. * @param {number} index The index at which to insert field. * @param {string|!Blockly.Field} field Something to add as a field. * @param {string=} opt_name Language-neutral identifier which may used to find * this field again. Should be unique to the host block. * @return {number} The index following the last inserted field. */ insertFieldAt(index: number, field: string|Blockly.Field, opt_name?: string): number; /** * Remove a field from this input. * @param {string} name The name of the field. * @throws {Error} if the field is not present. */ removeField(name: string): void; /** * Gets whether this input is visible or not. * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ isVisible(): boolean; /** * Sets whether this input is visible or not. * Should only be used to collapse/uncollapse a block. * @param {boolean} visible True if visible. * @return {!Array.} List of blocks to render. * @package */ setVisible(visible: boolean): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Change a connection's compatibility. * @param {string|Array.|null} check Compatible value type or * list of value types. Null if all types are compatible. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input being modified (to allow chaining). */ setCheck(check: string|string[]|any /*null*/): Blockly.Input; /** * Change the alignment of the connection's field(s). * @param {number} align One of Blockly.ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTRE, ALIGN_RIGHT. * In RTL mode directions are reversed, and ALIGN_RIGHT aligns to the left. * @return {!Blockly.Input} The input being modified (to allow chaining). */ setAlign(align: number): Blockly.Input; /** * Initialize the fields on this input. */ init(): void; /** * Sever all links to this input. */ dispose(): void; } } declare module Blockly { class InsertionMarkerManager extends InsertionMarkerManager__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class InsertionMarkerManager__Class { /** * Class that controls updates to connections during drags. It is primarily * responsible for finding the closest eligible connection and highlighting or * unhiglighting it as needed during a drag. * @param {!Blockly.BlockSvg} block The top block in the stack being dragged. * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.BlockSvg); /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Return whether the block would be deleted if dropped immediately, based on * information from the most recent move event. * @return {boolean} True if the block would be deleted if dropped immediately. * @package */ wouldDeleteBlock(): boolean; /** * Return whether the block would be connected if dropped immediately, based on * information from the most recent move event. * @return {boolean} True if the block would be connected if dropped * immediately. * @package */ wouldConnectBlock(): boolean; /** * Connect to the closest connection and render the results. * This should be called at the end of a drag. * @package */ applyConnections(): void; /** * Update highlighted connections based on the most recent move location. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} dxy Position relative to drag start, * in workspace units. * @param {?number} deleteArea One of {@link Blockly.DELETE_AREA_TRASH}, * {@link Blockly.DELETE_AREA_TOOLBOX}, or {@link Blockly.DELETE_AREA_NONE}. * @package */ update(dxy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate, deleteArea: number): void; /** * Find the nearest valid connection, which may be the same as the current * closest connection. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} dxy Position relative to drag start, * in workspace units. * @return {!Object} An object containing a local connection, a closest * connection, and a radius. */ getCandidate_(dxy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): Object; /** * Add highlighting showing which block will be replaced. */ highlightBlock_(): void; /** * Get rid of the highlighting marking the block that will be replaced. */ unhighlightBlock_(): void; /** * Get a list of the insertion markers that currently exist. Drags have 0, 1, * or 2 insertion markers. * @return {!Array.} A possibly empty list of insertion * marker blocks. * @package */ getInsertionMarkers(): Blockly.BlockSvg[]; } } declare module goog { /** * Back up original getMsg function. * @type {!Function} */ var getMsgOrig: Function; /** * Gets a localized message. * Overrides the default Closure function to check for a Blockly.Msg first. * Used infrequently, only known case is TODAY button in date picker. * @param {string} str Translatable string, places holders in the form {$foo}. * @param {Object.=} opt_values Maps place holder name to value. * @return {string} Message with placeholders filled. * @suppress {duplicate} */ function getMsg(str: string, opt_values?: { [key: string]: string }): string; } declare module goog.getMsg { /** * Mapping of Closure messages to Blockly.Msg names. */ var blocklyMsgMap: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class Mutator extends Mutator__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Mutator__Class extends Blockly.Icon__Class { /** * Class for a mutator dialog. * @param {!Array.} quarkNames List of names of sub-blocks for flyout. * @extends {Blockly.Icon} * @constructor */ constructor(quarkNames: string[]); /** * Add or remove the UI indicating if this icon may be clicked or not. */ updateEditable(): void; /** * Show or hide the mutator bubble. * @param {boolean} visible True if the bubble should be visible. */ setVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Dispose of this mutator. */ dispose(): void; /** * Update the styles on all blocks in the mutator. * @public */ updateBlockStyle(): void; } } declare module Blockly.Mutator { /** * Reconnect an block to a mutated input. * @param {Blockly.Connection} connectionChild Connection on child block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Parent block. * @param {string} inputName Name of input on parent block. * @return {boolean} True iff a reconnection was made, false otherwise. */ function reconnect(connectionChild: Blockly.Connection, block: Blockly.Block, inputName: string): boolean; /** * Get the parent workspace of a workspace that is inside a mutator, taking into * account whether it is a flyout. * @param {Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace that is inside a mutator. * @return {Blockly.Workspace} The mutator's parent workspace or null. * @public */ function findParentWs(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.Workspace; } declare module Blockly { class Names extends Names__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Names__Class { /** * Class for a database of entity names (variables, functions, etc). * @param {string} reservedWords A comma-separated string of words that are * illegal for use as names in a language (e.g. 'new,if,this,...'). * @param {string=} opt_variablePrefix Some languages need a '$' or a namespace * before all variable names. * @constructor */ constructor(reservedWords: string, opt_variablePrefix?: string); /** * Empty the database and start from scratch. The reserved words are kept. */ reset(): void; /** * Set the variable map that maps from variable name to variable object. * @param {!Blockly.VariableMap} map The map to track. * @package */ setVariableMap(map: Blockly.VariableMap): void; /** * Convert a Blockly entity name to a legal exportable entity name. * @param {string} name The Blockly entity name (no constraints). * @param {string} type The type of entity in Blockly * ('VARIABLE', 'PROCEDURE', 'BUILTIN', etc...). * @return {string} An entity name that is legal in the exported language. */ getName(name: string, type: string): string; /** * Convert a Blockly entity name to a legal exportable entity name. * Ensure that this is a new name not overlapping any previously defined name. * Also check against list of reserved words for the current language and * ensure name doesn't collide. * @param {string} name The Blockly entity name (no constraints). * @param {string} type The type of entity in Blockly * ('VARIABLE', 'PROCEDURE', 'BUILTIN', etc...). * @return {string} An entity name that is legal in the exported language. */ getDistinctName(name: string, type: string): string; } } declare module Blockly.Names { /** * Constant to separate developer variable names from user-defined variable * names when running generators. * A developer variable will be declared as a global in the generated code, but * will never be shown to the user in the workspace or stored in the variable * map. */ var DEVELOPER_VARIABLE_TYPE: any /*missing*/; /** * Do the given two entity names refer to the same entity? * Blockly names are case-insensitive. * @param {string} name1 First name. * @param {string} name2 Second name. * @return {boolean} True if names are the same. */ function equals(name1: string, name2: string): boolean; } declare module Blockly { class Options extends Options__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Options__Class { /** * Parse the user-specified options, using reasonable defaults where behaviour * is unspecified. * @param {!Object} options Dictionary of options. Specification: * https://developers.google.com/blockly/guides/get-started/web#configuration * @constructor */ constructor(options: Object); /** @deprecated January 2019 */ hasScrollbars: any /*missing*/; /** * The parent of the current workspace, or null if there is no parent workspace. * @type {Blockly.Workspace} */ parentWorkspace: Blockly.Workspace; /** * If set, sets the translation of the workspace to match the scrollbars. */ setMetrics: any /*missing*/; /** * Return an object with the metrics required to size the workspace. * @return {Object} Contains size and position metrics, or null. */ getMetrics(): Object; } } declare module Blockly.Options { /** * Parse the provided toolbox tree into a consistent DOM format. * @param {Node|string} tree DOM tree of blocks, or text representation of same. * @return {Node} DOM tree of blocks, or null. */ function parseToolboxTree(tree: Node|string): Node; } declare module Blockly.Procedures { /** * Constant to separate procedure names from variables and generated functions * when running generators. * @deprecated Use Blockly.PROCEDURE_CATEGORY_NAME */ var NAME_TYPE: any /*missing*/; /** * Find all user-created procedure definitions in a workspace. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} root Root workspace. * @return {!Array.>} Pair of arrays, the * first contains procedures without return variables, the second with. * Each procedure is defined by a three-element list of name, parameter * list, and return value boolean. */ function allProcedures(root: Blockly.Workspace): any[][][]; /** * Ensure two identically-named procedures don't exist. * Take the proposed procedure name, and return a legal name i.e. one that * is not empty and doesn't collide with other procedures. * @param {string} name Proposed procedure name. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to disambiguate. * @return {string} Non-colliding name. */ function findLegalName(name: string, block: Blockly.Block): string; /** * Return if the given name is already a procedure name. * @param {string} name The questionable name. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to scan for collisions. * @param {Blockly.Block=} opt_exclude Optional block to exclude from * comparisons (one doesn't want to collide with oneself). * @return {boolean} True if the name is used, otherwise return false. */ function isNameUsed(name: string, workspace: Blockly.Workspace, opt_exclude?: Blockly.Block): boolean; /** * Rename a procedure. Called by the editable field. * @param {string} name The proposed new name. * @return {string} The accepted name. * @this {Blockly.Field} */ function rename(name: string): string; /** * Construct the blocks required by the flyout for the procedure category. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace containing procedures. * @return {!Array.} Array of XML block elements. */ function flyoutCategory(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Element[]; /** * Find all the callers of a named procedure. * @param {string} name Name of procedure. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to find callers in. * @return {!Array.} Array of caller blocks. */ function getCallers(name: string, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.Block[]; /** * When a procedure definition changes its parameters, find and edit all its * callers. * @param {!Blockly.Block} defBlock Procedure definition block. */ function mutateCallers(defBlock: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Find the definition block for the named procedure. * @param {string} name Name of procedure. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to search. * @return {Blockly.Block} The procedure definition block, or null not found. */ function getDefinition(name: string, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.Block; } declare module Blockly { class RenderedConnection extends RenderedConnection__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class RenderedConnection__Class extends Blockly.Connection__Class { /** * Class for a connection between blocks that may be rendered on screen. * @param {!Blockly.Block} source The block establishing this connection. * @param {number} type The type of the connection. * @extends {Blockly.Connection} * @constructor */ constructor(source: Blockly.Block, type: number); /** * Returns the distance between this connection and another connection in * workspace units. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} otherConnection The other connection to measure * the distance to. * @return {number} The distance between connections, in workspace units. */ distanceFrom(otherConnection: Blockly.Connection): number; /** * Change the connection's coordinates. * @param {number} x New absolute x coordinate, in workspace coordinates. * @param {number} y New absolute y coordinate, in workspace coordinates. */ moveTo(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Change the connection's coordinates. * @param {number} dx Change to x coordinate, in workspace units. * @param {number} dy Change to y coordinate, in workspace units. */ moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): void; /** * Move this connection to the location given by its offset within the block and * the location of the block's top left corner. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} blockTL The location of the top left corner * of the block, in workspace coordinates. */ moveToOffset(blockTL: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Set the offset of this connection relative to the top left of its block. * @param {number} x The new relative x, in workspace units. * @param {number} y The new relative y, in workspace units. */ setOffsetInBlock(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Get the offset of this connection relative to the top left of its block. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} The offset of the connection. * @package */ getOffsetInBlock(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Find the closest compatible connection to this connection. * All parameters are in workspace units. * @param {number} maxLimit The maximum radius to another connection. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} dxy Offset between this connection's location * in the database and the current location (as a result of dragging). * @return {!{connection: ?Blockly.Connection, radius: number}} Contains two * properties: 'connection' which is either another connection or null, * and 'radius' which is the distance. */ closest(maxLimit: number, dxy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): { connection: Blockly.Connection; radius: number }; /** * Add highlighting around this connection. */ highlight(): void; /** * Unhide this connection, as well as all down-stream connections on any block * attached to this connection. This happens when a block is expanded. * Also unhides down-stream comments. * @return {!Array.} List of blocks to render. */ unhideAll(): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Remove the highlighting around this connection. */ unhighlight(): void; /** * Set whether this connections is hidden (not tracked in a database) or not. * @param {boolean} hidden True if connection is hidden. */ setHidden(hidden: boolean): void; /** * Hide this connection, as well as all down-stream connections on any block * attached to this connection. This happens when a block is collapsed. * Also hides down-stream comments. */ hideAll(): void; /** * Check if the two connections can be dragged to connect to each other. * @param {!Blockly.Connection} candidate A nearby connection to check. * @param {number=} maxRadius The maximum radius allowed for connections, in * workspace units. * @return {boolean} True if the connection is allowed, false otherwise. */ isConnectionAllowed(candidate: Blockly.Connection, maxRadius?: number): boolean; } } declare module Blockly { class ScrollbarPair extends ScrollbarPair__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class ScrollbarPair__Class { /** * Class for a pair of scrollbars. Horizontal and vertical. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace to bind the scrollbars to. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace); /** * Dispose of this pair of scrollbars. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Recalculate both of the scrollbars' locations and lengths. * Also reposition the corner rectangle. */ resize(): void; /** * Set the handles of both scrollbars to be at a certain position in CSS pixels * relative to their parents. * @param {number} x Horizontal scroll value. * @param {number} y Vertical scroll value. */ set(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Set whether this scrollbar's container is visible. * @param {boolean} visible Whether the container is visible. */ setContainerVisible(visible: boolean): void; } class Scrollbar extends Scrollbar__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Scrollbar__Class { /** * Class for a pure SVG scrollbar. * This technique offers a scrollbar that is guaranteed to work, but may not * look or behave like the system's scrollbars. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace Workspace to bind the scrollbar to. * @param {boolean} horizontal True if horizontal, false if vertical. * @param {boolean=} opt_pair True if scrollbar is part of a horiz/vert pair. * @param {string=} opt_class A class to be applied to this scrollbar. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, horizontal: boolean, opt_pair?: boolean, opt_class?: string); /** * The position of the mouse along this scrollbar's major axis at the start of * the most recent drag. * Units are CSS pixels, with (0, 0) at the top left of the browser window. * For a horizontal scrollbar this is the x coordinate of the mouse down event; * for a vertical scrollbar it's the y coordinate of the mouse down event. * @type {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} */ startDragMouse_: Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Dispose of this scrollbar. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Set the length of the scrollbar's handle and change the SVG attribute * accordingly. * @param {number} newLength The new scrollbar handle length in CSS pixels. */ setHandleLength_(newLength: number): void; /** * Set the offset of the scrollbar's handle from the scrollbar's position, and * change the SVG attribute accordingly. * @param {number} newPosition The new scrollbar handle offset in CSS pixels. */ setHandlePosition(newPosition: number): void; /** * Recalculate the scrollbar's location and its length. * @param {Object=} opt_metrics A data structure of from the describing all the * required dimensions. If not provided, it will be fetched from the host * object. */ resize(opt_metrics?: Object): void; /** * Recalculate a horizontal scrollbar's location on the screen and path length. * This should be called when the layout or size of the window has changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ resizeViewHorizontal(hostMetrics: Object): void; /** * Recalculate a horizontal scrollbar's location within its path and length. * This should be called when the contents of the workspace have changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ resizeContentHorizontal(hostMetrics: Object): void; /** * Recalculate a vertical scrollbar's location on the screen and path length. * This should be called when the layout or size of the window has changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ resizeViewVertical(hostMetrics: Object): void; /** * Recalculate a vertical scrollbar's location within its path and length. * This should be called when the contents of the workspace have changed. * @param {!Object} hostMetrics A data structure describing all the * required dimensions, possibly fetched from the host object. */ resizeContentVertical(hostMetrics: Object): void; /** * Is the scrollbar visible. Non-paired scrollbars disappear when they aren't * needed. * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ isVisible(): boolean; /** * Set whether the scrollbar's container is visible and update * display accordingly if visibility has changed. * @param {boolean} visible Whether the container is visible */ setContainerVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Set whether the scrollbar is visible. * Only applies to non-paired scrollbars. * @param {boolean} visible True if visible. */ setVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Update visibility of scrollbar based on whether it thinks it should * be visible and whether its containing workspace is visible. * We cannot rely on the containing workspace being hidden to hide us * because it is not necessarily our parent in the DOM. */ updateDisplay_(): void; /** * Set the scrollbar handle's position. * @param {number} value The distance from the top/left end of the bar, in CSS * pixels. It may be larger than the maximum allowable position of the * scrollbar handle. */ set(value: number): void; /** * Record the origin of the workspace that the scrollbar is in, in pixels * relative to the injection div origin. This is for times when the scrollbar is * used in an object whose origin isn't the same as the main workspace * (e.g. in a flyout.) * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the scrollbar's origin, in CSS pixels. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the scrollbar's origin, in CSS pixels. */ setOrigin(x: number, y: number): void; } } declare module Blockly.Scrollbar { /** * Width of vertical scrollbar or height of horizontal scrollbar in CSS pixels. * Scrollbars should be larger on touch devices. */ var scrollbarThickness: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class Theme extends Theme__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Theme__Class { /** * Class for a theme. * @param {!Object.} blockStyles A map from style * names (strings) to objects with style attributes relating to blocks. * @param {!Object.} categoryStyles A map from * style names (strings) to objects with style attributes relating to * categories. * @constructor */ constructor(blockStyles: { [key: string]: Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle }, categoryStyles: { [key: string]: Blockly.Theme.CategoryStyle }); /** * Overrides or adds all values from blockStyles to blockStyles_ * @param {Object.} blockStyles Map of * block styles. */ setAllBlockStyles(blockStyles: { [key: string]: Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle }): void; /** * Gets a map of all the block style names. * @return {!Object.} Map of block styles. */ getAllBlockStyles(): { [key: string]: Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle }; /** * Gets the BlockStyle for the given block style name. * @param {string} blockStyleName The name of the block style. * @return {Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle|undefined} The named block style. */ getBlockStyle(blockStyleName: string): Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle|any /*undefined*/; /** * Overrides or adds a style to the blockStyles map. * @param {string} blockStyleName The name of the block style. * @param {Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle} blockStyle The block style. */ setBlockStyle(blockStyleName: string, blockStyle: Blockly.Theme.BlockStyle): void; /** * Gets the CategoryStyle for the given category style name. * @param {string} categoryStyleName The name of the category style. * @return {Blockly.Theme.CategoryStyle|undefined} The named category style. */ getCategoryStyle(categoryStyleName: string): Blockly.Theme.CategoryStyle|any /*undefined*/; /** * Overrides or adds a style to the categoryStyles map. * @param {string} categoryStyleName The name of the category style. * @param {Blockly.Theme.CategoryStyle} categoryStyle The category style. */ setCategoryStyle(categoryStyleName: string, categoryStyle: Blockly.Theme.CategoryStyle): void; } } declare module Blockly.Theme { /** * A block style. * @typedef {{ * colourPrimary:string, * colourSecondary:string, * colourTertiary:string, * hat:string * }} */ interface BlockStyle { colourPrimary: string; colourSecondary: string; colourTertiary: string; hat: string } /** * A category style. * @typedef {{ * colour:string * }} */ interface CategoryStyle { colour: string } } declare module Blockly { class Toolbox extends Toolbox__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Toolbox__Class { /** * Class for a Toolbox. * Creates the toolbox's DOM. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace in which to create new * blocks. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace); /** * Is RTL vs LTR. * @type {boolean} */ RTL: boolean; /** * Position of the toolbox and flyout relative to the workspace. * @type {number} */ toolboxPosition: number; /** * Width of the toolbox, which changes only in vertical layout. * @type {number} */ width: number; /** * Height of the toolbox, which changes only in horizontal layout. * @type {number} */ height: number; /** * Initializes the toolbox. */ init(): void; /** * HTML container for the Toolbox menu. * @type {Element} */ HtmlDiv: Element; /** * Dispose of this toolbox. */ dispose(): void; /** * Get the width of the toolbox. * @return {number} The width of the toolbox. */ getWidth(): number; /** * Get the height of the toolbox. * @return {number} The width of the toolbox. */ getHeight(): number; /** * Move the toolbox to the edge. */ position(): void; /** * Retrieves and sets the colour for the category using the style name. * The category colour is set from the colour style attribute. * @param {string} styleName Name of the style. * @param {!Blockly.Toolbox.TreeNode} childOut The child to set the hexColour on. * @param {string} categoryName Name of the toolbox category. */ setColourFromStyle_(styleName: string, childOut: Blockly.Toolbox.TreeNode, categoryName: string): void; /** * Updates the category colours and background colour of selected categories. */ updateColourFromTheme(): void; /** * Unhighlight any previously specified option. */ clearSelection(): void; /** * Adds a style on the toolbox. Usually used to change the cursor. * @param {string} style The name of the class to add. * @package */ addStyle(style: string): void; /** * Removes a style from the toolbox. Usually used to change the cursor. * @param {string} style The name of the class to remove. * @package */ removeStyle(style: string): void; /** * Return the deletion rectangle for this toolbox. * @return {Blockly.utils.Rect} Rectangle in which to delete. */ getClientRect(): Blockly.utils.Rect; /** * Update the flyout's contents without closing it. Should be used in response * to a change in one of the dynamic categories, such as variables or * procedures. */ refreshSelection(): void; } } declare module Blockly.Toolbox { class TreeControl extends TreeControl__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class TreeControl__Class extends goog.ui.tree.TreeControl__Class { /** * Extension of a TreeControl object that uses a custom tree node. * @param {Blockly.Toolbox} toolbox The parent toolbox for this tree. * @param {Object} config The configuration for the tree. See * goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.DefaultConfig. * @constructor * @extends {goog.ui.tree.TreeControl} */ constructor(toolbox: Blockly.Toolbox, config: Object); } class TreeNode extends TreeNode__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class TreeNode__Class extends goog.ui.tree.TreeNode__Class { /** * A single node in the tree, customized for Blockly's UI. * @param {Blockly.Toolbox} toolbox The parent toolbox for this tree. * @param {!goog.html.SafeHtml} html The HTML content of the node label. * @param {Object|undefined} config The configuration for the tree. * See goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.DefaultConfig. * If not specified, a default config will be used. * @constructor * @extends {goog.ui.tree.TreeNode} */ constructor(toolbox: Blockly.Toolbox, html: goog.html.SafeHtml, config: Object|any /*undefined*/); } class TreeSeparator extends TreeSeparator__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class TreeSeparator__Class extends Blockly.Toolbox.TreeNode__Class { /** * A blank separator node in the tree. * @param {Object|undefined} config The configuration for the tree. * See goog.ui.tree.TreeControl.DefaultConfig * If not specified, a default config will be used. * @constructor * @extends {Blockly.Toolbox.TreeNode} */ constructor(config: Object|any /*undefined*/); } } declare module Blockly.Tooltip { /** * Is a tooltip currently showing? */ var visible: any /*missing*/; /** * Maximum width (in characters) of a tooltip. */ var LIMIT: any /*missing*/; /** * Horizontal offset between mouse cursor and tooltip. */ var OFFSET_X: any /*missing*/; /** * Vertical offset between mouse cursor and tooltip. */ var OFFSET_Y: any /*missing*/; /** * Radius mouse can move before killing tooltip. */ var RADIUS_OK: any /*missing*/; /** * Delay before tooltip appears. */ var HOVER_MS: any /*missing*/; /** * Horizontal padding between tooltip and screen edge. */ var MARGINS: any /*missing*/; /** * The HTML container. Set once by Blockly.Tooltip.createDom. * @type {Element} */ var DIV: Element; /** * Create the tooltip div and inject it onto the page. */ function createDom(): void; /** * Binds the required mouse events onto an SVG element. * @param {!Element} element SVG element onto which tooltip is to be bound. */ function bindMouseEvents(element: Element): void; /** * Hide the tooltip. */ function hide(): void; /** * Hide any in-progress tooltips and block showing new tooltips until the next * call to unblock(). * @package */ function block(): void; /** * Unblock tooltips: allow them to be scheduled and shown according to their own * logic. * @package */ function unblock(): void; } declare module Blockly.Touch { /** * Whether touch is enabled in the browser. * Copied from Closure's goog.events.BrowserFeature.TOUCH_ENABLED */ var TOUCH_ENABLED: any /*missing*/; /** * The TOUCH_MAP lookup dictionary specifies additional touch events to fire, * in conjunction with mouse events. * @type {Object} */ var TOUCH_MAP: Object; /** * Clear the touch identifier that tracks which touch stream to pay attention * to. This ends the current drag/gesture and allows other pointers to be * captured. */ function clearTouchIdentifier(): void; /** * Decide whether Blockly should handle or ignore this event. * Mouse and touch events require special checks because we only want to deal * with one touch stream at a time. All other events should always be handled. * @param {!Event} e The event to check. * @return {boolean} True if this event should be passed through to the * registered handler; false if it should be blocked. */ function shouldHandleEvent(e: Event): boolean; /** * Get the touch identifier from the given event. If it was a mouse event, the * identifier is the string 'mouse'. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event or touch event. * @return {string} The touch identifier from the first changed touch, if * defined. Otherwise 'mouse'. */ function getTouchIdentifierFromEvent(e: Event): string; /** * Check whether the touch identifier on the event matches the current saved * identifier. If there is no identifier, that means it's a mouse event and * we'll use the identifier "mouse". This means we won't deal well with * multiple mice being used at the same time. That seems okay. * If the current identifier was unset, save the identifier from the * event. This starts a drag/gesture, during which touch events with other * identifiers will be silently ignored. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event or touch event. * @return {boolean} Whether the identifier on the event matches the current * saved identifier. */ function checkTouchIdentifier(e: Event): boolean; /** * Set an event's clientX and clientY from its first changed touch. Use this to * make a touch event work in a mouse event handler. * @param {!Event} e A touch event. */ function setClientFromTouch(e: Event): void; /** * Check whether a given event is a mouse or touch event. * @param {!Event} e An event. * @return {boolean} True if it is a mouse or touch event; false otherwise. */ function isMouseOrTouchEvent(e: Event): boolean; /** * Check whether a given event is a touch event or a pointer event. * @param {!Event} e An event. * @return {boolean} True if it is a touch event; false otherwise. */ function isTouchEvent(e: Event): boolean; /** * Split an event into an array of events, one per changed touch or mouse * point. * @param {!Event} e A mouse event or a touch event with one or more changed * touches. * @return {!Array.} An array of mouse or touch events. Each touch * event will have exactly one changed touch. */ function splitEventByTouches(e: Event): Event[]; } declare module Blockly { class TouchGesture extends TouchGesture__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class TouchGesture__Class extends Blockly.Gesture__Class { /** * Class for one gesture. * @param {!Event} e The event that kicked off this gesture. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} creatorWorkspace The workspace that created * this gesture and has a reference to it. * @extends {Blockly.Gesture} * @constructor */ constructor(e: Event, creatorWorkspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg); /** * Start a gesture: update the workspace to indicate that a gesture is in * progress and bind mousemove and mouseup handlers. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down, touch start or pointer down event. * @package */ doStart(e: Event): void; /** * Bind gesture events. * Overriding the gesture definition of this function, binding the same * functions for onMoveWrapper_ and onUpWrapper_ but passing * opt_noCaptureIdentifier. * In addition, binding a second mouse down event to detect multi-touch events. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down or touch start event. * @package */ bindMouseEvents(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a mouse down, touch start, or pointer down event. * @param {!Event} e A mouse down, touch start, or pointer down event. * @package */ handleStart(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a mouse move, touch move, or pointer move event. * @param {!Event} e A mouse move, touch move, or pointer move event. * @package */ handleMove(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a mouse up, touch end, or pointer up event. * @param {!Event} e A mouse up, touch end, or pointer up event. * @package */ handleUp(e: Event): void; /** * Whether this gesture is part of a multi-touch gesture. * @return {boolean} Whether this gesture is part of a multi-touch gesture. * @package */ isMultiTouch(): boolean; /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Handle a touch start or pointer down event and keep track of current * pointers. * @param {!Event} e A touch start, or pointer down event. * @package */ handleTouchStart(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a touch move or pointer move event and zoom in/out if two pointers * are on the screen. * @param {!Event} e A touch move, or pointer move event. * @package */ handleTouchMove(e: Event): void; /** * Handle a touch end or pointer end event and end the gesture. * @param {!Event} e A touch end, or pointer end event. * @package */ handleTouchEnd(e: Event): void; /** * Helper function returning the current touch point coordinate. * @param {!Event} e A touch or pointer event. * @return {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} The current touch point coordinate * @package */ getTouchPoint(e: Event): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; } } declare module Blockly.TouchGesture { /** * A multiplier used to convert the gesture scale to a zoom in delta. * @const */ var ZOOM_IN_MULTIPLIER: any /*missing*/; /** * A multiplier used to convert the gesture scale to a zoom out delta. * @const */ var ZOOM_OUT_MULTIPLIER: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly { class Trashcan extends Trashcan__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Trashcan__Class { /** * Class for a trash can. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to sit in. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace); /** * Current open/close state of the lid. * @type {boolean} */ isOpen: boolean; /** * Create the trash can elements. * @return {!Element} The trash can's SVG group. */ createDom(): Element; /** * Initialize the trash can. * @param {number} verticalSpacing Vertical distance from workspace edge to the * same edge of the trashcan. * @return {number} Vertical distance from workspace edge to the opposite * edge of the trashcan. */ init(verticalSpacing: number): number; /** * Dispose of this trash can. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Position the trashcan. * It is positioned in the opposite corner to the corner the * categories/toolbox starts at. */ position(): void; /** * Return the deletion rectangle for this trash can. * @return {Blockly.utils.Rect} Rectangle in which to delete. */ getClientRect(): Blockly.utils.Rect; /** * Flip the lid shut. * Called externally after a drag. */ close(): void; /** * Inspect the contents of the trash. */ click(): void; } } declare module Blockly.Events { class Ui extends Ui__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Ui__Class extends Blockly.Events.Abstract__Class { /** * Class for a UI event. * UI events are events that don't need to be sent over the wire for multi-user * editing to work (e.g. scrolling the workspace, zooming, opening toolbox * categories). * UI events do not undo or redo. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The affected block. * @param {string} element One of 'selected', 'comment', 'mutatorOpen', etc. * @param {*} oldValue Previous value of element. * @param {*} newValue New value of element. * @extends {Blockly.Events.Abstract} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block, element: string, oldValue: any, newValue: any); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; } } declare module Blockly.utils.uiMenu { /** * Get the size of a rendered goog.ui.Menu. * @param {!goog.ui.Menu} menu The menu to measure. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Size} Object with width and height properties. * @package */ function getSize(menu: goog.ui.Menu): Blockly.utils.Size; /** * Adjust the bounding boxes used to position the widget div to deal with RTL * goog.ui.Menu positioning. In RTL mode the menu renders down and to the left * of its start point, instead of down and to the right. Adjusting all of the * bounding boxes accordingly allows us to use the same code for all widgets. * This function in-place modifies the provided bounding boxes. * @param {!Object} viewportBBox The bounding rectangle of the current viewport, * in window coordinates. * @param {!Object} anchorBBox The bounding rectangle of the anchor, in window * coordinates. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Size} menuSize The size of the menu that is inside the * widget div, in window coordinates. * @package */ function adjustBBoxesForRTL(viewportBBox: Object, anchorBBox: Object, menuSize: Blockly.utils.Size): void; } declare module Blockly.utils { /** * Don't do anything for this event, just halt propagation. * @param {!Event} e An event. */ function noEvent(e: Event): void; /** * Is this event targeting a text input widget? * @param {!Event} e An event. * @return {boolean} True if text input. */ function isTargetInput(e: Event): boolean; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this element relative to * its parent. Only for SVG elements and children (e.g. rect, g, path). * @param {!Element} element SVG element to find the coordinates of. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties. */ function getRelativeXY(element: Element): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this element relative to * the div Blockly was injected into. * @param {!Element} element SVG element to find the coordinates of. If this is * not a child of the div Blockly was injected into, the behaviour is * undefined. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties. */ function getInjectionDivXY_(element: Element): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Is this event a right-click? * @param {!Event} e Mouse event. * @return {boolean} True if right-click. */ function isRightButton(e: Event): boolean; /** * Return the converted coordinates of the given mouse event. * The origin (0,0) is the top-left corner of the Blockly SVG. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event. * @param {!Element} svg SVG element. * @param {SVGMatrix} matrix Inverted screen CTM to use. * @return {!SVGPoint} Object with .x and .y properties. */ function mouseToSvg(e: Event, svg: Element, matrix: SVGMatrix): SVGPoint; /** * Get the scroll delta of a mouse event in pixel units. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event. * @return {{x: number, y: number}} Scroll delta object with .x and .y * properties. */ function getScrollDeltaPixels(e: Event): { x: number; y: number }; /** * Parse a string with any number of interpolation tokens (%1, %2, ...). * It will also replace string table references (e.g., %{bky_my_msg} and * %{BKY_MY_MSG} will both be replaced with the value in * Blockly.Msg['MY_MSG']). Percentage sign characters '%' may be self-escaped * (e.g., '%%'). * @param {string} message Text which might contain string table references and * interpolation tokens. * @return {!Array.} Array of strings and numbers. */ function tokenizeInterpolation(message: string): string|number[]; /** * Replaces string table references in a message, if the message is a string. * For example, "%{bky_my_msg}" and "%{BKY_MY_MSG}" will both be replaced with * the value in Blockly.Msg['MY_MSG']. * @param {string|?} message Message, which may be a string that contains * string table references. * @return {string} String with message references replaced. */ function replaceMessageReferences(message: string|any): string; /** * Validates that any %{MSG_KEY} references in the message refer to keys of * the Blockly.Msg string table. * @param {string} message Text which might contain string table references. * @return {boolean} True if all message references have matching values. * Otherwise, false. */ function checkMessageReferences(message: string): boolean; /** * Generate a unique ID. This should be globally unique. * 87 characters ^ 20 length > 128 bits (better than a UUID). * @return {string} A globally unique ID string. */ function genUid(): string; /** * Check if 3D transforms are supported by adding an element * and attempting to set the property. * @return {boolean} True if 3D transforms are supported. */ function is3dSupported(): boolean; /** * Calls a function after the page has loaded, possibly immediately. * @param {function()} fn Function to run. * @throws Error Will throw if no global document can be found (e.g., Node.js). */ function runAfterPageLoad(fn: { (): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Get the position of the current viewport in window coordinates. This takes * scroll into account. * @return {!Object} An object containing window width, height, and scroll * position in window coordinates. * @package */ function getViewportBBox(): Object; /** * Removes the first occurrence of a particular value from an array. * @param {!Array} arr Array from which to remove * value. * @param {*} obj Object to remove. * @return {boolean} True if an element was removed. * @package */ function arrayRemove(arr: any[], obj: any): boolean; /** * Gets the document scroll distance as a coordinate object. * Copied from Closure's goog.dom.getDocumentScroll. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with values 'x' and 'y'. */ function getDocumentScroll(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Get a map of all the block's descendants mapping their type to the number of * children with that type. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block to map. * @param {boolean=} opt_stripFollowing Optionally ignore all following * statements (blocks that are not inside a value or statement input * of the block). * @return {!Object} Map of types to type counts for descendants of the bock. */ function getBlockTypeCounts(block: Blockly.Block, opt_stripFollowing?: boolean): Object; /** * Converts screen coordinates to workspace coordinates. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} ws The workspace to find the coordinates on. * @param {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} screenCoordinates The screen coordinates to be * converted to workspace coordintaes * @return {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} The workspace coordinates. * @package */ function screenToWsCoordinates(ws: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg, screenCoordinates: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; } declare module Blockly.Events { class VarBase extends VarBase__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VarBase__Class extends Blockly.Events.Abstract__Class { /** * Abstract class for a variable event. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} variable The variable this event corresponds * to. * @extends {Blockly.Events.Abstract} * @constructor */ constructor(variable: Blockly.VariableModel); /** * The variable id for the variable this event pertains to. * @type {string} */ varId: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; } class VarCreate extends VarCreate__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VarCreate__Class extends Blockly.Events.VarBase__Class { /** * Class for a variable creation event. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} variable The created variable. * Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.VarBase} * @constructor */ constructor(variable: Blockly.VariableModel); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a variable creation event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class VarDelete extends VarDelete__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VarDelete__Class extends Blockly.Events.VarBase__Class { /** * Class for a variable deletion event. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} variable The deleted variable. * Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.VarBase} * @constructor */ constructor(variable: Blockly.VariableModel); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a variable deletion event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class VarRename extends VarRename__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VarRename__Class extends Blockly.Events.VarBase__Class { /** * Class for a variable rename event. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} variable The renamed variable. * Null for a blank event. * @param {string} newName The new name the variable will be changed to. * @extends {Blockly.Events.VarBase} * @constructor */ constructor(variable: Blockly.VariableModel, newName: string); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a variable rename event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } } declare module Blockly { class VariableMap extends VariableMap__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VariableMap__Class { /** * Class for a variable map. This contains a dictionary data structure with * variable types as keys and lists of variables as values. The list of * variables are the type indicated by the key. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace this map belongs to. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace); /** * The workspace this map belongs to. * @type {!Blockly.Workspace} */ workspace: Blockly.Workspace; /** * Clear the variable map. */ clear(): void; /** * Rename the given variable by updating its name in the variable map. * @param {!Blockly.VariableModel} variable Variable to rename. * @param {string} newName New variable name. * @package */ renameVariable(variable: Blockly.VariableModel, newName: string): void; /** * Rename a variable by updating its name in the variable map. Identify the * variable to rename with the given ID. * @param {string} id ID of the variable to rename. * @param {string} newName New variable name. */ renameVariableById(id: string, newName: string): void; /** * Create a variable with a given name, optional type, and optional ID. * @param {string} name The name of the variable. This must be unique across * variables and procedures. * @param {?string=} opt_type The type of the variable like 'int' or 'string'. * Does not need to be unique. Field_variable can filter variables based on * their type. This will default to '' which is a specific type. * @param {?string=} opt_id The unique ID of the variable. This will default to * a UUID. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The newly created variable. */ createVariable(name: string, opt_type?: string, opt_id?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Delete a variable. * @param {!Blockly.VariableModel} variable Variable to delete. */ deleteVariable(variable: Blockly.VariableModel): void; /** * Delete a variables by the passed in ID and all of its uses from this * workspace. May prompt the user for confirmation. * @param {string} id ID of variable to delete. */ deleteVariableById(id: string): void; /** * Find the variable by the given name and type and return it. Return null if * it is not found. * @param {string} name The name to check for. * @param {string=} opt_type The type of the variable. If not provided it * defaults to the empty string, which is a specific type. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The variable with the given name, or null if * it was not found. */ getVariable(name: string, opt_type?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Find the variable by the given ID and return it. Return null if it is not * found. * @param {string} id The ID to check for. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The variable with the given ID. */ getVariableById(id: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Get a list containing all of the variables of a specified type. If type is * null, return list of variables with empty string type. * @param {?string} type Type of the variables to find. * @return {!Array.} The sought after variables of the * passed in type. An empty array if none are found. */ getVariablesOfType(type: string): Blockly.VariableModel[]; /** * Return all variable and potential variable types. This list always contains * the empty string. * @param {?Blockly.Workspace} ws The workspace used to look for potential * variables. This can be different than the workspace stored on this object * if the passed in ws is a flyout workspace. * @return {!Array.} List of variable types. * @package */ getVariableTypes(ws: Blockly.Workspace): string[]; /** * Return all variables of all types. * @return {!Array.} List of variable models. */ getAllVariables(): Blockly.VariableModel[]; /** * Find all the uses of a named variable. * @param {string} id ID of the variable to find. * @return {!Array.} Array of block usages. */ getVariableUsesById(id: string): Blockly.Block[]; } } declare module Blockly { class VariableModel extends VariableModel__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class VariableModel__Class { /** * Class for a variable model. * Holds information for the variable including name, ID, and type. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The variable's workspace. * @param {string} name The name of the variable. This must be unique across * variables and procedures. * @param {string=} opt_type The type of the variable like 'int' or 'string'. * Does not need to be unique. Field_variable can filter variables based on * their type. This will default to '' which is a specific type. * @param {string=} opt_id The unique ID of the variable. This will default to * a UUID. * @see {Blockly.FieldVariable} * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, name: string, opt_type?: string, opt_id?: string); /** * The workspace the variable is in. * @type {!Blockly.Workspace} */ workspace: Blockly.Workspace; /** * The name of the variable, typically defined by the user. It must be * unique across all names used for procedures and variables. It may be * changed by the user. * @type {string} */ name: string; /** * The type of the variable, such as 'int' or 'sound_effect'. This may be * used to build a list of variables of a specific type. By default this is * the empty string '', which is a specific type. * @see {Blockly.FieldVariable} * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * @return {string} The ID for the variable. */ getId(): string; } } declare module Blockly.VariableModel { /** * A custom compare function for the VariableModel objects. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} var1 First variable to compare. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} var2 Second variable to compare. * @return {number} -1 if name of var1 is less than name of var2, 0 if equal, * and 1 if greater. * @package */ function compareByName(var1: Blockly.VariableModel, var2: Blockly.VariableModel): number; } declare module Blockly.Variables { /** * Constant to separate variable names from procedures and generated functions * when running generators. * @deprecated Use Blockly.VARIABLE_CATEGORY_NAME */ var NAME_TYPE: any /*missing*/; /** * Find all user-created variables that are in use in the workspace. * For use by generators. * To get a list of all variables on a workspace, including unused variables, * call Workspace.getAllVariables. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} ws The workspace to search for variables. * @return {!Array.} Array of variable models. */ function allUsedVarModels(ws: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.VariableModel[]; /** * Find all user-created variables that are in use in the workspace and return * only their names. * For use by generators. * To get a list of all variables on a workspace, including unused variables, * call Workspace.getAllVariables. * @deprecated January 2018 */ function allUsedVariables(): void; /** * Find all developer variables used by blocks in the workspace. * Developer variables are never shown to the user, but are declared as global * variables in the generated code. * To declare developer variables, define the getDeveloperVariables function on * your block and return a list of variable names. * For use by generators. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to search. * @return {!Array.} A list of non-duplicated variable names. */ function allDeveloperVariables(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): string[]; /** * Construct the elements (blocks and button) required by the flyout for the * variable category. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace containing variables. * @return {!Array.} Array of XML elements. */ function flyoutCategory(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Element[]; /** * Construct the blocks required by the flyout for the variable category. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace containing variables. * @return {!Array.} Array of XML block elements. */ function flyoutCategoryBlocks(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Element[]; /** * Return a new variable name that is not yet being used. This will try to * generate single letter variable names in the range 'i' to 'z' to start with. * If no unique name is located it will try 'i' to 'z', 'a' to 'h', * then 'i2' to 'z2' etc. Skip 'l'. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to be unique in. * @return {string} New variable name. */ function generateUniqueName(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): string; /** * Handles "Create Variable" button in the default variables toolbox category. * It will prompt the user for a variable name, including re-prompts if a name * is already in use among the workspace's variables. * * Custom button handlers can delegate to this function, allowing variables * types and after-creation processing. More complex customization (e.g., * prompting for variable type) is beyond the scope of this function. * * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace on which to create the * variable. * @param {function(?string=)=} opt_callback A callback. It will be passed an * acceptable new variable name, or null if change is to be aborted (cancel * button), or undefined if an existing variable was chosen. * @param {string=} opt_type The type of the variable like 'int', 'string', or * ''. This will default to '', which is a specific type. */ function createVariableButtonHandler(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, opt_callback?: { (_0: string): any /*missing*/ }, opt_type?: string): void; /** * Original name of Blockly.Variables.createVariableButtonHandler(..). * @deprecated Use Blockly.Variables.createVariableButtonHandler(..). * * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace on which to create the * variable. * @param {function(?string=)=} opt_callback A callback. It will be passed an * acceptable new variable name, or null if change is to be aborted (cancel * button), or undefined if an existing variable was chosen. * @param {string=} opt_type The type of the variable like 'int', 'string', or * ''. This will default to '', which is a specific type. */ function createVariable(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, opt_callback?: { (_0: string): any /*missing*/ }, opt_type?: string): void; /** * Rename a variable with the given workspace, variableType, and oldName. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace on which to rename the * variable. * @param {Blockly.VariableModel} variable Variable to rename. * @param {function(?string=)=} opt_callback A callback. It will * be passed an acceptable new variable name, or null if change is to be * aborted (cancel button), or undefined if an existing variable was chosen. */ function renameVariable(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, variable: Blockly.VariableModel, opt_callback?: { (_0: string): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Prompt the user for a new variable name. * @param {string} promptText The string of the prompt. * @param {string} defaultText The default value to show in the prompt's field. * @param {function(?string)} callback A callback. It will return the new * variable name, or null if the user picked something illegal. */ function promptName(promptText: string, defaultText: string, callback: { (_0: string): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Generate DOM objects representing a variable field. * @param {!Blockly.VariableModel} variableModel The variable model to * represent. * @return {Element} The generated DOM. * @public */ function generateVariableFieldDom(variableModel: Blockly.VariableModel): Element; /** * Helper function to look up or create a variable on the given workspace. * If no variable exists, creates and returns it. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to search for the * variable. It may be a flyout workspace or main workspace. * @param {string} id The ID to use to look up or create the variable, or null. * @param {string=} opt_name The string to use to look up or create the * variable. * @param {string=} opt_type The type to use to look up or create the variable. * @return {!Blockly.VariableModel} The variable corresponding to the given ID * or name + type combination. */ function getOrCreateVariablePackage(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, id: string, opt_name?: string, opt_type?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Look up a variable on the given workspace. * Always looks in the main workspace before looking in the flyout workspace. * Always prefers lookup by ID to lookup by name + type. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to search for the * variable. It may be a flyout workspace or main workspace. * @param {string} id The ID to use to look up the variable, or null. * @param {string=} opt_name The string to use to look up the variable. * Only used if lookup by ID fails. * @param {string=} opt_type The type to use to look up the variable. * Only used if lookup by ID fails. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The variable corresponding to the given ID * or name + type combination, or null if not found. * @public */ function getVariable(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, id: string, opt_name?: string, opt_type?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Helper function to get the list of variables that have been added to the * workspace after adding a new block, using the given list of variables that * were in the workspace before the new block was added. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to inspect. * @param {!Array.} originalVariables The array of * variables that existed in the workspace before adding the new block. * @return {!Array.} The new array of variables that * were freshly added to the workspace after creating the new block, * or [] if no new variables were added to the workspace. * @package */ function getAddedVariables(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, originalVariables: Blockly.VariableModel[]): Blockly.VariableModel[]; } declare module Blockly.VariablesDynamic { /** * Construct the elements (blocks and button) required by the flyout for the * variable category. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace containing variables. * @return {!Array.} Array of XML elements. */ function flyoutCategory(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Element[]; /** * Construct the blocks required by the flyout for the variable category. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace containing variables. * @return {!Array.} Array of XML block elements. */ function flyoutCategoryBlocks(workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Element[]; } declare module Blockly { class Warning extends Warning__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Warning__Class extends Blockly.Icon__Class { /** * Class for a warning. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block associated with this warning. * @extends {Blockly.Icon} * @constructor */ constructor(block: Blockly.Block); /** * Does this icon get hidden when the block is collapsed. */ collapseHidden: any /*missing*/; /** * Show or hide the warning bubble. * @param {boolean} visible True if the bubble should be visible. */ setVisible(visible: boolean): void; /** * Set this warning's text. * @param {string} text Warning text (or '' to delete). * @param {string} id An ID for this text entry to be able to maintain * multiple warnings. */ setText(text: string, id: string): void; /** * Get this warning's texts. * @return {string} All texts concatenated into one string. */ getText(): string; /** * Dispose of this warning. */ dispose(): void; } } declare module Blockly.WidgetDiv { /** * The HTML container. Set once by Blockly.WidgetDiv.createDom. * @type {Element} */ var DIV: Element; /** * Create the widget div and inject it onto the page. */ function createDom(): void; /** * Initialize and display the widget div. Close the old one if needed. * @param {!Object} newOwner The object that will be using this container. * @param {boolean} rtl Right-to-left (true) or left-to-right (false). * @param {Function} dispose Optional cleanup function to be run when the * widget is closed. */ function show(newOwner: Object, rtl: boolean, dispose: Function): void; /** * Destroy the widget and hide the div. */ function hide(): void; /** * Is the container visible? * @return {boolean} True if visible. */ function isVisible(): boolean; /** * Destroy the widget and hide the div if it is being used by the specified * object. * @param {!Object} oldOwner The object that was using this container. */ function hideIfOwner(oldOwner: Object): void; /** * Position the widget div based on an anchor rectangle. * The widget should be placed adjacent to but not overlapping the anchor * rectangle. The preferred position is directly below and aligned to the left * (LTR) or right (RTL) side of the anchor. * @param {!Object} viewportBBox The bounding rectangle of the current viewport, * in window coordinates. * @param {!Object} anchorBBox The bounding rectangle of the anchor, in window * coordinates. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Size} widgetSize The size of the widget that is inside the * widget div, in window coordinates. * @param {boolean} rtl Whether the workspace is in RTL mode. This determines * horizontal alignment. * @package */ function positionWithAnchor(viewportBBox: Object, anchorBBox: Object, widgetSize: Blockly.utils.Size, rtl: boolean): void; } declare module Blockly { class Workspace extends Workspace__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Workspace__Class { /** * Class for a workspace. This is a data structure that contains blocks. * There is no UI, and can be created headlessly. * @param {!Blockly.Options=} opt_options Dictionary of options. * @constructor */ constructor(opt_options?: Blockly.Options); /** @type {string} */ id: string; /** @type {!Blockly.Options} */ options: Blockly.Options; /** @type {boolean} */ RTL: boolean; /** @type {boolean} */ horizontalLayout: boolean; /** @type {number} */ toolboxPosition: number; /** * @type {!Array.} * @protected */ undoStack_: Blockly.Events.Abstract[]; /** * @type {!Array.} * @protected */ redoStack_: Blockly.Events.Abstract[]; /** * The cursor for navigating blocks. * @type {!Blockly.Cursor} */ cursor: Blockly.Cursor; /** * Returns `true` if the workspace is visible and `false` if it's headless. * @type {boolean} */ rendered: boolean; /** * Returns `true` if the workspace is currently in the process of a bulk clear. * @type {boolean} * @package */ isClearing: boolean; /** * Maximum number of undo events in stack. `0` turns off undo, `Infinity` sets * it to unlimited. * @type {number} */ MAX_UNDO: number; /** * Set of databases for rapid lookup of connection locations. * @type {Array.} */ connectionDBList: Blockly.ConnectionDB[]; /** * Adds cursor for keyboard navigation. * @return {!Blockly.Cursor} Cursor for keyboard navigation. */ createCursor(): Blockly.Cursor; /** * Dispose of this workspace. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Add a block to the list of top blocks. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to add. */ addTopBlock(block: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Remove a block from the list of top blocks. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to remove. */ removeTopBlock(block: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Finds the top-level blocks and returns them. Blocks are optionally sorted * by position; top to bottom (with slight LTR or RTL bias). * @param {boolean} ordered Sort the list if true. * @return {!Array.} The top-level block objects. */ getTopBlocks(ordered: boolean): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Add a block to the list of blocks keyed by type. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to add. */ addTypedBlock(block: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Remove a block from the list of blocks keyed by type. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block Block to remove. */ removeTypedBlock(block: Blockly.Block): void; /** * Finds the blocks with the associated type and returns them. Blocks are * optionally sorted by position; top to bottom (with slight LTR or RTL bias). * @param {string} type The type of block to search for. * @param {boolean} ordered Sort the list if true. * @return {!Array.} The blocks of the given type. */ getBlocksByType(type: string, ordered: boolean): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Add a comment to the list of top comments. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment comment to add. * @package */ addTopComment(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment): void; /** * Remove a comment from the list of top comments. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment comment to remove. * @package */ removeTopComment(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment): void; /** * Finds the top-level comments and returns them. Comments are optionally * sorted by position; top to bottom (with slight LTR or RTL bias). * @param {boolean} ordered Sort the list if true. * @return {!Array.} The top-level comment objects. * @package */ getTopComments(ordered: boolean): Blockly.WorkspaceComment[]; /** * Find all blocks in workspace. Blocks are optionally sorted * by position; top to bottom (with slight LTR or RTL bias). * @param {boolean} ordered Sort the list if true. * @return {!Array.} Array of blocks. */ getAllBlocks(ordered: boolean): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Dispose of all blocks and comments in workspace. */ clear(): void; /** * Rename a variable by updating its name in the variable map. Identify the * variable to rename with the given ID. * @param {string} id ID of the variable to rename. * @param {string} newName New variable name. */ renameVariableById(id: string, newName: string): void; /** * Create a variable with a given name, optional type, and optional ID. * @param {string} name The name of the variable. This must be unique across * variables and procedures. * @param {?string=} opt_type The type of the variable like 'int' or 'string'. * Does not need to be unique. Field_variable can filter variables based on * their type. This will default to '' which is a specific type. * @param {?string=} opt_id The unique ID of the variable. This will default to * a UUID. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The newly created variable. */ createVariable(name: string, opt_type?: string, opt_id?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Find all the uses of the given variable, which is identified by ID. * @param {string} id ID of the variable to find. * @return {!Array.} Array of block usages. */ getVariableUsesById(id: string): Blockly.Block[]; /** * Delete a variables by the passed in ID and all of its uses from this * workspace. May prompt the user for confirmation. * @param {string} id ID of variable to delete. */ deleteVariableById(id: string): void; /** * Check whether a variable exists with the given name. The check is * case-insensitive. * @param {string} _name The name to check for. * @return {number} The index of the name in the variable list, or -1 if it is * not present. * @deprecated April 2017 */ variableIndexOf(_name: string): number; /** * Find the variable by the given name and return it. Return null if it is not * found. * @param {string} name The name to check for. * @param {string=} opt_type The type of the variable. If not provided it * defaults to the empty string, which is a specific type. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The variable with the given name. */ getVariable(name: string, opt_type?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Find the variable by the given ID and return it. Return null if it is not * found. * @param {string} id The ID to check for. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The variable with the given ID. */ getVariableById(id: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Find the variable with the specified type. If type is null, return list of * variables with empty string type. * @param {?string} type Type of the variables to find. * @return {Array.} The sought after variables of the * passed in type. An empty array if none are found. */ getVariablesOfType(type: string): Blockly.VariableModel[]; /** * Return all variable types. * @return {!Array.} List of variable types. * @package */ getVariableTypes(): string[]; /** * Return all variables of all types. * @return {!Array.} List of variable models. */ getAllVariables(): Blockly.VariableModel[]; /** * Returns the horizontal offset of the workspace. * Intended for LTR/RTL compatibility in XML. * Not relevant for a headless workspace. * @return {number} Width. */ getWidth(): number; /** * Obtain a newly created block. * @param {?string} prototypeName Name of the language object containing * type-specific functions for this block. * @param {string=} opt_id Optional ID. Use this ID if provided, otherwise * create a new ID. * @return {!Blockly.Block} The created block. */ newBlock(prototypeName: string, opt_id?: string): Blockly.Block; /** * The number of blocks that may be added to the workspace before reaching * the maxBlocks. * @return {number} Number of blocks left. */ remainingCapacity(): number; /** * The number of blocks of the given type that may be added to the workspace * before reaching the maxInstances allowed for that type. * @param {string} type Type of block to return capacity for. * @return {number} Number of blocks of type left. */ remainingCapacityOfType(type: string): number; /** * Check if there is remaining capacity for blocks of the given counts to be * created. If the total number of blocks represented by the map is more than * the total remaining capacity, it returns false. If a type count is more * than the remaining capacity for that type, it returns false. * @param {!Object} typeCountsMap A map of types to counts (usually representing * blocks to be created). * @return {boolean} True if there is capacity for the given map, * false otherwise. */ isCapacityAvailable(typeCountsMap: Object): boolean; /** * Checks if the workspace has any limits on the maximum number of blocks, * or the maximum number of blocks of specific types. * @return {boolean} True if it has block limits, false otherwise. */ hasBlockLimits(): boolean; /** * Undo or redo the previous action. * @param {boolean} redo False if undo, true if redo. */ undo(redo: boolean): void; /** * Clear the undo/redo stacks. */ clearUndo(): void; /** * When something in this workspace changes, call a function. * Note that there may be a few recent events already on the stack. Thus the * new change listener might be called with events that occurred a few * milliseconds before the change listener was added. * @param {!Function} func Function to call. * @return {!Function} Obsolete return value, ignore. */ addChangeListener(func: Function): Function; /** * Stop listening for this workspace's changes. * @param {Function} func Function to stop calling. */ removeChangeListener(func: Function): void; /** * Fire a change event. * @param {!Blockly.Events.Abstract} event Event to fire. */ fireChangeListener(event: Blockly.Events.Abstract): void; /** * Find the block on this workspace with the specified ID. * @param {string} id ID of block to find. * @return {Blockly.Block} The sought after block, or null if not found. */ getBlockById(id: string): Blockly.Block; /** * Find the comment on this workspace with the specified ID. * @param {string} id ID of comment to find. * @return {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} The sought after comment, or null if not * found. * @package */ getCommentById(id: string): Blockly.WorkspaceComment; /** * Checks whether all value and statement inputs in the workspace are filled * with blocks. * @param {boolean=} opt_shadowBlocksAreFilled An optional argument controlling * whether shadow blocks are counted as filled. Defaults to true. * @return {boolean} True if all inputs are filled, false otherwise. */ allInputsFilled(opt_shadowBlocksAreFilled?: boolean): boolean; /** * Return the variable map that contains "potential" variables. * These exist in the flyout but not in the workspace. * @return {Blockly.VariableMap} The potential variable map. * @package */ getPotentialVariableMap(): Blockly.VariableMap; /** * Create and store the potential variable map for this workspace. * @package */ createPotentialVariableMap(): void; /** * Return the map of all variables on the workspace. * @return {Blockly.VariableMap} The variable map. */ getVariableMap(): Blockly.VariableMap; } } declare module Blockly.Workspace { /** * Angle away from the horizontal to sweep for blocks. Order of execution is * generally top to bottom, but a small angle changes the scan to give a bit of * a left to right bias (reversed in RTL). Units are in degrees. * See: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/DiagonalBilling */ var SCAN_ANGLE: any /*missing*/; /** * Find the workspace with the specified ID. * @param {string} id ID of workspace to find. * @return {Blockly.Workspace} The sought after workspace or null if not found. */ function getById(id: string): Blockly.Workspace; /** * Find all workspaces. * @return {!Array.} Array of workspaces. */ function getAll(): Blockly.Workspace[]; } declare module Blockly { class WorkspaceAudio extends WorkspaceAudio__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class WorkspaceAudio__Class { /** * Class for loading, storing, and playing audio for a workspace. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} parentWorkspace The parent of the workspace * this audio object belongs to, or null. * @constructor */ constructor(parentWorkspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg); /** * Dispose of this audio manager. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Load an audio file. Cache it, ready for instantaneous playing. * @param {!Array.} filenames List of file types in decreasing order of * preference (i.e. increasing size). E.g. ['media/go.mp3', 'media/go.wav'] * Filenames include path from Blockly's root. File extensions matter. * @param {string} name Name of sound. */ load(filenames: string[], name: string): void; /** * Preload all the audio files so that they play quickly when asked for. * @package */ preload(): void; /** * Play a named sound at specified volume. If volume is not specified, * use full volume (1). * @param {string} name Name of sound. * @param {number=} opt_volume Volume of sound (0-1). */ play(name: string, opt_volume?: number): void; } } declare module Blockly { class WorkspaceComment extends WorkspaceComment__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class WorkspaceComment__Class { /** * Class for a workspace comment. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The block's workspace. * @param {string} content The content of this workspace comment. * @param {number} height Height of the comment. * @param {number} width Width of the comment. * @param {string=} opt_id Optional ID. Use this ID if provided, otherwise * create a new ID. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, content: string, height: number, width: number, opt_id?: string); /** @type {string} */ id: string; /** * The comment's position in workspace units. (0, 0) is at the workspace's * origin; scale does not change this value. * @type {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} * @protected */ xy_: Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * @type {!Blockly.Workspace} */ workspace: Blockly.Workspace; /** * @protected * @type {boolean} */ RTL: boolean; /** * @protected * @type {string} */ content_: string; /** * @package * @type {boolean} */ isComment: boolean; /** * Dispose of this comment. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Get comment height. * @return {number} Comment height. * @package */ getHeight(): number; /** * Set comment height. * @param {number} height Comment height. * @package */ setHeight(height: number): void; /** * Get comment width. * @return {number} Comment width. * @package */ getWidth(): number; /** * Set comment width. * @param {number} width comment width. * @package */ setWidth(width: number): void; /** * Get stored location. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} The comment's stored location. * This is not valid if the comment is currently being dragged. * @package */ getXY(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Move a comment by a relative offset. * @param {number} dx Horizontal offset, in workspace units. * @param {number} dy Vertical offset, in workspace units. * @package */ moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): void; /** * Get whether this comment is deletable or not. * @return {boolean} True if deletable. * @package */ isDeletable(): boolean; /** * Set whether this comment is deletable or not. * @param {boolean} deletable True if deletable. * @package */ setDeletable(deletable: boolean): void; /** * Get whether this comment is movable or not. * @return {boolean} True if movable. * @package */ isMovable(): boolean; /** * Set whether this comment is movable or not. * @param {boolean} movable True if movable. * @package */ setMovable(movable: boolean): void; /** * Returns this comment's text. * @return {string} Comment text. * @package */ getContent(): string; /** * Set this comment's content. * @param {string} content Comment content. * @package */ setContent(content: string): void; /** * Encode a comment subtree as XML with XY coordinates. * @param {boolean=} opt_noId True if the encoder should skip the comment ID. * @return {!Element} Tree of XML elements. * @package */ toXmlWithXY(opt_noId?: boolean): Element; /** * Encode a comment subtree as XML, but don't serialize the XY coordinates. * This method avoids some expensive metrics-related calls that are made in * toXmlWithXY(). * @param {boolean=} opt_noId True if the encoder should skip the comment ID. * @return {!Element} Tree of XML elements. * @package */ toXml(opt_noId?: boolean): Element; } } declare module Blockly.WorkspaceComment { /** * Fire a create event for the given workspace comment, if comments are enabled. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment The comment that was just created. * @package */ function fireCreateEvent(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment): void; /** * Decode an XML comment tag and create a comment on the workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlComment XML comment element. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace. * @return {!Blockly.WorkspaceComment} The created workspace comment. * @package */ function fromXml(xmlComment: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.WorkspaceComment; /** * Decode an XML comment tag and return the results in an object. * @param {!Element} xml XML comment element. * @return {{w: number, h: number, x: number, y: number, content: string}} An * object containing the id, size, position, and comment string. * @package */ function parseAttributes(xml: Element): { w: number; h: number; x: number; y: number; content: string }; } declare module Blockly { class WorkspaceCommentSvg extends WorkspaceCommentSvg__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class WorkspaceCommentSvg__Class extends Blockly.WorkspaceComment__Class { /** * Class for a workspace comment's SVG representation. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The block's workspace. * @param {string} content The content of this workspace comment. * @param {number} height Height of the comment. * @param {number} width Width of the comment. * @param {string=} opt_id Optional ID. Use this ID if provided, otherwise * create a new ID. * @extends {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, content: string, height: number, width: number, opt_id?: string); /** * Dispose of this comment. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Create and initialize the SVG representation of a workspace comment. * May be called more than once. * @package */ initSvg(): void; /** * Select this comment. Highlight it visually. * @package */ select(): void; /** * Unselect this comment. Remove its highlighting. * @package */ unselect(): void; /** * Select this comment. Highlight it visually. * @package */ addSelect(): void; /** * Unselect this comment. Remove its highlighting. * @package */ removeSelect(): void; /** * Focus this comment. Highlight it visually. * @package */ addFocus(): void; /** * Unfocus this comment. Remove its highlighting. * @package */ removeFocus(): void; /** * Return the coordinates of the top-left corner of this comment relative to * the drawing surface's origin (0,0), in workspace units. * If the comment is on the workspace, (0, 0) is the origin of the workspace * coordinate system. * This does not change with workspace scale. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Object with .x and .y properties in * workspace coordinates. * @package */ getRelativeToSurfaceXY(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Move a comment by a relative offset. * @param {number} dx Horizontal offset, in workspace units. * @param {number} dy Vertical offset, in workspace units. * @package */ moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): void; /** * Transforms a comment by setting the translation on the transform attribute * of the block's SVG. * @param {number} x The x coordinate of the translation in workspace units. * @param {number} y The y coordinate of the translation in workspace units. * @package */ translate(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Move this comment during a drag, taking into account whether we are using a * drag surface to translate blocks. * @param {Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg} dragSurface The surface that carries * rendered items during a drag, or null if no drag surface is in use. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} newLoc The location to translate to, in * workspace coordinates. * @package */ moveDuringDrag(dragSurface: Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg, newLoc: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Move the bubble group to the specified location in workspace coordinates. * @param {number} x The x position to move to. * @param {number} y The y position to move to. * @package */ moveTo(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Returns the coordinates of a bounding box describing the dimensions of this * comment. * Coordinate system: workspace coordinates. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Rect} Object with coordinates of the bounding box. * @package */ getBoundingRectangle(): Blockly.utils.Rect; /** * Add or remove the UI indicating if this comment is movable or not. * @package */ updateMovable(): void; /** * Set whether this comment is movable or not. * @param {boolean} movable True if movable. * @package */ setMovable(movable: boolean): void; /** * Recursively adds or removes the dragging class to this node and its children. * @param {boolean} adding True if adding, false if removing. * @package */ setDragging(adding: boolean): void; /** * Return the root node of the SVG or null if none exists. * @return {Element} The root SVG node (probably a group). * @package */ getSvgRoot(): Element; /** * Returns this comment's text. * @return {string} Comment text. * @package */ getContent(): string; /** * Set this comment's content. * @param {string} content Comment content. * @package */ setContent(content: string): void; /** * Update the cursor over this comment by adding or removing a class. * @param {boolean} enable True if the delete cursor should be shown, false * otherwise. * @package */ setDeleteStyle(enable: boolean): void; /** * Encode a comment subtree as XML with XY coordinates. * @param {boolean=} opt_noId True if the encoder should skip the comment ID. * @return {!Element} Tree of XML elements. * @package */ toXmlWithXY(opt_noId?: boolean): Element; } } declare module Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg { /** * The width and height to use to size a workspace comment when it is first * added, before it has been edited by the user. * @type {number} * @package */ var DEFAULT_SIZE: number; /** * Decode an XML comment tag and create a rendered comment on the workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlComment XML comment element. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace. * @param {number=} opt_wsWidth The width of the workspace, which is used to * position comments correctly in RTL. * @return {!Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg} The created workspace comment. * @package */ function fromXml(xmlComment: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace, opt_wsWidth?: number): Blockly.WorkspaceCommentSvg; } declare module Blockly { class WorkspaceDragSurfaceSvg extends WorkspaceDragSurfaceSvg__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class WorkspaceDragSurfaceSvg__Class { /** * Blocks are moved into this SVG during a drag, improving performance. * The entire SVG is translated using CSS transforms instead of SVG so the * blocks are never repainted during drag improving performance. * @param {!Element} container Containing element. * @constructor */ constructor(container: Element); /** * Dom structure when the workspace is being dragged. If there is no drag in * progress, the SVG is empty and display: none. * * * /g> * */ SVG_: any /*missing*/; /** * Create the drag surface and inject it into the container. */ createDom(): void; /** * Translate the entire drag surface during a drag. * We translate the drag surface instead of the blocks inside the surface * so that the browser avoids repainting the SVG. * Because of this, the drag coordinates must be adjusted by scale. * @param {number} x X translation for the entire surface * @param {number} y Y translation for the entire surface * @package */ translateSurface(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Reports the surface translation in scaled workspace coordinates. * Use this when finishing a drag to return blocks to the correct position. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Current translation of the surface * @package */ getSurfaceTranslation(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Move the blockCanvas and bubbleCanvas out of the surface SVG and on to * newSurface. * @param {SVGElement} newSurface The element to put the drag surface contents * into. * @package */ clearAndHide(newSurface: SVGElement): void; /** * Set the SVG to have the block canvas and bubble canvas in it and then * show the surface. * @param {!Element} blockCanvas The block canvas element from the * workspace. * @param {!Element} bubbleCanvas The element that contains the bubbles. * @param {Element} previousSibling The element to insert the block canvas and bubble canvas after when it goes back in the DOM at the end of a drag. * @param {number} width The width of the workspace SVG element. * @param {number} height The height of the workspace SVG element. * @param {number} scale The scale of the workspace being dragged. * @package */ setContentsAndShow(blockCanvas: Element, bubbleCanvas: Element, previousSibling: Element, width: number, height: number, scale: number): void; } } declare module Blockly { class WorkspaceDragger extends WorkspaceDragger__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class WorkspaceDragger__Class { /** * Class for a workspace dragger. It moves the workspace around when it is * being dragged by a mouse or touch. * Note that the workspace itself manages whether or not it has a drag surface * and how to do translations based on that. This simply passes the right * commands based on events. * @param {!Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} workspace The workspace to drag. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg); /** * Sever all links from this object. * @package */ dispose(): void; /** * Start dragging the workspace. * @package */ startDrag(): void; /** * Finish dragging the workspace and put everything back where it belongs. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel coordinates. * @package */ endDrag(currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Move the workspace based on the most recent mouse movements. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} currentDragDeltaXY How far the pointer has * moved from the position at the start of the drag, in pixel coordinates. * @package */ drag(currentDragDeltaXY: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; } } declare module Blockly.Events { class FinishedLoading extends FinishedLoading__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class FinishedLoading__Class { /** * Class for a finished loading event. * Used to notify the developer when the workspace has finished loading (i.e * domToWorkspace). * Finished loading events do not record undo or redo. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace that has finished * loading. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace); /** * The workspace identifier for this event. * @type {string} */ workspaceId: string; /** * The event group id for the group this event belongs to. Groups define * events that should be treated as an single action from the user's * perspective, and should be undone together. * @type {string} */ group: string; /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; } } declare module Blockly { class WorkspaceSvg extends WorkspaceSvg__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class WorkspaceSvg__Class extends Blockly.Workspace__Class { /** * Class for a workspace. This is an onscreen area with optional trashcan, * scrollbars, bubbles, and dragging. * @param {!Blockly.Options} options Dictionary of options. * @param {Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg=} opt_blockDragSurface Drag surface for * blocks. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceDragSurfaceSvg=} opt_wsDragSurface Drag surface for * the workspace. * @extends {Blockly.Workspace} * @constructor */ constructor(options: Blockly.Options, opt_blockDragSurface?: Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg, opt_wsDragSurface?: Blockly.WorkspaceDragSurfaceSvg); /** * The marker that shows where a user has marked while navigating blocks. * @type {!Blockly.CursorSvg} */ marker: Blockly.CursorSvg; /** * A wrapper function called when a resize event occurs. * You can pass the result to `unbindEvent_`. * @type {Array.} */ resizeHandlerWrapper_: any[][]; /** * The render status of an SVG workspace. * Returns `false` for headless workspaces and true for instances of * `Blockly.WorkspaceSvg`. * @type {boolean} */ rendered: boolean; /** * Is this workspace the surface for a flyout? * @type {boolean} */ isFlyout: boolean; /** * Is this workspace the surface for a mutator? * @type {boolean} * @package */ isMutator: boolean; /** * Current horizontal scrolling offset in pixel units, relative to the * workspace origin. * * It is useful to think about a view, and a canvas moving beneath that * view. As the canvas moves right, this value becomes more positive, and * the view is now "seeing" the left side of the canvas. As the canvas moves * left, this value becomes more negative, and the view is now "seeing" the * right side of the canvas. * * The confusing thing about this value is that it does not, and must not * include the absoluteLeft offset. This is because it is used to calculate * the viewLeft value. * * The viewLeft is relative to the workspace origin (although in pixel * units). The workspace origin is the top-left corner of the workspace (at * least when it is enabled). It is shifted from the top-left of the blocklyDiv * so as not to be beneath the toolbox. * * When the workspace is enabled the viewLeft and workspace origin are at * the same X location. As the canvas slides towards the right beneath the view * this value (scrollX) becomes more positive, and the viewLeft becomes more * negative relative to the workspace origin (imagine the workspace origin * as a dot on the canvas sliding to the right as the canvas moves). * * So if the scrollX were to include the absoluteLeft this would in a way * "unshift" the workspace origin. This means that the viewLeft would be * representing the left edge of the blocklyDiv, rather than the left edge * of the workspace. * * @type {number} */ scrollX: number; /** * Current vertical scrolling offset in pixel units, relative to the * workspace origin. * * It is useful to think about a view, and a canvas moving beneath that * view. As the canvas moves down, this value becomes more positive, and the * view is now "seeing" the upper part of the canvas. As the canvas moves * up, this value becomes more negative, and the view is "seeing" the lower * part of the canvas. * * This confusing thing about this value is that it does not, and must not * include the absoluteTop offset. This is because it is used to calculate * the viewTop value. * * The viewTop is relative to the workspace origin (although in pixel * units). The workspace origin is the top-left corner of the workspace (at * least when it is enabled). It is shifted from the top-left of the * blocklyDiv so as not to be beneath the toolbox. * * When the workspace is enabled the viewTop and workspace origin are at the * same Y location. As the canvas slides towards the bottom this value * (scrollY) becomes more positive, and the viewTop becomes more negative * relative to the workspace origin (image in the workspace origin as a dot * on the canvas sliding downwards as the canvas moves). * * So if the scrollY were to include the absoluteTop this would in a way * "unshift" the workspace origin. This means that the viewTop would be * representing the top edge of the blocklyDiv, rather than the top edge of * the workspace. * * @type {number} */ scrollY: number; /** * Horizontal scroll value when scrolling started in pixel units. * @type {number} */ startScrollX: number; /** * Vertical scroll value when scrolling started in pixel units. * @type {number} */ startScrollY: number; /** * Current scale. * @type {number} */ scale: number; /** @type {Blockly.Trashcan} */ trashcan: Blockly.Trashcan; /** * This workspace's scrollbars, if they exist. * @type {Blockly.ScrollbarPair} */ scrollbar: Blockly.ScrollbarPair; /** * Developers may define this function to add custom menu options to the * workspace's context menu or edit the workspace-created set of menu options. * @param {!Array.} options List of menu options to add to. */ configureContextMenu(options: Object[]): void; /** * In a flyout, the target workspace where blocks should be placed after a drag. * Otherwise null. * @type {Blockly.WorkspaceSvg} * @package */ targetWorkspace: Blockly.WorkspaceSvg; /** * Adds cursor for keyboard navigation. * @return {!Blockly.CursorSvg} Cursor for keyboard navigation. */ createCursor(): Blockly.CursorSvg; /** * Adds marker for keyboard navigation. * @return {!Blockly.CursorSvg} Marker for keyboard navigation. */ createMarker(): Blockly.CursorSvg; /** * Getter for the inverted screen CTM. * @return {SVGMatrix} The matrix to use in mouseToSvg */ getInverseScreenCTM(): SVGMatrix; /** * Mark the inverse screen CTM as dirty. */ updateInverseScreenCTM(): void; /** * Getter for isVisible * @return {boolean} Whether the workspace is visible. * False if the workspace has been hidden by calling `setVisible(false)`. */ isVisible(): boolean; /** * Return the position of the workspace origin relative to the injection div * origin in pixels. * The workspace origin is where a block would render at position (0, 0). * It is not the upper left corner of the workspace SVG. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} Offset in pixels. * @package */ getOriginOffsetInPixels(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Return the injection div that is a parent of this workspace. * Walks the DOM the first time it's called, then returns a cached value. * @return {!Element} The first parent div with 'injectionDiv' in the name. * @package */ getInjectionDiv(): Element; /** * Save resize handler data so we can delete it later in dispose. * @param {!Array.} handler Data that can be passed to unbindEvent_. */ setResizeHandlerWrapper(handler: any[][]): void; /** * Create the workspace DOM elements. * @param {string=} opt_backgroundClass Either 'blocklyMainBackground' or * 'blocklyMutatorBackground'. * @return {!Element} The workspace's SVG group. */ createDom(opt_backgroundClass?: string): Element; /** * * * [Trashcan and/or flyout may go here] * * * * @type {SVGElement} */ svgGroup_: SVGElement; /** @type {SVGElement} */ svgBackground_: SVGElement; /** @type {SVGElement} */ svgBlockCanvas_: SVGElement; /** @type {SVGElement} */ svgBubbleCanvas_: SVGElement; /** * Dispose of this workspace. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Add a trashcan. * @package */ addTrashcan(): void; /** * Add zoom controls. * @package */ addZoomControls(): void; /** @type {Blockly.ZoomControls} */ zoomControls_: Blockly.ZoomControls; /** * Getter for the flyout associated with this workspace. This flyout may be * owned by either the toolbox or the workspace, depending on toolbox * configuration. It will be null if there is no flyout. * @return {Blockly.Flyout} The flyout on this workspace. * @package */ getFlyout(): Blockly.Flyout; /** * Getter for the toolbox associated with this workspace, if one exists. * @return {Blockly.Toolbox} The toolbox on this workspace. * @package */ getToolbox(): Blockly.Toolbox; /** * If enabled, resize the parts of the workspace that change when the workspace * contents (e.g. block positions) change. This will also scroll the * workspace contents if needed. * @package */ resizeContents(): void; /** * Resize and reposition all of the workspace chrome (toolbox, * trash, scrollbars etc.) * This should be called when something changes that * requires recalculating dimensions and positions of the * trash, zoom, toolbox, etc. (e.g. window resize). */ resize(): void; /** * Resizes and repositions workspace chrome if the page has a new * scroll position. * @package */ updateScreenCalculationsIfScrolled(): void; /** * Get the SVG element that forms the drawing surface. * @return {!Element} SVG element. */ getCanvas(): Element; /** * Get the SVG element that forms the bubble surface. * @return {!SVGGElement} SVG element. */ getBubbleCanvas(): SVGGElement; /** * Get the SVG element that contains this workspace. * @return {Element} SVG element. */ getParentSvg(): Element; /** * Translate this workspace to new coordinates. * @param {number} x Horizontal translation, in pixel units relative to the * top left of the Blockly div. * @param {number} y Vertical translation, in pixel units relative to the * top left of the Blockly div. */ translate(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Called at the end of a workspace drag to take the contents * out of the drag surface and put them back into the workspace SVG. * Does nothing if the workspace drag surface is not enabled. * @package */ resetDragSurface(): void; /** * Called at the beginning of a workspace drag to move contents of * the workspace to the drag surface. * Does nothing if the drag surface is not enabled. * @package */ setupDragSurface(): void; /** * @return {Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg} This workspace's block drag surface, * if one is in use. * @package */ getBlockDragSurface(): Blockly.BlockDragSurfaceSvg; /** * Returns the horizontal offset of the workspace. * Intended for LTR/RTL compatibility in XML. * @return {number} Width. */ getWidth(): number; /** * Toggles the visibility of the workspace. * Currently only intended for main workspace. * @param {boolean} isVisible True if workspace should be visible. */ setVisible(isVisible: boolean): void; /** * Render all blocks in workspace. */ render(): void; /** * Was used back when block highlighting (for execution) and block selection * (for editing) were the same thing. * Any calls of this function can be deleted. * @deprecated October 2016 */ traceOn(): void; /** * Highlight or unhighlight a block in the workspace. Block highlighting is * often used to visually mark blocks currently being executed. * @param {?string} id ID of block to highlight/unhighlight, * or null for no block (used to unhighlight all blocks). * @param {boolean=} opt_state If undefined, highlight specified block and * automatically unhighlight all others. If true or false, manually * highlight/unhighlight the specified block. */ highlightBlock(id: string, opt_state?: boolean): void; /** * Paste the provided block onto the workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlBlock XML block element. */ paste(xmlBlock: Element): void; /** * Paste the provided block onto the workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlBlock XML block element. */ pasteBlock_(xmlBlock: Element): void; /** * Refresh the toolbox unless there's a drag in progress. * @package */ refreshToolboxSelection(): void; /** * Rename a variable by updating its name in the variable map. Update the * flyout to show the renamed variable immediately. * @param {string} id ID of the variable to rename. * @param {string} newName New variable name. * @package */ renameVariableById(id: string, newName: string): void; /** * Delete a variable by the passed in ID. Update the flyout to show * immediately that the variable is deleted. * @param {string} id ID of variable to delete. * @package */ deleteVariableById(id: string): void; /** * Create a new variable with the given name. Update the flyout to show the * new variable immediately. * @param {string} name The new variable's name. * @param {string=} opt_type The type of the variable like 'int' or 'string'. * Does not need to be unique. Field_variable can filter variables based on * their type. This will default to '' which is a specific type. * @param {string=} opt_id The unique ID of the variable. This will default to * a UUID. * @return {Blockly.VariableModel} The newly created variable. * @package */ createVariable(name: string, opt_type?: string, opt_id?: string): Blockly.VariableModel; /** * Make a list of all the delete areas for this workspace. */ recordDeleteAreas(): void; /** * Is the mouse event over a delete area (toolbox or non-closing flyout)? * @param {!Event} e Mouse move event. * @return {?number} Null if not over a delete area, or an enum representing * which delete area the event is over. */ isDeleteArea(e: Event): number; /** * Start tracking a drag of an object on this workspace. * @param {!Event} e Mouse down event. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} xy Starting location of object. */ startDrag(e: Event, xy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Track a drag of an object on this workspace. * @param {!Event} e Mouse move event. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} New location of object. */ moveDrag(e: Event): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Is the user currently dragging a block or scrolling the flyout/workspace? * @return {boolean} True if currently dragging or scrolling. */ isDragging(): boolean; /** * Is this workspace draggable? * @return {boolean} True if this workspace may be dragged. */ isDraggable(): boolean; /** * Should the workspace have bounded content? Used to tell if the * workspace's content should be sized so that it can move (bounded) or not * (exact sizing). * @return {boolean} True if the workspace should be bounded, false otherwise. * @package */ isContentBounded(): boolean; /** * Is this workspace movable? * * This means the user can reposition the X Y coordinates of the workspace * through input. This can be through scrollbars, scroll wheel, dragging, or * through zooming with the scroll wheel (since the zoom is centered on the * mouse position). This does not include zooming with the zoom controls * since the X Y coordinates are decided programmatically. * @return {boolean} True if the workspace is movable, false otherwise. * @package */ isMovable(): boolean; /** * Calculate the bounding box for the blocks on the workspace. * Coordinate system: workspace coordinates. * * @return {!Blockly.utils.Rect} Contains the position and size of the * bounding box containing the blocks on the workspace. */ getBlocksBoundingBox(): Blockly.utils.Rect; /** * Clean up the workspace by ordering all the blocks in a column. */ cleanUp(): void; /** * Modify the block tree on the existing toolbox. * @param {Node|string} tree DOM tree of blocks, or text representation of same. */ updateToolbox(tree: Node|string): void; /** * Mark this workspace as the currently focused main workspace. */ markFocused(): void; /** * Zooms the workspace in or out relative to/centered on the given (x, y) * coordinate. * @param {number} x X coordinate of center, in pixel units relative to the * top-left corner of the parentSVG. * @param {number} y Y coordinate of center, in pixel units relative to the * top-left corner of the parentSVG. * @param {number} amount Amount of zooming. The formula for the new scale * is newScale = currentScale * (scaleSpeed^amount). scaleSpeed is set in * the workspace options. Negative amount values zoom out, and positive * amount values zoom in. */ zoom(x: number, y: number, amount: number): void; /** * Zooming the blocks centered in the center of view with zooming in or out. * @param {number} type Type of zooming (-1 zooming out and 1 zooming in). */ zoomCenter(type: number): void; /** * Zoom the blocks to fit in the workspace if possible. */ zoomToFit(): void; /** * Add a transition class to the block and bubble canvas, to animate any * transform changes. * @package */ beginCanvasTransition(): void; /** * Remove transition class from the block and bubble canvas. * @package */ endCanvasTransition(): void; /** * Center the workspace. */ scrollCenter(): void; /** * Scroll the workspace to center on the given block. * @param {?string} id ID of block center on. * @public */ centerOnBlock(id: string): void; /** * Set the workspace's zoom factor. * @param {number} newScale Zoom factor. Units: (pixels / workspaceUnit). */ setScale(newScale: number): void; /** * Scroll the workspace to a specified offset (in pixels), keeping in the * workspace bounds. See comment on workspaceSvg.scrollX for more detail on * the meaning of these values. * @param {number} x Target X to scroll to. * @param {number} y Target Y to scroll to. * @package */ scroll(x: number, y: number): void; /** * Update whether this workspace has resizes enabled. * If enabled, workspace will resize when appropriate. * If disabled, workspace will not resize until re-enabled. * Use to avoid resizing during a batch operation, for performance. * @param {boolean} enabled Whether resizes should be enabled. */ setResizesEnabled(enabled: boolean): void; /** * Dispose of all blocks in workspace, with an optimization to prevent resizes. */ clear(): void; /** * Register a callback function associated with a given key, for clicks on * buttons and labels in the flyout. * For instance, a button specified by the XML * * should be matched by a call to * registerButtonCallback("CREATE_VARIABLE", yourCallbackFunction). * @param {string} key The name to use to look up this function. * @param {function(!Blockly.FlyoutButton)} func The function to call when the * given button is clicked. */ registerButtonCallback(key: string, func: { (_0: Blockly.FlyoutButton): any /*missing*/ }): void; /** * Get the callback function associated with a given key, for clicks on buttons * and labels in the flyout. * @param {string} key The name to use to look up the function. * @return {?function(!Blockly.FlyoutButton)} The function corresponding to the * given key for this workspace; null if no callback is registered. */ getButtonCallback(key: string): { (_0: Blockly.FlyoutButton): any /*missing*/ }; /** * Remove a callback for a click on a button in the flyout. * @param {string} key The name associated with the callback function. */ removeButtonCallback(key: string): void; /** * Register a callback function associated with a given key, for populating * custom toolbox categories in this workspace. See the variable and procedure * categories as an example. * @param {string} key The name to use to look up this function. * @param {function(!Blockly.Workspace):!Array.} func The function to * call when the given toolbox category is opened. */ registerToolboxCategoryCallback(key: string, func: { (_0: Blockly.Workspace): Element[] }): void; /** * Get the callback function associated with a given key, for populating * custom toolbox categories in this workspace. * @param {string} key The name to use to look up the function. * @return {?function(!Blockly.Workspace):!Array.} The function * corresponding to the given key for this workspace, or null if no function * is registered. */ getToolboxCategoryCallback(key: string): { (_0: Blockly.Workspace): Element[] }; /** * Remove a callback for a click on a custom category's name in the toolbox. * @param {string} key The name associated with the callback function. */ removeToolboxCategoryCallback(key: string): void; /** * Look up the gesture that is tracking this touch stream on this workspace. * May create a new gesture. * @param {!Event} e Mouse event or touch event. * @return {Blockly.TouchGesture} The gesture that is tracking this touch * stream, or null if no valid gesture exists. * @package */ getGesture(e: Event): Blockly.TouchGesture; /** * Clear the reference to the current gesture. * @package */ clearGesture(): void; /** * Cancel the current gesture, if one exists. * @package */ cancelCurrentGesture(): void; /** * Get the audio manager for this workspace. * @return {Blockly.WorkspaceAudio} The audio manager for this workspace. */ getAudioManager(): Blockly.WorkspaceAudio; /** * Get the grid object for this workspace, or null if there is none. * @return {Blockly.Grid} The grid object for this workspace. * @package */ getGrid(): Blockly.Grid; } } declare module Blockly.Events { class CommentBase extends CommentBase__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class CommentBase__Class extends Blockly.Events.Abstract__Class { /** * Abstract class for a comment event. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment The comment this event corresponds * to. * @extends {Blockly.Events.Abstract} * @constructor */ constructor(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment); /** * The ID of the comment this event pertains to. * @type {string} */ commentId: string; /** * The workspace identifier for this event. * @type {string} */ workspaceId: string; /** * The event group id for the group this event belongs to. Groups define * events that should be treated as an single action from the user's * perspective, and should be undone together. * @type {string} */ group: string; /** * Sets whether the event should be added to the undo stack. * @type {boolean} */ recordUndo: boolean; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; } class CommentChange extends CommentChange__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class CommentChange__Class extends Blockly.Events.CommentBase__Class { /** * Class for a comment change event. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment The comment that is being changed. * Null for a blank event. * @param {string} oldContents Previous contents of the comment. * @param {string} newContents New contents of the comment. * @extends {Blockly.Events.CommentBase} * @constructor */ constructor(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment, oldContents: string, newContents: string); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Does this event record any change of state? * @return {boolean} False if something changed. */ isNull(): boolean; /** * Run a change event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class CommentCreate extends CommentCreate__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class CommentCreate__Class extends Blockly.Events.CommentBase__Class { /** * Class for a comment creation event. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment The created comment. * Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.CommentBase} * @constructor */ constructor(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a creation event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class CommentDelete extends CommentDelete__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class CommentDelete__Class extends Blockly.Events.CommentBase__Class { /** * Class for a comment deletion event. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment The deleted comment. * Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.CommentBase} * @constructor */ constructor(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment); /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Run a creation event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } class CommentMove extends CommentMove__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class CommentMove__Class extends Blockly.Events.CommentBase__Class { /** * Class for a comment move event. Created before the move. * @param {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} comment The comment that is being moved. * Null for a blank event. * @extends {Blockly.Events.CommentBase} * @constructor */ constructor(comment: Blockly.WorkspaceComment); /** * The comment that is being moved. Will be cleared after recording the new * location. * @type {Blockly.WorkspaceComment} */ comment_: Blockly.WorkspaceComment; /** * The location before the move, in workspace coordinates. * @type {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} */ oldCoordinate_: Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * The location after the move, in workspace coordinates. * @type {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} */ newCoordinate_: Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Record the comment's new location. Called after the move. Can only be * called once. */ recordNew(): void; /** * Type of this event. * @type {string} */ type: string; /** * Override the location before the move. Use this if you don't create the * event until the end of the move, but you know the original location. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} xy The location before the move, in workspace * coordinates. */ setOldCoordinate(xy: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): void; /** * Encode the event as JSON. * @return {!Object} JSON representation. */ toJson(): Object; /** * Decode the JSON event. * @param {!Object} json JSON representation. */ fromJson(json: Object): void; /** * Does this event record any change of state? * @return {boolean} False if something changed. */ isNull(): boolean; /** * Run a move event. * @param {boolean} forward True if run forward, false if run backward (undo). */ run(forward: boolean): void; } /** * Helper function for Comment[Create|Delete] * @param {!Blockly.Events.CommentCreate|!Blockly.Events.CommentDelete} event * The event to run. * @param {boolean} create if True then Create, if False then Delete */ function CommentCreateDeleteHelper(event: Blockly.Events.CommentCreate|Blockly.Events.CommentDelete, create: boolean): void; } declare module Blockly.Xml { /** * Encode a block tree as XML. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace containing blocks. * @param {boolean=} opt_noId True if the encoder should skip the block IDs. * @return {!Element} XML document. */ function workspaceToDom(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, opt_noId?: boolean): Element; /** * Encode a list of variables as XML. * @param {!Array.} variableList List of all variable * models. * @return {!Element} List of XML elements. */ function variablesToDom(variableList: Blockly.VariableModel[]): Element; /** * Encode a block subtree as XML with XY coordinates. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The root block to encode. * @param {boolean=} opt_noId True if the encoder should skip the block ID. * @return {!Element} Tree of XML elements. */ function blockToDomWithXY(block: Blockly.Block, opt_noId?: boolean): Element; /** * Encode a block subtree as XML. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The root block to encode. * @param {boolean=} opt_noId True if the encoder should skip the block ID. * @return {!Element} Tree of XML elements. */ function blockToDom(block: Blockly.Block, opt_noId?: boolean): Element; /** * Converts a DOM structure into plain text. * Currently the text format is fairly ugly: all one line with no whitespace. * @param {!Element} dom A tree of XML elements. * @return {string} Text representation. */ function domToText(dom: Element): string; /** * Converts a DOM structure into properly indented text. * @param {!Element} dom A tree of XML elements. * @return {string} Text representation. */ function domToPrettyText(dom: Element): string; /** * Converts an XML string into a DOM structure. * @param {string} text An XML string. * @return {!Element} A DOM object representing the singular child of the * document element. * @throws if the text doesn't parse. */ function textToDom(text: string): Element; /** * Clear the given workspace then decode an XML DOM and * create blocks on the workspace. * @param {!Element} xml XML DOM. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace. * @return {Array.} An array containing new block ids. */ function clearWorkspaceAndLoadFromXml(xml: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): string[]; /** * Decode an XML DOM and create blocks on the workspace. * @param {!Element} xml XML DOM. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace. * @return {!Array.} An array containing new block IDs. */ function domToWorkspace(xml: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): string[]; /** * Decode an XML DOM and create blocks on the workspace. Position the new * blocks immediately below prior blocks, aligned by their starting edge. * @param {!Element} xml The XML DOM. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to add to. * @return {Array.} An array containing new block IDs. */ function appendDomToWorkspace(xml: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): string[]; /** * Decode an XML block tag and create a block (and possibly sub blocks) on the * workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlBlock XML block element. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace. * @return {!Blockly.Block} The root block created. */ function domToBlock(xmlBlock: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): Blockly.Block; /** * Decode an XML list of variables and add the variables to the workspace. * @param {!Element} xmlVariables List of XML variable elements. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to which the variable * should be added. */ function domToVariables(xmlVariables: Element, workspace: Blockly.Workspace): void; /** * Remove any 'next' block (statements in a stack). * @param {!Element} xmlBlock XML block element. */ function deleteNext(xmlBlock: Element): void; } declare module Blockly { class ZoomControls extends ZoomControls__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class ZoomControls__Class { /** * Class for a zoom controls. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to sit in. * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace); /** * Create the zoom controls. * @return {!Element} The zoom controls SVG group. */ createDom(): Element; /** * Initialize the zoom controls. * @param {number} verticalSpacing Vertical distances from workspace edge to the * same edge of the controls. * @return {number} Vertical distance from workspace edge to the opposite * edge of the controls. */ init(verticalSpacing: number): number; /** * Dispose of this zoom controls. * Unlink from all DOM elements to prevent memory leaks. */ dispose(): void; /** * Position the zoom controls. * It is positioned in the opposite corner to the corner the * categories/toolbox starts at. */ position(): void; } } declare module Blockly { class ASTNode extends ASTNode__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class ASTNode__Class { /** * Class for an ast node. * It is recommended that you use one of the createNode methods instead of * creating a node directly. * @constructor * @param {!string} type The type of the location. * Must be in Bockly.ASTNode.types. * @param {Blockly.Block|Blockly.Connection|Blockly.Field|Blockly.Workspace} * location The position in the ast. * @param {Object=} params Optional dictionary of options. */ constructor(type: string, location: Blockly.Block|Blockly.Connection|Blockly.Field|Blockly.Workspace, params?: Object); /** * Gets the value pointed to by this node. * It is the callers responsibility to check the node type to figure out what * type of object they get back from this. * @return {!(Blockly.Field|Blockly.Connection|Blockly.Block|Blockly.Workspace)} * The current field, connection, workspace, or block the cursor is on. */ getLocation(): Blockly.Field|Blockly.Connection|Blockly.Block|Blockly.Workspace; /** * The type of the current location. * One of Blockly.ASTNode.types * @return {string} The type of the location. */ getType(): string; /** * The coordinate on the workspace. * @return {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} The workspace coordinate or null if the * location is not a workspace. */ getWsCoordinate(): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Get the parent input of the location. * @return {Blockly.Input} The parent input of the location or null if the node * is not input type. * @package */ getParentInput(): Blockly.Input; /** * Whether the node points to a connection. * @return {boolean} [description] * @package */ isConnection(): boolean; /** * Find the element to the right of the current element in the ast. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node that wraps the next field, connection, * block, or workspace. Or null if there is no node to the right. */ next(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the element one level below and all the way to the left of the current * location. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node that wraps the next field, connection, * workspace, or block. Or null if there is nothing below this node. */ in(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the element to the left of the current element in the ast. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node that wraps the previous field, * connection, workspace or block. Or null if no node exists to the left. * null. */ prev(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the next element that is one position above and all the way to the left * of the current location. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node that wraps the next field, connection, * workspace or block. Or null if we are at the workspace level. */ out(): Blockly.ASTNode; } } declare module Blockly.ASTNode { /** * Object holding different types for an ast node. */ var types: any /*missing*/; /** * Whether an ast node of the given type points to a connection. * @param {string} type The type to check. One of Blockly.ASTNode.types. * @return {boolean} True if a node of the given type points to a connection. * @package */ function isConnectionType(type: string): boolean; /** * Create an ast node pointing to a field. * @param {Blockly.Field} field The location of the ast node. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node pointing to a field. */ function createFieldNode(field: Blockly.Field): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Creates an ast node pointing to a connection. If the connection has a parent * input then create an ast node of type input that will hold the connection. * @param {Blockly.Connection} connection This is the connection the node will * point to. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node pointing to a connection. */ function createConnectionNode(connection: Blockly.Connection): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Creates an ast node pointing to an input. Stores the input connection as the * location. * @param {Blockly.Input} input The input used to create an ast node. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node pointing to a input. */ function createInputNode(input: Blockly.Input): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Creates an ast node pointing to a block. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block used to create an ast node. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node pointing to a block. */ function createBlockNode(block: Blockly.Block): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Create an ast node of type stack. A stack, represented by its top block, is * the set of all blocks connected to a top block, including the top block. * @param {Blockly.Block} topBlock A top block has no parent and can be found * in the list returned by workspace.getTopBlocks(). * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node of type stack that points to the top * block on the stack. */ function createStackNode(topBlock: Blockly.Block): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Creates an ast node pointing to a workpsace. * @param {Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace that we are on. * @param {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} wsCoordinate The position on the workspace for * this node. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} An ast node pointing to a workspace and a position * on the workspace. */ function createWorkspaceNode(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, wsCoordinate: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): Blockly.ASTNode; } declare module Blockly { class Cursor extends Cursor__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Cursor__Class { /** * Class for a cursor. * @constructor */ constructor(); /** * Object holding different types for a cursor. */ types: any /*missing*/; /** * Gets the current location of the cursor. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The current field, connection, or block the cursor * is on. */ getCurNode(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Set the location of the cursor and call the update method. * Setting isStack to true will only work if the newLocation is the top most * output or previous connection on a stack. * @param {Blockly.ASTNode} newNode The new location of the cursor. */ setLocation(newNode: Blockly.ASTNode): void; /** * Update method to be overwritten in cursor_svg. * @protected */ update_(): void; /** * Find the next connection, field, or block. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The next element, or null if the current node is * not set or there is no next value. */ next(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the in connection or field. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The in element, or null if the current node is * not set or there is no in value. */ in(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the previous connection, field, or block. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The previous element, or null if the current node * is not set or there is no previous value. */ prev(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the out connection, field, or block. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The out element, or null if the current node is * not set or there is no out value. */ out(): Blockly.ASTNode; } } declare module Blockly { class CursorSvg extends CursorSvg__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class CursorSvg__Class extends Blockly.Cursor__Class { /** * Class for a cursor. * @param {!Blockly.Workspace} workspace The workspace to sit in. * @param {?boolean} opt_isImmovable True if the cursor cannot be moved with * calls to prev/next/in/out. This is called a marker. * @extends {Blockly.Cursor} * @constructor */ constructor(workspace: Blockly.Workspace, opt_isImmovable: boolean); /** * Parent svg element. * This is generally a block's svg root, unless the cursor is on the workspace. * @type {Element} */ parent_: Element; /** * The current svg element for the cursor. * @type {Element} */ currentCursorSvg: Element; /** * Return the root node of the SVG or null if none exists. * @return {Element} The root SVG node. */ getSvgRoot(): Element; /** * Create the dom element for the cursor. * @return {!Element} The cursor controls SVG group. */ createDom(): Element; /** * Hide the cursor. */ hide(): void; /** * Update the cursor. * @package */ update_(): void; /** * Find the next connection, field, or block. * Does nothing if this cursor is an immovable marker. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The next element, or null if the current node is * not set or there is no next value. */ next(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the in connection or field. * Does nothing if this cursor is an immovable marker. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The in element, or null if the current node is * not set or there is no in value. */ in(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the previous connection, field, or block. * Does nothing if this cursor is an immovable marker. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The previous element, or null if the current node * is not set or there is no previous value. */ prev(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Find the out connection, field, or block. * Does nothing if this cursor is an immovable marker. * @return {Blockly.ASTNode} The out element, or null if the current node is * not set or there is no out value. */ out(): Blockly.ASTNode; /** * Dispose of this cursor. */ dispose(): void; } } declare module Blockly.CursorSvg { /** * Height of the horizontal cursor. * @type {number} * @const */ var CURSOR_HEIGHT: number; /** * Width of the horizontal cursor. * @type {number} * @const */ var CURSOR_WIDTH: number; /** * The start length of the notch. * @type {number} * @const */ var NOTCH_START_LENGTH: number; /** * Padding around the input. * @type {number} * @const */ var VERTICAL_PADDING: number; /** * Padding around a stack. * @type {number} * @const */ var STACK_PADDING: number; /** * Cursor color. * @type {string} * @const */ var CURSOR_COLOR: string; /** * Immovable marker color. * @type {string} * @const */ var MARKER_COLOR: string; } declare module Blockly.Navigation { /** * The marker that shows where a user has marked while navigating blocks. * @type {!Blockly.CursorSvg} */ var marker_: Blockly.CursorSvg; /** * A function to call to give feedback to the user about logs, warnings, and * errors. You can override this to customize feedback (e.g. warning sounds, * reading out the warning text, etc). * Null by default. * The first argument is one of 'log', 'warn', and 'error'. * The second argument is the message. * @type {function(string, string)} * @public */ var loggingCallback: { (_0: string, _1: string): any /*missing*/ }; /** * State indicating focus is currently on the flyout. * @type {number} */ var STATE_FLYOUT: number; /** * State indicating focus is currently on the workspace. * @type {number} */ var STATE_WS: number; /** * State indicating focus is currently on the toolbox. * @type {number} */ var STATE_TOOLBOX: number; /** * Set the navigation cursor. * @param {Blockly.Cursor} cursor The cursor to navigate through blocks on a * workspace. * @package */ function setCursor(cursor: Blockly.Cursor): void; /** * Set the navigation marker. * @param {Blockly.CursorSvg} marker The marker that shows where a user has * marked while navigating blocks. * @package */ function setMarker(marker: Blockly.CursorSvg): void; /** * Move the marker to the cursor's current location. * @package */ function markAtCursor(): void; /** * Remove the marker from its current location and hide it. * @package */ function removeMark(): void; /** * Set the state to the toolbox state and the current category as the first * category. */ function focusToolbox(): void; /** * Select the next category. * Taken from closure/goog/ui/tree/basenode.js */ function nextCategory(): void; /** * Select the previous category. * Taken from closure/goog/ui/tree/basenode.js */ function previousCategory(): void; /** * Go to child category if there is a nested category. * Taken from closure/goog/ui/tree/basenode.js */ function inCategory(): void; /** * Go to parent category if we are in a child category. * Taken from closure/goog/ui/tree/basenode.js */ function outCategory(): void; /** * Change focus to the flyout. */ function focusFlyout(): void; /** * Select the next block in the flyout. */ function selectNextBlockInFlyout(): void; /** * Select the previous block in the flyout. */ function selectPreviousBlockInFlyout(): void; /** * Get a list of all blocks in the flyout. * @return {!Array} List of blocks in the flyout. */ function getFlyoutBlocks_(): Blockly.BlockSvg[]; /** * If there is a marked connection try connecting the block from the flyout to * that connection. If no connection has been marked then inserting will place * it on the workspace. */ function insertFromFlyout(): void; /** * Reset flyout information, and optionally close the flyout. * @param {boolean} shouldHide True if the flyout should be hidden. */ function resetFlyout(shouldHide: boolean): void; /** * Handle the modifier key (currently I for Insert). * @return {boolean} True if the key was handled; false if something went wrong. * @package */ function modify(): boolean; /** * Connect the moving connection to the targetConnection. Disconnect the moving * connection if necessary, and and position the blocks so that the target * connection does not move. * @param {Blockly.RenderedConnection} movingConnection The connection to move. * @param {Blockly.RenderedConnection} targetConnection The connection that * stays stationary as the movingConnection attaches to it. * @return {boolean} Whether the connection was successful. * @package */ function connect(movingConnection: Blockly.RenderedConnection, targetConnection: Blockly.RenderedConnection): boolean; /** * Finds our best guess of what connection point on the given block the user is * trying to connect to given a target connection. * @param {Blockly.Block} block The block to be connected. * @param {Blockly.Connection} connection The connection to connect to. * @return {Blockly.Connection} blockConnection The best connection we can * determine for the block, or null if the block doesn't have a matching * connection for the given target connection. */ function findBestConnection(block: Blockly.Block, connection: Blockly.Connection): Blockly.Connection; /** * Tries to connect the given block to the target connection, making an * intelligent guess about which connection to use to on the moving block. * @param {!Blockly.Block} block The block to move. * @param {Blockly.Connection} targetConnection The connection to connect to. * @return {boolean} Whether the connection was successful. */ function insertBlock(block: Blockly.Block, targetConnection: Blockly.Connection): boolean; /** * Disconnect the connection that the cursor is pointing to, and bump blocks. * This is a no-op if the connection cannot be broken or if the cursor is not * pointing to a connection. * @package */ function disconnectBlocks(): void; /** * Sets the cursor to the previous or output connection of the selected block * on the workspace. * If no block is selected, places the cursor at a fixed point on the workspace. */ function focusWorkspace(): void; /** * Handles hitting the enter key on the workspace. */ function handleEnterForWS(): void; /** * TODO: Revisit keycodes before releasing * Handler for all the keyboard navigation events. * @param {Event} e The keyboard event. * @return {!boolean} True if the key was handled false otherwise. */ function navigate(e: Event): boolean; /** * Handles all keyboard events when the user is focused on the flyout. * @param {Event} e The keyboard event. * @return {!boolean} True if the key was handled false otherwise. */ function flyoutKeyHandler(e: Event): boolean; /** * Handles all keyboard events when the user is focused on the toolbox. * @param {Event} e The keyboard event. * @return {!boolean} True if the key was handled false otherwise. */ function toolboxKeyHandler(e: Event): boolean; /** * Handles all keyboard events when the user is focused on the workspace. * @param {Event} e The keyboard event. * @return {!boolean} True if the key was handled false otherwise. */ function workspaceKeyHandler(e: Event): boolean; /** * Enable accessibility mode. */ function enableKeyboardAccessibility(): void; /** * Disable accessibility mode. */ function disableKeyboardAccessibility(): void; /** * Navigation log handler. If loggingCallback is defined, use it. * Otherwise just log to the console. * @param {string} msg The message to log. * @package */ function log(msg: string): void; /** * Navigation warning handler. If loggingCallback is defined, use it. * Otherwise call Blockly.Navigation.warn. * @param {string} msg The warning message. * @package */ function warn(msg: string): void; /** * Navigation error handler. If loggingCallback is defined, use it. * Otherwise call console.error. * @param {string} msg The error message. * @package */ function error(msg: string): void; } declare module Blockly.utils { /** * Reference to the global object. */ var global: any /*missing*/; } declare module Blockly.utils.colour { /** * Parses a colour from a string. * .parse('red') -> '#ff0000' * .parse('#f00') -> '#ff0000' * .parse('#ff0000') -> '#ff0000' * .parse('rgb(255, 0, 0)') -> '#ff0000' * @param {string} str Colour in some CSS format. * @return {string|null} A string containing a hex representation of the colour, * or null if can't be parsed. */ function parse(str: string): string|any /*null*/; /** * Converts a colour from RGB to hex representation. * @param {number} r Amount of red, int between 0 and 255. * @param {number} g Amount of green, int between 0 and 255. * @param {number} b Amount of blue, int between 0 and 255. * @return {string} Hex representation of the colour. */ function rgbToHex(r: number, g: number, b: number): string; /** * Converts a hex representation of a colour to RGB. * @param {string} hexColor Colour in '#ff0000' format. * @return {!Array.} RGB representation of the colour. */ function hexToRgb(hexColor: string): number[]; /** * Converts an HSV triplet to hex representation. * @param {number} h Hue value in [0, 360]. * @param {number} s Saturation value in [0, 1]. * @param {number} v Brightness in [0, 255]. * @return {string} Hex representation of the colour. */ function hsvToHex(h: number, s: number, v: number): string; /** * Blend two colours together, using the specified factor to indicate the * weight given to the first colour. * @param {string} colour1 First colour. * @param {string} colour2 Second colour. * @param {number} factor The weight to be given to colour1 over colour2. * Values should be in the range [0, 1]. * @return {string} Combined colour represented in hex. */ function blend(colour1: string, colour2: string, factor: number): string; /** * A map that contains the 16 basic colour keywords as defined by W3C: * https://www.w3.org/TR/2018/REC-css-color-3-20180619/#html4 * The keys of this map are the lowercase "readable" names of the colours, * while the values are the "hex" values. * * @type {!Object} */ var names: { [key: string]: string }; } declare module Blockly.utils { class Coordinate extends Coordinate__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Coordinate__Class { /** * Class for representing coordinates and positions. * @param {number} x Left. * @param {number} y Top. * @struct * @constructor */ constructor(x: number, y: number); /** * X-value * @type {number} */ x: number; /** * Y-value * @type {number} */ y: number; /** * Scales this coordinate by the given scale factor. * @param {number} s The scale factor to use for both x and y dimensions. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} This coordinate after scaling. */ scale(s: number): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Translates this coordinate by the given offsets. * respectively. * @param {number} tx The value to translate x by. * @param {number} ty The value to translate y by. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} This coordinate after translating. */ translate(tx: number, ty: number): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; } } declare module Blockly.utils.Coordinate { /** * Compares coordinates for equality. * @param {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} a A Coordinate. * @param {Blockly.utils.Coordinate} b A Coordinate. * @return {boolean} True iff the coordinates are equal, or if both are null. */ function equals(a: Blockly.utils.Coordinate, b: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): boolean; /** * Returns the distance between two coordinates. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} a A Coordinate. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} b A Coordinate. * @return {number} The distance between `a` and `b`. */ function distance(a: Blockly.utils.Coordinate, b: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): number; /** * Returns the magnitude of a coordinate. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} a A Coordinate. * @return {number} The distance between the origin and `a`. */ function magnitude(a: Blockly.utils.Coordinate): number; /** * Returns the difference between two coordinates as a new * Blockly.utils.Coordinate. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate|!SVGPoint} a An x/y coordinate. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate|!SVGPoint} b An x/y coordinate. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} A Coordinate representing the difference * between `a` and `b`. */ function difference(a: Blockly.utils.Coordinate|SVGPoint, b: Blockly.utils.Coordinate|SVGPoint): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; /** * Returns the sum of two coordinates as a new Blockly.utils.Coordinate. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate|!SVGPoint} a An x/y coordinate. * @param {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate|!SVGPoint} b An x/y coordinate. * @return {!Blockly.utils.Coordinate} A Coordinate representing the sum of * the two coordinates. */ function sum(a: Blockly.utils.Coordinate|SVGPoint, b: Blockly.utils.Coordinate|SVGPoint): Blockly.utils.Coordinate; } declare module Blockly.utils.dom { /** * Required name space for SVG elements. * @const */ var SVG_NS: any /*missing*/; /** * Required name space for HTML elements. * @const */ var HTML_NS: any /*missing*/; /** * Required name space for XLINK elements. * @const */ var XLINK_NS: any /*missing*/; /** * Node type constants. * https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/nodeType * @enum {number} */ enum Node { ELEMENT_NODE, TEXT_NODE, COMMENT_NODE, DOCUMENT_POSITION_CONTAINED_BY } /** * Helper method for creating SVG elements. * @param {string} name Element's tag name. * @param {!Object} attrs Dictionary of attribute names and values. * @param {Element} parent Optional parent on which to append the element. * @return {!SVGElement} Newly created SVG element. */ function createSvgElement(name: string, attrs: Object, parent: Element): SVGElement; /** * Add a CSS class to a element. * Similar to Closure's goog.dom.classes.add, except it handles SVG elements. * @param {!Element} element DOM element to add class to. * @param {string} className Name of class to add. * @return {boolean} True if class was added, false if already present. */ function addClass(element: Element, className: string): boolean; /** * Remove a CSS class from a element. * Similar to Closure's goog.dom.classes.remove, except it handles SVG elements. * @param {!Element} element DOM element to remove class from. * @param {string} className Name of class to remove. * @return {boolean} True if class was removed, false if never present. */ function removeClass(element: Element, className: string): boolean; /** * Checks if an element has the specified CSS class. * Similar to Closure's goog.dom.classes.has, except it handles SVG elements. * @param {!Element} element DOM element to check. * @param {string} className Name of class to check. * @return {boolean} True if class exists, false otherwise. */ function hasClass(element: Element, className: string): boolean; /** * Removes a node from its parent. No-op if not attached to a parent. * @param {Node} node The node to remove. * @return {Node} The node removed if removed; else, null. */ function removeNode(node: Node): Node; /** * Insert a node after a reference node. * Contrast with node.insertBefore function. * @param {!Element} newNode New element to insert. * @param {!Element} refNode Existing element to precede new node. */ function insertAfter(newNode: Element, refNode: Element): void; /** * Whether a node contains another node. * @param {!Node} parent The node that should contain the other node. * @param {!Node} descendant The node to test presence of. * @return {boolean} Whether the parent node contains the descendant node. */ function containsNode(parent: Node, descendant: Node): boolean; /** * Sets the CSS transform property on an element. This function sets the * non-vendor-prefixed and vendor-prefixed versions for backwards compatibility * with older browsers. See https://caniuse.com/#feat=transforms2d * @param {!Element} element Element to which the CSS transform will be applied. * @param {string} transform The value of the CSS `transform` property. */ function setCssTransform(element: Element, transform: string): void; } declare module Blockly.utils.math { /** * Converts degrees to radians. * Copied from Closure's goog.math.toRadians. * @param {number} angleDegrees Angle in degrees. * @return {number} Angle in radians. */ function toRadians(angleDegrees: number): number; /** * Converts radians to degrees. * Copied from Closure's goog.math.toDegrees. * @param {number} angleRadians Angle in radians. * @return {number} Angle in degrees. */ function toDegrees(angleRadians: number): number; /** * Clamp the provided number between the lower bound and the upper bound. * @param {number} lowerBound The desired lower bound. * @param {number} number The number to clamp. * @param {number} upperBound The desired upper bound. * @return {number} The clamped number. */ function clamp(lowerBound: number, number: number, upperBound: number): number; } declare module Blockly.utils { class Rect extends Rect__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Rect__Class { /** * Class for representing rectangular regions. * @param {number} top Top. * @param {number} bottom Bottom. * @param {number} left Left. * @param {number} right Right. * @struct * @constructor */ constructor(top: number, bottom: number, left: number, right: number); /** @type {number} */ top: number; /** @type {number} */ bottom: number; /** @type {number} */ left: number; /** @type {number} */ right: number; /** * Tests whether this rectangle contains a x/y coordinate. * * @param {number} x The x coordinate to test for containment. * @param {number} y The y coordinate to test for containment. * @return {boolean} Whether this rectangle contains given coordinate. */ contains(x: number, y: number): boolean; } } declare module Blockly.utils { class Size extends Size__Class { } /** Fake class which should be extended to avoid inheriting static properties */ class Size__Class { /** * Class for representing sizes consisting of a width and height. * @param {number} width Width. * @param {number} height Height. * @struct * @constructor */ constructor(width: number, height: number); /** * Width * @type {number} */ width: number; /** * Height * @type {number} */ height: number; } } declare module Blockly.utils.Size { /** * Compares sizes for equality. * @param {Blockly.utils.Size} a A Size. * @param {Blockly.utils.Size} b A Size. * @return {boolean} True iff the sizes have equal widths and equal * heights, or if both are null. */ function equals(a: Blockly.utils.Size, b: Blockly.utils.Size): boolean; } declare module Blockly.utils._string { /** * Fast prefix-checker. * Copied from Closure's goog.string.startsWith. * @param {string} str The string to check. * @param {string} prefix A string to look for at the start of `str`. * @return {boolean} True if `str` begins with `prefix`. */ function startsWith(str: string, prefix: string): boolean; /** * Given an array of strings, return the length of the shortest one. * @param {!Array.} array Array of strings. * @return {number} Length of shortest string. */ function shortestStringLength(array: string[]): number; /** * Given an array of strings, return the length of the common prefix. * Words may not be split. Any space after a word is included in the length. * @param {!Array.} array Array of strings. * @param {number=} opt_shortest Length of shortest string. * @return {number} Length of common prefix. */ function commonWordPrefix(array: string[], opt_shortest?: number): number; /** * Given an array of strings, return the length of the common suffix. * Words may not be split. Any space after a word is included in the length. * @param {!Array.} array Array of strings. * @param {number=} opt_shortest Length of shortest string. * @return {number} Length of common suffix. */ function commonWordSuffix(array: string[], opt_shortest?: number): number; /** * Wrap text to the specified width. * @param {string} text Text to wrap. * @param {number} limit Width to wrap each line. * @return {string} Wrapped text. */ function wrap(text: string, limit: number): string; } declare module Blockly.utils.svgPaths { /** * Create a string representing the given x, y pair. It does not matter whether * the coordinate is relative or absolute. The result has leading * and trailing spaces, and separates the x and y coordinates with a comma but * no space. * @param {number} x The x coordinate. * @param {number} y The y coordinate. * @return {string} A string of the format ' x,y ' * @public */ function point(x: number, y: number): string; /** * Draw a curbic or quadratic curve. See * developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/d#Cubic_B%C3%A9zier_Curve * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * @param {string} command The command to use. * Should be one of: c, C, s, S, q, Q. * @param {string} points An array containing all of the points to pass to the * curve command, in order. The points are represented as strings of the * format ' x, y '. * @return {string} A string defining one or more Bezier curves. See the MDN * documentation for exact format. * @public */ function curve(command: string, points: string): string; /** * Move the cursor to the given position without drawing a line. * The coordinates are absolute. * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths#Line_commands * @param {number} x The absolute x coordinate. * @param {number} y The absolute y coordinate. * @return {string} A string of the format ' M x,y ' * @public */ function moveTo(x: number, y: number): string; /** * Move the cursor to the given position without drawing a line. * Coordinates are relative. * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths#Line_commands * @param {number} dx The relative x coordinate. * @param {number} dy The relative y coordinate. * @return {string} A string of the format ' m dx,dy ' * @public */ function moveBy(dx: number, dy: number): string; /** * Draw a line from the current point to the end point, which is the current * point shifted by dx along the x-axis and dy along the y-axis. * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths#Line_commands * @param {number} dx The relative x coordinate. * @param {number} dy The relative y coordinate. * @return {string} A string of the format ' l dx,dy ' * @public */ function lineTo(dx: number, dy: number): string; /** * Draw multiple lines connecting all of the given points in order. This is * equivalent to a series of 'l' commands. * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Tutorial/Paths#Line_commands * @param {!Array.} points An array containing all of the points to * draw lines to, in order. The points are represented as strings of the * format ' dx,dy '. * @return {string} A string of the format ' l (dx,dy)+ ' * @public */ function line(points: string[]): string; /** * Draw a horizontal or vertical line. * The first argument specifies the direction and whether the given position is * relative or absolute. * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/d#LineTo_path_commands * @param {string} command The command to prepend to the coordinate. This * should be one of: V, v, H, h. * @param {number} val The coordinate to pass to the command. It may be * absolute or relative. * @return {string} A string of the format ' command val ' * @public */ function lineOnAxis(command: string, val: number): string; /** * Draw an elliptical arc curve. * These coordinates are unitless and hence in the user coordinate system. * See developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/d#Elliptical_Arc_Curve * @param {string} command The command string. Either 'a' or 'A'. * @param {string} flags The flag string. See the MDN documentation for a * description and examples. * @param {number} radius The radius of the arc to draw. * @param {string} point The point to move the cursor to after drawing the arc, * specified either in absolute or relative coordinates depending on the * command. * @return {string} A string of the format 'command radius radius flags point' * @public */ function arc(command: string, flags: string, radius: number, point: string): string; } declare module Blockly.utils.xml { /** * Namespace for Blockly's XML. */ var NAME_SPACE: any /*missing*/; /** * Create DOM element for XML. * @param {string} tagName Name of DOM element. * @return {!Element} New DOM element. * @public */ function createElement(tagName: string): Element; /** * Create text element for XML. * @param {string} text Text content. * @return {!Node} New DOM node. * @public */ function createTextNode(text: string): Node; /** * Converts an XML string into a DOM tree. This method will be overridden in * the Node.js build of Blockly. See gulpfile.js, blockly_javascript_en task. * @param {string} text XML string. * @return {Document} The DOM document. * @throws if XML doesn't parse. * @public */ function textToDomDocument(text: string): Document; /** * Converts a DOM structure into plain text. * Currently the text format is fairly ugly: all one line with no whitespace. * @param {!Element} dom A tree of XML elements. * @return {string} Text representation. * @public */ function domToText(dom: Element): string; } declare module Blockly.Msg { /** * Each message is preceded with a triple-slash comment that becomes the * message descriptor. The build process extracts these descriptors, adds * them to msg/json/qqq.json, and they show up in the translation console. */ var LOGIC_HUE: any /*missing*/; }